Did you know that crabs wee through their eyes? That maidenhair moss is so called because Anglo-saxons thought it looked like pubes? That Albanians have 17 different words for moustache? Astound us with your utterly useless and obscure knowledge.
( , Thu 17 Mar 2005, 14:48)
This question is now closed.

The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 1:19, Reply)

new york:the penalty for jumping off a building is death
a person canot have an icecrem in thier pocket on sunday
druing a concert you cant eat peanuts and walk backwards
the english language is not to be spoken
in chicargo its illigal to give a dog wiskey
you cant eat in a building thats on fire
in champange you cant piss in to a neighbours mouth
arkansas: a man can beat his wife long er than once a month
dogs my not bark afrter6pm
alligators cant keep baths
georgia:donkeys cant keep baths
you can batter some one if they provoke you with figthing talk
chickens cant cross the road
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 1:10, Reply)

is a long way from being the longest.
Floccinaucinihilipilification - The action of estimating as worthless is better
Pnuemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis -
a lung disease caused by breathing in dust is even longer at 45 letters, but may be a bit of a made up word.
Still a long way behind German, which offers
The Danube Steam Navigation Company's Captain's wives federation for basic remuneration expenditure guidelines.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 1:00, Reply)

Actually, that's not useless just obvious.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:54, Reply)

is "clitorides".
Also, one penis, many penes.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:52, Reply)

Manchester United season ticket holders in Manchester than there are Manchester City season ticket holders.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:52, Reply)

Margaret Thatcher invented Mr. Whippy ice cream while studying chemistry at Oxford University.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:50, Reply)

trogdor-lover - the signs of the zodiac are precisely defined regions that divide the sky into 12 equal arcs. They are loosely based on the constelations that the ancient greeks used but are not exactly the same, partly due to the Earth's precesion but mainly for convinience. Some astrologers may say there are different numbers of signs or that they occur at different times, but they are just plain wrong.
Also, Rasputin's autopsy would show that he drowned since his lungs would have filled with water even after death. If he was thrown in quickly then the poison and shots may not even have had time to kill him and so it would be entirely natural for him to drown.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:39, Reply)

all that poisioning and beatings and shootings happend to him as well as raputin crawled out side in to the cout yard he was shot by one of thr russinas and the brit who iam not sure was present at the meeting or he was in the court yard shot rasputin in the head as he lay in the snow .
they proved this documentry and found in the
autopys there is a clear close range bullet wound in his skull and the myth that here was still alive in the river and he was found like he was clawing at the ice was due to rigormortis and the low temp of the water
still the piss up womanising cunts dead so who gives a shit
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:34, Reply)

the birth control pioneer, was one of 11 children.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:34, Reply)

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov employed at least 151 pseudonyms.
The best known was Lenin (1870-1924).
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:32, Reply)

He was fed cakes and wine laced with enough cyanide to kill several men. Rasputin ate an drank and showed no ill efffects. Then Prince Felix Yussupov shot him through the chest and clubbed him on the head with a lead filled walking stick. He was then thrown into the Neva River.
When the body was recovered, the autopsy revealed that Rasputin had drowned.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:29, Reply)

funsize mars bars make excellent regular size mars bars for midgets, while regular mars bars are ideal as both fun size mars for giants and king size mars bars for midgets.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:22, Reply)

Despite what Bashman wrote below, surely Rasputin was poisoned, shot several times, rolled up in a carpet and dumped in the river. After the body was discovered, the autopsy showed that he died by drowning.
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:20, Reply)

was real but he was not a king. arthur was the latin or saxon name for bear and druing a battle betwwen the celts and saxons one celt leader carried a banner with a bear on it and thus was known as the bear of something hill i cant rember the name of the location of the battle
( , Sat 19 Mar 2005, 0:13, Reply)

time magasine considerd osama bin larden for man of the year in 2001 iam not takeing the piss.time magasine= evil pumping barstards
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:56, Reply)

staisticly you can die from a flying champagne cork than a spider bite
in erwin tennesse an elepthant was hanged for murder
the u.s cival war produced 400,000 mortphine addicts
the word crack as in the drug come from the crackling sound it makes when its heated
cocaine was the frist anestetic from 1845 on wards
u.s president andrew jacksons parrot was removed during his funeral because it swore to much
the average time for human sexual intercourse is 2 minutes
the neanderthal brain is bigger than ours
the human brain contains 85% water
rasputin was killed by a british agent via head shot because he would convince the tzar to withdraw russia from the war leveing thr brits and co to fight alone.
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:51, Reply)

that the name "monkey" comes from an Italian word meaning 'old woman'.
the elephant seal has the greatest relative size difference between the sexes. mmmm, tight.
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:51, Reply)

At the headquarters for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) there is a massive refrigeration room used for the storing of dead animals.
I don't remember why PETA would even need such a room, but I saw it on "Penn & Teller's BS!" show
Is it just me or do quite a few of these entries stem from watching The Simpsons and Eddie Izzard?
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:49, Reply)

Time magazine voted Adolf Hitler 'Man of the Year' for 1938. I suppose the holocaust didn't actually take place that year, but the good people at Time aren't the most forward thinking of folk, I'm sure you'll agree.
Maybe that's what pushed him over the edge in an egotistical sense. Damn you Time magazine...
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:48, Reply)

(thank you very much for the applause)
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:36, Reply)

no real king was called Arthur, any member of the royal family who has been called Arthur has died horribly
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:20, Reply)

ireland is the only EU country not to demand EU documents in its native language.
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:18, Reply)

ritalin is not a depressant, it is a stimulant with a massive downer. Only coke comes close to the disproportionate high:low ratio produced by ritalin. any other ADD medication is usually ampethamines witch produce the same effect as riatlin IS an amphetamine.
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 23:00, Reply)

the stinkhorn mushrooms latin name means erect penis
hops and cannabis come from the same family of plants (hemp family)
all plant fibers are made from celoulose
absenthe is named after the scientific name for wormwood the plant that gives absenth is flavor and halcinogenic powers.
90% of the worlds plant species are found only in rainforests.
venus fly traps are native only to 100mile radius of a metorite crater in the US
the leaves of a coca plant are no more than 0.7% cocaine and conatin more than twice the daily recomened ammount of vitamins, fiber and rare elements for an aduld human.
there is enough nicotin in one tobacco plant to kill a hundred people if it was administered by injection.
elms are consdered to be unlucky as their branch structure makes them ideal for impromteu hangings.
( , Fri 18 Mar 2005, 22:57, Reply)
This question is now closed.