B3ta Villain of the Year 2010
We voted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as B3ta's Person of the Year. Who do you have as 2010's scoundrel and why?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 12:34)
That Hitler fellow.
seems a little dodgy to me.
FondaAccord, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 18:07,
10 replies)
someone should kill him and bury him under a car park in Augsburg
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 18:15,
Yeah, but he's no Nick Clegg
wotofco pissing in your swimming pool, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 18:19,
I think he was on Rogue Traders
fluffymitten NAN, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 18:48,
That was
Jeff Hitler.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 19:10,
Jesus, is he still alive?
kappynitty doubled your entendre on, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 19:27,
I heard
That he's not very nice to his mother, ooh-err
ElGranto, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 20:17,
I agree
God only knows what he could get up to.
TDub Nunc id vides, nunc ne vides on, Fri 24 Dec 2010, 2:04,
Dodgy? DODGY?
Hitler was nowhere near as dodgy as Arfur Daley. But underneath, he's alright.
Large Hardon Collider Bah Bloody Humbug, Fri 24 Dec 2010, 8:57,
I thought Eddie Hitler was quite a good comedic character
jaymz, Fri 24 Dec 2010, 10:32,
Yep, 2010 has been a big year for Hitler..
awayfromthenumbers, Fri 24 Dec 2010, 14:05,