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This is a link post AmazonGo
slightly better idea than those individual product ordering buttons
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post To be honest,
I've been shopping like this for ages already.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post And that is the reason this can never work. Not as it is, anyway.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post
It's not very clear how it detects that customer X has picked up product Y. It mentions 'computer vision', but shirley they can't mean that there's a zillion webcams intelligently figuring out who's put what in their shopping bags or not??
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post must be some proximity thing to the phone

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post naah that would be flaky as fuck
you stand next to someone who picks up a 12" dildo and it ends up on your bill!
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post what if the thing you want takes two to carry it out?

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post So,
it'll be using a combination of approaches to reach a decision on what you've bought with high statistical accuracy...

1) they'll track your position around the store, so they'll know which shelves you've visited and when.
2) they'll have RFID chips in all the products, so they can see what leaves the store and the time that it leaves.
3) they'll have cameras pointing at the shelves, and can see the difference between what was there before and after someone stood near it
4) they'll have absolutely fuck-tons of consumer spending pattern data to draw on, almost as a tie breaker... so if two people stand near the bananas at the same time, and exit at the same time, and it doesn't know who picked it up, it might be possible to deduce who by assuming it's the guy who always buys bananas, and not the guy who joined the facebook group "I fucking hate bananas".

Any one of these approaches alone will be woefully inaccurate but taken together they're probably more accurate than checkout staff.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post In that case
I'm gonna create a shopping list and a corresponding "I hate " page on Facebook for each item then go on a thieving spree.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 19:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like this

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post face recognition
and some digital scales is all you need.

camera looks at face: it's that guy that just walked in. he's standing in that area. the rest works just like your hotel minibar
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 22:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post I get to sweep the shelves clear and store my milk in there?

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 23:13, , Reply)
This is a normal post regarding 2)
no-one will leave if everything is full of chips. It's a winner.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 15:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was wondering similar
like what if your toddler in a pushchair grabs a yoghurt and then puts it back in the cereal aisle
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post teenagers will be loading up granny's bag with all manner of filth
that's if granny's 1990s Nokia lets her in or course
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Your credit card probably has to be pre-authed to guarantee payment up to certain amount.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post Almost certainly GC but this just reminds me of this...
Rick & Morty
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 9:25, , Reply)
This is a link post Kangaroo Boxing

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not harping on you, but the video I saw of this had over 3.5 million views. Looking at the side, it seems like scores of uploaders are trying to capitalize on the popularity and get a few bucks off it.
Edit: and after he got hit, that kangaroo looked incredulous, like "did you just put your hands on a player?"
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Seeing as the previous posted vid of this was deleted, and I was pleased with this, have it again:

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post I too was pleased with this.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Bounds off to get his bucket crushing mate Roger

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Oh hello!

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post extremely lucky

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Why do you say that, were you hoping for a little kangaroo on man sexeh tiems?
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post *no comment*

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Yes, because hurting an animal is 'hilarious' and somehow not repugnant.
I hope that prick gets identified, charged and buggered to within an inch of his life *IN JAIL*!
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Also, GC from yesterday, prick.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post It was attacking his dog. Getting that close to a big red is a dangerous thing to do.
I'd never condone animal cruelty, but I think in this case his action was appropriate and proportional.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 19:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post oh wow you are such
a cock. A pompous cock at that. I hope you get buggered to an inch of your life by a kangaroo, in broad daylight, and laughed at by everyone that lays eyes upon the spectacle. And a national holiday gets named after you, where the height of the day is a reconstruction of the buggering, played throughout the country to much guffawing for years to come.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 20:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^ upset
Also, context by the uploader would have been nice. Nevertheless, the roo seemed to have fucked off by that point. So in isolation, as presented, it looks like some bogan drunkard being a dick (which there is high incidence of) which lead me to infer - based on previous form - a pattern of deplorable behaviour.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post Moar context
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 22:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post The kangaroo was at worst perplexed.
Bad Analogy: If some chav gabbed my dog in a headlock I'd be inclined to tell the fellow what for with a calm slap to the face with my glove. The Fellow would back down, we would go to a local pub and everything would be tickety-boo.

TL/DR: Kangaroo started it
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 1:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post He's a south paw useless boxer. Nice jab
But he totally dropped his guard

If I was the kangaroo a nice right hook would have floored him
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post Overhead and dashcam POV missing.
Apart from that, thoroughly covered.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post No kidding! I am NEVER wanking in that intersection again!

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is that what distracted the driver?

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well, since you asked, my size IS, distracting.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post And I thought it was a lamppost!

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post What's that you say Littlefinger?

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 19:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ahahaha

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 20:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post "Rimming? Excellent."
I can't see that face without hearing that phrase.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 2:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well, the front definitely fell off there.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post go and buy a lottery ticket right now

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not sure
Who's at fault here. Turning car didn't seem to be indicating, and woman-hungry pole car seemed to be exceeding the limit when it hit turning car. End of the day, Internet shut ins and surveillance company's are the real winners here.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm liking Buster Keaton's new stuff

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 19:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post Mission Impossible 6:Show me the Mummy
Tom Cruise continues to try and be Jackie Chan

also, needs less Tom Cruise and more actual Mummy
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post I fear I'm going to have to disagree with you.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post On the plus side it has a sultry looking Sofia Boutella
otherwise, dog shit.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post That looks awful

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post Mission Imoheptisble
Cruise of The Mummy
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post At the risk of sounding a bit gay,
He's 54 FFS!! I'm 54, and look like a bag of shite tied up with string.
Maybe there's something in this scientology thing...
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post .... but Emily loved him

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post With regards the scientology thing....
I refer you to my sig.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post It might be having the funds for cosmetic surgery, probably layers of make-up, and a few people going over every frame of the movie with a brush.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 20:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's easy to look good at 54...
...when you don't have to go out and actually work for a living, get paid a fortune just for remembering what to say and where to stand, and then spend a small fortune on tucking skinflaps when they start to sag.

