Join our mini Meaning Of Liff project by matching up British villages with experiences and emotions you only have because of the internet and modern life.
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( , Mon 30 Jul 2018, 13:23)
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The overwhelming feeling of melancholic misery, hopeless outlook and an urge to pull ones teeth with pliers matched with suppurating wounds to the soles of the feet.
( , Wed 2 May 2018, 7:29, Reply)

That weird short-lived cold sensation immediately following you stubbing your toe but before the realisation of what has happened hits you
( , Wed 2 May 2018, 2:38, Reply)

The repeated act of taking a selfie and then deleting it because you are under the impression that you can look as hot as anyone on Instagram given enough time
( , Wed 2 May 2018, 2:20, Reply)

Twitter user with a novel in progress who only communicates in severely hashtagged sentence fragments.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 22:48, Reply)

The act of chasing down and killing an Amazon delivery driver on a doorstep after you've been waiting in all day and received yet another 'Sorry we missed you card' instead of your order.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 20:34, Reply)

That feeling of nausea caused by poking your toothbrush too far down the back of your tongue.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 18:53, Reply)

n. Person in charge of dispatching chickens and turkeys that have been hand-reared on a farm.
"Where's the Pluckley gone? That bastard cock had me up at 4am and he needs his neck wringing. Get the Pluckley!"
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 18:50, Reply)

An increasingly aggressive series of forum posts from which the poster manages to disprove a point they were trying to prove or vice versa.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:53, Reply)

Any Wetherspoons on a Saturday evening between 11pm and midnight.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:47, Reply)

That man who hangs around in the local vape shop treating it as a cafe or pub and thinks the minimum wage lass behind the till is his best mate and enjoys being shrouded in clouds of his lemon meringue flavoured vapour.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:44, Reply)

That fleeting feeling of loss and dread when placing your hand in the trouser pocket where you always keep your phone before you realise it is in your other hand.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:38, Reply)

An ancient piece of software buried in a business's IT system that is mission critical and has never gone wrong - but nobody understands it and everyone is terrified of touching it in case it breaks.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:33, Reply)

The point at which you give up on trying anything productive on your computer and just surf for cute animal pictures instead.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:27, Reply)

(adj.) Of UIs and websites, the property of having badly designed, infuriatingly twitchy and flickering dropdown menus that defy practical use.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:23, Reply)

Cheap meat of mysterious provenance sold in lower end supermarkets.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 17:20, Reply)

Any field that doesn't turn into a lake of shit at a large open air festival is said to be the wivelsfield.
See also: Wivelsfield Green. Small patches of grass left in the wivelsfield after the festival is over.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 16:06, Reply)

A wardrobe from IKEA, designed with the express purpose of storing bras and nothing else.
(and yes it is a real place).
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 15:55, Reply)

The totally false belief that typing a 140 word message can, in some way, change anything at all!
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 15:22, 2 replies)

The unshakeable suspicion that your opponent in online Scrabble is using a website to find their words.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 14:22, Reply)

Figurative expression used to describe the accidental deletion of quite important emails owing to inattention or mistaking them for spam. ("Oh, sorry about that, Dave. It must have passed through Baldwin's Gate.")
cf Going to Baldwin's Gate: the act of searching one's spam and deleted email folder to see if a message that should have arrived has ended up there instead.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 14:15, Reply)

a massive hipster beard that looks like it could nest birds
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 13:26, Reply)

a person who repeatedly presses the button to call a lift in the deluded belief that it will make it arrive faster.
also can be applied to pelican crossing buttons
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 13:15, Reply)

That moment when you are listening to music so forgettable that you think that it might be nice to listen to some music - and then realise that you already are.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 12:54, Reply)

The gunk and fluff that used to collect on the ball inside an old mouse. A modern equivalent is a Mottingham, a stray hair or eyelash that norks up an optical mouse by getting stuck in the lens.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 12:49, Reply)

A person who changes from portrait to landscape mode half way through a video.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 12:47, 1 reply)

A comment or Conversation not important enough to warrant correction of automatic changes the capitalisation of Random words placed there by your telephone or device.
( , Tue 1 May 2018, 12:39, Reply)
This question is now closed.