Conspiracy theory nutters
I keep getting collared by a bloke who says that the war in Afghanistan is a cover for our Illuminati Freemason Shapeshifting Lizard masters to corner the market in mind-bending drugs. "It's true," he says, "I heard it on TalkSport". Tell us your stories of encounters with tinfoil hatters.
Thanks to Davros' Granddad
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 27 Aug 2009, 13:52)
Is it too much to hope
That no-one here has mentioned The Goat yet?
the_other_jeff_lebowski Croutons on my tits, Sun 30 Aug 2009, 23:47,
7 replies)
I've not read all the posts, but I sincerely hope not.
In any case, that wasn't so much a conspiracy as, well, just gross....
james_tiger_woods is going to start his killing spree on the, Mon 31 Aug 2009, 0:36,
unfortunately not
page 1 or 2 he was mentioned - more than once
bamboozled Can hear you getting fatter, Mon 31 Aug 2009, 0:52,
Good grief, yes
I see my badge has made a reappearance, ha!
the_other_jeff_lebowski Croutons on my tits, Mon 31 Aug 2009, 15:08,
Enzyme is powered by sunlight, Mon 31 Aug 2009, 18:10,
is the goat?
insomniac-surfer oh go on then, just this once, Mon 31 Aug 2009, 23:27,
wasn't the Goat
the Reverand Goatboy? If so he's dead.
shitkicker, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 14:38,