The Wank Bank
What experiences have you had that you've stored in your wank bank - share them so we can start a mutual wanking building society
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 14:15)
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Getting sucked off by the young receptionist at my desk after work hours.. I was playing Multi player Quake against 6 of my colleagues who were in different parts of the building.
My g/f's before this never swallowed so I gave this fiesty lass a friendly warning that maybe she should stop before it got messy. She seemed to redouble her efforts and took the lot.
Still aced the Deathmatch game too.
Edit: I know from all the posts you don't believe me but back then I was really really good at Quake
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 15:09,
16 replies)
I have no reason to doubt that this happened.
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 15:19,
Is that you Jackie?
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 15:21,
I'm looking forward to your amazing story
Shifty weeeee, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 15:25,
It'll probably be about how I had a massive wank over you following me around the site posting angry replies to everything I said.
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 15:32,
I'm listening.
Tell me more, baby.
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 15:34,
we on the internet think you are so cool.
The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:12,
I am...
Or at least I was.. This was 16 years ago. If it happened now I would most certainly not be cool. Our receptionist is a beast.
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:18,
i see you've done some fact checking because quake was released almost exactly 16 years ago.
The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:27,
I also know how old I am now and how old I was then.
I'm 16 years older. Who'd have imagined.
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:47,
how old are you?
The Doveston haunted by the memory of his own amnesia, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:57,
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 21:07,

Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:34,
You think that's something
One time I did a girl up the shitter while winning the pro StarCraft championships live in Korea on national tv.
I beat my opponent just as I spunked up her brown eye
The whole of Korea cheered me and then crowned me king
Theoban What of it, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:34,
i fiddled with a red setter while playing pong
Quintno EXPERIMENT RUINED CANCELLED, LEFT 4EVER, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:54,
Yeah right
I remember Peter Ustinov telling exactly the same anecdote on Parkinson.
woocfot friends with Sacha Distel, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 16:56,
I like this.
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 21:08,
Its alright gabber, i believe you.
Don't listen to them.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 23 Aug 2012, 17:15,
I don't know whether to believe that you believe me, but I'm an oldschool on-and-off oldschool B3tard who's has no desire to bullshit internet randoms; what's the point? I just like answering QOTW's as truthfully as I can with my experiences, be they bold, boring, ludicrous or downright unbelievable to some... But I'm pretty sure there's a lot of other people in the world who got a nosh at their office desk. Whether they were playing Quake, Getting a new business deal or telling their wife they were on their way home, 20 year old receptionists can be sluts....
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 21:18,
i believe you
i used to regularly get blow jobs whilst playing madden on the mega drive.
real i'm not happy 'til you're not happy, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 17:31,
Did he swallow?
Airman Gabber Living life like a 70's BBC presenter, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 21:27,
missus tromboned me while I was on the last level of silkworm
social hand grenade I was a lurker before you were a lurker, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 18:07,
I lolled
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 18:09,
I can picture it. I don't want to, but I can.
Fat receptionist: Are you playing computer games using office equipment?
You: Yes
Fat receptionist: OMG that is so hawt you naughty naughty man child, I love grown men who stay at work to play computer games. Let me suck you off.
You: Ok Barry, just don't get in the way of the screen.
2 Can Chunder Word to your mums, I came to prod bums, Fri 24 Aug 2012, 8:43,
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