Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us: "My dad's friend told us there's no such thing as gravity - it's just the weight of air holding us down". Tell us of times you've been floored by abject stupidity. "Whenever I read the Daily Express" is not a valid answer.
( , Thu 18 Mar 2010, 16:48)
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We were promised hope, change, the most transparent and ethical administration ever. We were promised no lobbyists, and bipartisanship. We were promised that America would be proud. We were told the war would end, domestic spying would end and jobs for everyone. It was a new day! Hallelujah! Some looked to his lack of business, administrative and legislative experience and cautioned against creating a cult of personality; they noted his dearth of military experience and his open association with racists and terrorists.
What we got was staggering unemployment, a cabinet full of tax cheats and lobbyists, deals cut behind closed doors to buy (with taxpayer money) the allegiance of the weak. The war was put into overdrive using the same policies that were decried for two years on the campaign trail; domestic spying actually increased and we were promised there was no expectation of privacy in mobile phones, email or social networking: something that would have led to the lynching of his predecessor.
Anything bad that happened was blamed on his predecessor, even though he spent two years saying that despite those issues HE HAD A PLAN to remedy the same. It seems like the plan was to put his buddies in power, a little elite politburo that mocked the blue collar, gave money to friendly corporations (read: political contributors), vilified opposing corporations until they paid their extortion money and bowed to every tin pot dictator known to man (but not the Queen, ohhh no).
Stupid poetic justice!
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 14:49, 35 replies)

All the people whose imaginations are so lacking they can't even write hamfisted porn are regaling us with tales of 'somebody I know once admitted to not knowing something that I do'.
These people are even worse than SpankyHanky.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 15:06, closed)

( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 15:07, closed)

I'm assuming that you really are a septic. That being the case you should be aware of this little revolt thingy starting in the 1770s, (this means that you don't have to bow to the Queen).
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 15:54, closed)

( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 15:56, closed)

what the fuck is this rant aimed at?!
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:01, closed)

It's another tax with the words 'healthcare reform' written on the top in crayon...
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:29, closed)

the bastards!
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:39, closed)

which US president is this aimed at? I genuinely can't tell.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:05, closed)

It's right up there with those 'dear Gordon' stories from the other week as satire goes.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:10, closed)

Of at least a couple of the Dear Gordon letters, I'd like to disavow any comparison with this right-wing nutjob. Any person willing to align with the sort who are calling a viable national health service for the USA a "death tax" is a taunt of the highest order.
I think this was a genuine opinion and the poster is now trying to back-pedal and look like it was meant as some sort of joke - I mean, who wouldn't want a man who still thinks he's in 'Nam and a moose-hunting moron who thinks calling a child "track" because she liked running at school is witty as the controllers of the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world? I mean, they and their party were honest, right?
God what a gimp.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 18:51, closed)

my right eyebrow has now cramped up higher than the other...
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:30, closed)

American's I meet here in Oz no longer pretend they're Canadians. That's a good thing.
And you've finally passed a bill that means that you won't die of a treatable disease just because you're poor.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:24, closed)

It isn't one of those, "we though Obama was a demi god that was going to change everything" dudes. I can't even tell?
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:40, closed)

I try to be open minded, I don't care what a person believes, but I would just like consistency - if it's bad for one side, the same thing should be bad for the other.
I didn't mention healthcare, don't know where you go that. Emergency healthcare is already funded for the poor, that's a canard. If you want to see what a mess the govt. has made with govt. run healthcare google "Indian Health Services" and complaints. Maybe you see American Indians as sub-human; I don't.
My biggest disappointment was the promise of a new type of politician. Call it naive, but people actually hope that they don't lie through their teeth just to get elected and if they do, they should be called on it.
Judging by the comments, I could have said I raped kittens and you would have cheered; question Obama and I should be lambasted.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 16:55, closed)

you're not questioning anything. You're having a poorly written spack-attack online.
we're not flaming you for question a liberal ethic; we're flaming you because you're a moron obviously.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 17:00, closed)

Go ahead, show me your love and tolerance some more. And while you're at it, pick up a grammar book.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 17:25, closed)

highlighting a typo; the last resort of a desperate man.
and just in case you're actually that thick: I mean to say "questioning".
Can I just quickly indicate, as a post-script, that you still haven't quantified any of your points and are, in fact, still coming across like a brain-donor.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 21:29, closed)

What the fuck is wrong with you? Kittens should be seduced with candle lit dinners and balls of string.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 18:03, closed)

