Conspiracy theory nutters
I keep getting collared by a bloke who says that the war in Afghanistan is a cover for our Illuminati Freemason Shapeshifting Lizard masters to corner the market in mind-bending drugs. "It's true," he says, "I heard it on TalkSport". Tell us your stories of encounters with tinfoil hatters.
Thanks to Davros' Granddad
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 27 Aug 2009, 13:52)
*bows deeply*
*awaits torrent of abuse*
spimf ™ is whoever you want him to be, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 23:44,
(very clever) BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kickstandrich last had sex with your mum/sister/wife/daughter on, Tue 1 Sep 2009, 23:57,
I wanted to hear the
Horsey song again. Very well done though.
Funkenschlag still likes dogs more than cats, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 12:06,
I was expecting to be deagostini'd (or whatever the term may be)
Jinxy13 is hating the S key, right about now., Wed 2 Sep 2009, 0:01,
Wow, it appears
that THEY have changed the link to give you a click.
uberdeity Wondered why Owen Lars knew of the term "hell" on, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 2:24,
No click for you!
Firefox + Cautious Nature = Failed attempt. Nice try, though.
The Incredible Sulk Finally remembered his password on, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 3:54,
Damned click Nazi!
You'll be saying we can't have any soup next...
jim_bob can herd cats., Wed 2 Sep 2009, 9:29,
You won't get me next time, you bastard!
The Kwyjibo A big, dumb, balding North American ape., Wed 2 Sep 2009, 9:53,
You cooking funt.
*Clicks again out of frustration..*
danniekavanagh did nothing constructive on, Wed 2 Sep 2009, 17:41,