Freddy Woo writes, "My school bully just friended me on Facebook!" No doubt he pokes him, and then demands his lunch money.
Personally, last month a scantily clad young woman confused me with her fiance, with whom I share a first and last name. I'm still not sure she's noticed, but she's going to be mortified when she does.
What's the biggest mistake you've made using a social networking site?
( , Thu 11 Sep 2008, 14:06)
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I am on Myspace, and Facebook. They have been an equal blessing, and a curse in my experience. Lets centre on two examples of curses:
I added one of my two sisters to my Facebook account, after she found me from my eldest nieces friend list. Not even sure why I added her, as she is only 10 minutes walk away from where I live.
The next thing I hear from my folks, is that they had had a close look of my Facebook account from a laptop in Wales, in the middle of a camp site using a wireless dongle on one of the mobile phone networks. And they took particular umbrage to my religion, which I had set as “Borderline LaVeyan Satanist”.
When I see them next accusations of sacrificing animals and “dabbling with dangerous forces that are unknown” come flying from them. If my sister actually had looked on Wikipedia about LaVeyan Satanism, her and my folks will actually discover that it’s one of the only few religions that comes close to being anything that resembles common sense.
I believe my sister only added me because she wanted to scrutinise her “weirdo black sheep goth baby brother”. I am contemplating deletion, but no doubt my folks would be burning my fucking ear “by proxy” on her behalf it I do.
Myspace has been great for me, and I have met quite a few of these people in real life. But, this said, it has also caused the catastrophic implosion of a 12 year friendship with someone I considered was one of my best friends. He has become “very pally” with this crew of people that I originally met in the first place, and now this person has valued them far more than me. The trouble is, he has turned into an arse hat of the highest order and has become drunk with his own power from worshipping these “Tin Gods”, calling me all the bastards under the sun and brain washing them as a result.
By “Tin Gods”, I mean fakers that are only exploiting him (staying at his house every other weekend, which co-incidentally is every other week. Giro Day to be precise, as they’re unemployed to name one), and sharing the “common denominator” of losing parents & grandparents over the past couple of years. A vague, and tenuous link if ever there was one. Talk about grief tourism.
So, sticking with someone for 12 years, through various crises when everyone else has fucked off and left him up shit creek without a paddle irrespective of their misdemeanours doesn’t account for shit. Not forgetting some decent friends gave me printed evidence of him blogging me in a derogatory manner online. Which, I have actually chosen to laminate for future reference, if I ever choose to reconsider and bury the hatchet. Not fucking likely now.
People, they fucking suck.
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 0:44, 14 replies)

I've read the Satanic bible, and I wouldn't consider the second half (the satanic mass, complete with black turnip slices) has much connection common sense.
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 9:52, closed)

Those were predictable responses. Clearly you didn't read I put Borderline LaVeyan Satanist. Meaning that if i was to have any form of religious stance at all, it would be LaVeyan Satanism. I found it a more interesting response than "Apathetic" or "Athiest".
Worked for quirky "shock value" on the boring arses that are in my Facebook friend list anway. Next!
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 10:45, closed)

"Its teachings are based on magic and occultists"
And then from the 11 Satanic Statements:
"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
Yeah, this sounds based on common sense...
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 11:48, closed)

I am glad someone actually paid attention and looked at the definition of LaVeyan Satanism.
Good on you sir!
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 11:52, closed)

But I do think that equating the 'teachings' found on that page to any form of common sense is pretty ridiculous. If you ask someone to stop bothering you and they don't, you should destroy them?
To be honest I'd be more inclined to go with engekomkommer, in that I generally find religion and common sense to be mutually exclusive.
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 11:55, closed)

But I did state one of the only few religions that comes close to being anything that resembles common sense.
I didn't actually state that it was complete and total common sense. Which, the rest of the posters on this thread seem to have omitted.
Anyway, each to their own and all that.
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 12:18, closed)

I've also found that LaVay Satanism is the closest thing I’ve found to a religion that makes sense - but the book in itself even states that Satanism itself STARTS with atheism.
And the buiness about 'destorying' people is really his way of saying 'Dont take any shit, or people will step all over you'.
The satanic bible itself is more about some guy making basic observations about life and the double standards of both people and religious factions - most people that haven't been blinded by religion already know most of the stuff he discusses.
Its more a guide than an full blown religion - especially since It’s a book that prides itself on logic, and the last HALF of the book is spells and rituals!!?? Yeah, very logical!
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 16:05, closed)

but you were wrong. Destroying people who bother you is not even close to common sense. Also, I doubt wikipedia is really the place to find spiritual truths anyway.
Good God, man! You're 31!
( , Tue 16 Sep 2008, 22:17, closed)

Seriously. But hopefully you'll grow out of it.
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 16:06, closed)

Actually I belive it is dripping off him. Althought it is probably reeking as well.
Surely religion negates commonsense.
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 23:06, closed)

I'd like to use a nude woman for an altar, it would definitely save on candle sticks and possibly holy water. Don't think I'd want to try the communion wafer though.
( , Mon 15 Sep 2008, 23:09, closed)
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