It appears to bear no relation to the actual comments in the thread.
I'm in no way complaining about your original post, I just don't understand what most of it's on about. I think it's safe to assume that most of that confusion stems from my own lack of knowledge about the US presidency.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 18:51, closed)

join the club.
i've no problem with obama, but he never claimed to be a new 'type' of politician. oh, and you are talking about the healthcare bill:
'deals cut behind closed doors to buy (with taxpayer money) the allegiance of the weak'. you watch glenn beck AICMFP.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 18:53, closed)

He did claim to be a new type of politician, over and over. The back-door deals I was speaking about concerned the bailouts to Wall Street where one firm got hammered and the other got favors, e.g. the AIG bail-out was a honey of a deal for Goldman Sachs, all close political friends.
Don't watch Beck, I'd rather play Halo 3, but I do read quite a bit.
My apologies to the board for making you think this post was funny, given all the replies. I started out somewhat bemused and tongue-in-cheek, but I apparently hit the wrong nerve.
BrokenCoccyx, over and out.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 19:15, closed)

the problem you've got here, sonnyjim, is that you've gone ahead and made a lot of accusations, and when drawn into debate (which, on b3ta, will happen anytime you make a semi-contentious argument about anything at all), haven't pulled up any facts to support yourself, and instead you've simply reiterated your points and then made some excuse and disappeared.
like most b3tans, i'm british. we are fiercely proud of our national healthcare system. i now live in canada, where they are also very proud of govt. sponsored healthcare. it seems to us that most of the criticism of obama really came into play once he outlined a plan that many pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies felt threatened by. as far as i'm concerned, he's fought his bollocks off for something that will have a lasting benefit for millions of people caught at the bottom of the system. he can now rape as many kittens as he wants. it'll take something monumental (like going into an unjustified war) for him to get remembered for something else.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 19:45, closed)

OK, sonnyjames, if you look at the replies, I did give facts. No, the allegiance of the weak comment was not about healthcare, it was about bailing out weak financial institutions that should have failed: yes, it may hurt, but sometimes tough times make you stronger - read the earlier reply, I can't be much clearer!
As for healthcare, I lived in Canada for a few years and it seemed that aside from sniffles, if there was important stuff to be done, then people went to the States for operations because they could get them done faster.
I have lived on Indian reservations and the government has failed. Under the American system, my son, Congress has to appropriate money for any program, including healthcare. That is why Medicare and Medicaid are BANKRUPT (and filled with graft, corruption and waste). If Congress, does not appropriate the money (say, because they want to get votes from one state, or one interest of the other) then the funding stays at the same level or they go into deficit spending. Indian Health Services has been at the same funding level since 2002, because Congress just doesn't care about Indians and they have other votes to buy.
There's a saying on the rez not to get sick after August, because you will only get pain meds to last you till the next year.
I simply don't believe government needs to control all aspects of our life, health and economy. The only result is dependence and I have better things to be dependent on.
PS: kittens give that come hither look and then claim that "no" means "no".
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 20:32, closed)

but the cost of paying to privatised, profit-driven companies has meant that the average american spends waaaaay more on healthcare ( www.commonwealthfund.org/Content/Publications/Fund-Reports/2007/Jan/Slowing-the-Growth-of-U-S--Health-Care-Expenditures--What-Are-the-Options.aspx ) than virtually anywhere else in the world. at the very least, this bill stops insurance companies from dropping coverage, and will help people with pre-existing medical conditions.
Natives have a very hard time of it in Canada too. I'm the last person to say it's their fault, but due to the tax free status of the reservations, not enough politicians will have an interest in representing their needs to parliament/congress. It's not like the reservation casino money has been ploughed back into the communities they plunder for profit.
Whilst I agree that not everything should be state-run, some industries are too close to essential services to be privatised. Would you allow the police or fire services to be completely privatised? The point is that there are some things that every state should be able to say are offered to every citizen, and healthcare really needs to be one of them. If you don't think so, then I suggest living without it for a while. Presently, I am without any healthcare coverage in Canada until my Visa is sorted. Until that point, I'm shitting myself. Not for if something happens to me, but for the cost of it when it comes.
Finally, the problem that immediately comes to mind when people in the US talk of how they'd rather have their independence is that there are so many people who slip through the cracks, especially those with mental health problems or intellectual disabilities. My wife suffers from an anxiety disorder that can be crippling if not managed with subsidised medication (there's no way we'd be able to afford the full cost of it), and recently had an attack so bad that she called 911. paramedics and the fire service were at the house within five minutes, by which time she was beginning to calm down. in a privatised system. we'd have been faced with a massive bill for the callout. it wasn't a false call, or a false alarm, but there's no provision for that when every callout needs its costs recovered directly. some would call it a waste of resources, which is fine with me. all i know is i don't have a choice.
edit: i won't even get started on the bailout stuff. i really will be here all day. all i'll say is that your attitude is indicative of the american stance: 'if they've got the most money, it means they worked harder than everyone else to get it, so they deserve more than people who are too lazy to get jobs'. i'm no socialist, but i've heard this kind of view far too often, and it's myopic beyond belief.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 21:05, closed)

