Are you a troll? Ever been trolled? Ever pwn3d a troll with your 1337 intarnet sk1llz? Or do you live under a bridge and eat goats? Tell us your trolly stories, both from the web and from real life
Thanks to The Hedgehog From Hell for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 May 2011, 11:49)
You don't see Ryan Giggs in the news much now days?
Ring Of Fire A petty, drooling belming butthurt retard., Sun 22 May 2011, 10:35,
8 replies)
I guess he's probably not doing anything interesting...
Extinct Jesus Dossier "...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...", Sun 22 May 2011, 10:38,
you don't see David Schneider on Twitter much these days.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Sun 22 May 2011, 10:39,
Well he's not a glutton for punishment is he?
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Sun 22 May 2011, 10:58,
Here he is in the Sunday Herald
Giggsy with covered eyes
Jeccius Steam Borderlands 2 junkie, Sun 22 May 2011, 13:35,
Last I heard he got married,
and after that there hasn't been a peep. I assume he's settled down and is living the quiet life.
StapMyVitals wouldn't mind a bit of that, Sun 22 May 2011, 15:54,
Ring Of Fire was unfortunatly talking too David Blunkett at the time
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Sun 22 May 2011, 18:17,
Not English ones at any rate
I imogen that he has something to hide and is keeping a low profile and not chirping much.
scowners shagged his mum on, Mon 23 May 2011, 12:26,