First, despite your little dig, as far as the bail-outs go, I was clear that I was against them. What made me more mad was that some firms were allowed to fail and others (with the right political ties) got bailouts - see AIG/Goldman Sachs and their relation to the Secy of Treasury.
But I do believe that if a doctor decides to dedicate 14+ years of his life, incur hellish debt and go through the hell they do to be certified instead of smoking dope and dropping out, then he should earn more. More power to him. Same for a painter that wants to paint more or a kitten that spend more hours on the street corner.
Healthcare costs are really not lower due to the higher taxes, that tend to hit things that the poor need or want (like tanning or something silly). The other problem is that there are mandates which mean that only certain insurance companies (with the right political ties) get to work in a certain state - open that up and competition would drop the prices.
I was in a similar situation as you while in Canada. As for medication, there are many private companies, like the chain Target that provide low-cost generics, often for $4 a prescription. There are ways to make it work without some bureaucrat deciding what you need.
The taxation issue on Indian country is a myth. Yes, if the income is derived on the reservation, they don't pay STATE taxes, but still must pay FEDERAL taxes. Also, of the 500+ reservations in the states about half have casinos, and about 10% have large enough population bases to make them really profitable.
The only interest politicians have (I'll except John Thune, Tom Daschle, Tim Johnson, and their ilk) most only care for Indians at election time.
I too have been without insurance for almost a year due to losing full-time employment. I have worked out payment systems for the thousands of dollars my broken coccyx has cost me the past few months. My behind, my problem.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 21:43, closed)

it's a joke how so many dollars were handed over to companies that then also went on to pay their execs huge bonuses to boot. it felt like a smack in the face when it happened in the UK. there seemed to be a lot going on behind closed doors, though i know that each bailout appeal was presented to committee and examined thoroughly, with some degree of independence.
unfortunately, i say no to just about everything else.
doctors can certainly earn as much as they like, but kickbacks from pharm companies and charging more for treatments are no way of going about that. i'd like to think that my doctor, as with my local politicians, do what they do for the sake of helping people. any artist paints for arts sake, and any kitten kittens for kittenings sake. the moment that the money becomes more important than the care is the moment you should stop working as a trusted and licensed medical practitioner. should a soldier switch sides if he gets offered more money?
by 'competition would drop the prices', you mean that prices may be in competition with each other, but the market value is set by the industry, which is self protecting. they do have shareholders to report to after all. hence the privatised price of care/insurance is always going to be higher than the socialised cost.
meds in canada can be cheap. one of the ones my wife takes is quite reasonable, but the generic edition of another is $50 a month, down from $80. when we lived in the UK, there was a flat rate of $10 a prescription, regardless of the drug.
state taxes are way more than federal taxes.
i genuinely hope nothing else happens to you until you get your insurance back. if not, then good luck, because you're a car/stair/kitten accident away from being in debt for the rest of your life.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 22:03, closed)

Sorry mate, I have read the thread and I would like to point out one glaring flaw in your argument. The wish not to let 'bureaucrats' decide on you health care is something I support, but at the moment the insurance companies decide, and that comes down to a cost/benefit analysis, your ability to pay being the benefit,and the treatment the cost. Get where I'm coming from?
I really hope you guys over the pond sort out the healthcare thing, because you pay twice as much out of your salary than I did as a Brit, and you get a far worse deal (as long as you take the entire population as a whole as your sample, rather than say Bill Gates) than we do.
Also, it takes two to tango. Bipartinsanship is hard thing to achieve unilaterally, and from where I sit, the GOP hasn't been a willing partner.
( , Wed 24 Mar 2010, 23:32, closed)
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