Also, Russell Crowe. And to think I thought this looked shit after the other trailer.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post He's in remarkably good nick
after stuffing in on a Herc like that
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 20:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post What with that
and the whole Mission Impossible thing, I'm thinking he should probably stay away from military transport aircraft.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:57, , Reply)
This is a link post Looks fun

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 12:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post That would be great

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 12:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post I encountered a MiG fighter in the 80's
I was flying F15s off an aircraft carrier in the pacific ocean. Suddenly my wing man and I spotted two MiGs and we engaged. My navigator and I had some fun with one of them by flying upside down over their plane. I might have given the MiG pilot the finger. My wingman wasn't so fortunate and got really freaked out. So much so that I had to guide him down back to the carrier. He handed in his wings as a result and gave up the opportunity to go to a top homoerotic flying school. Lucky for us we got to go instead.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post I _knew_ that.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Do you fancy a game of volleyball later?

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sure, only it's really hot so we'll have to take our tight white shirts off

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Natch.
I'll bring some baby oil so we can make sure our exposed torsos are nice and glistening.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post I find the best way of applying baby oil is to let someone else put it on you.
It ensures maximum coverage.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Er, bit gay mate.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's 2016 not 1972! Times have changed.
How is it gay to rub warm, smooth oil onto a another man's chest? Next you'll be saying its gay to take a man's erect penis and put it in your mouth.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post Top Bum

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post plop bum more like! haha

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post
5 4
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is it true US pilots take loads of good amphetamines to stay alert?

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post No, mostly it's just poppers

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post Officially not any more.
Supposedly modafinil now. See also no-go pill.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post Your problem is that your ego writes checks you body can't cash.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post That sounds REALLY familiar to Top Gun starring Anthony Edwards from E.R. fame.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post TOP GUN? What is top gun?
Never heard of it.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post F15s? On a carrier? I don't think so.
Otherwise, totally believable.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 15:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Did I say F15? Sorry I meant those other planes...
err...B52s. Yeah that's what me and my mate Duck flew.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post Thank you for the correction. I can sleep easy now.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 17:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Cant help but read this in Monty Python style.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post my mate did that
5 years later had a massive stroke
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 22:32, , Reply)
This is a link post In Soviet Russia we have stronger and purer electricity than your puny capitalist pig dog volts
not 100% sure what is going on put think they are trying to cook apples, oranges and old nokias.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nice to see the bloke from Babylon Zoo still getting work

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post Wait, that one out of Babylon Zoo was a bloke?
*Zips back up.*
Man, next you'll be telling me that the chicks from Hanson weren't girls either.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Looking on his wikipedia page, it seems like he's doing alright for himself
Can't mention him without posting the Brass Eye interview with him though.


I can't quite tell if he knows and is playing along, or is genuinely that much of a douche.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Test

B3ta not letting me post...

Edit: Nothing to see here, move along.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 10:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post prick

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 10:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post PLAY NICE

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was playing nice you prick

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post do you ruddy well mind? my eyes are not a toilet

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post your mum

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post she would like that
its been a while :)
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post *lubes up*

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post *joins queue*

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 12:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post *uses spazzy as a condom*

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 12:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post *finishes and rejoins back of queue*
*wearing a badge saying "I fucked at spanishfly's mum-o-thon 2016"
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 12:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post *lubes up*
I hope you cleaned up after yourself this time
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post I hosed her down
with my piss, is that enough?
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post Beggars can't be choosers

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post Which one You curled one out on her face?

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post Wasn't me
Could have sworn that was already there. I didn't want to say...
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:51, , Reply)
This is a link post When the interviewer asks if you have any special skills
When the interviewer asks if you have any special skills
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 22:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Okay.
No idea what the hell that's about, but ok, nice....trumpet?
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 23:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post So that's how Rob got his big break.

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 23:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post When the interviewer asks if you have any special skills
When the interviewer asks if you have any special skills

I thought he was doing an impression of a mosquito at first.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 8:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 12:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post He's from Barcelona.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post When the interviewer asks if you have any special skills

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 23:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post Does a nice line in mosquito impersonations!
They call him Mortein Manuel
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 2:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post
WTF is wrong with our world where we let paid-for copyright laws ruin our fun.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 16:16, , Reply)
This is a link post Can you tell who he is yet?

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 22:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post I knew from the placeholder image.
That and Harry Hill as Morrissey were classic moments.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 22:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post And Mark Radcliffe
as Shane MacGowan from the Pogues:

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post Amazing
I miss proper Stars in Their Eyes.

The recent Harry Hill version tried too hard and broke it. It should be like going to a bad waxwork museum - no additional jokes needed.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post Haud yer whisht.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 22:17, , Reply)
This is a link post fake news?

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes.
He was lovely to the gays. Trade unionists too. Political dissidents fared well also. The health service was the best in the world. I liked how he brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. And those high literacy rates. Literate in anything that wasn't censored or forbidden.

I just can't understand why literally millions fled in boats or homemade rafts, risking their lives to do so.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post hi pru!
no. you didn't actually watch listen to the arguement presented in the video, did you?
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post I listened as long as I could bear the lies,
about ninety seconds.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post guess i shoulda included a trigger warning - soz

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't flatter yourself snowflake.
In about fifty years morons like you will be mourning the death of Kim Jong Un.
"He outsaw ten American presidents!"
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post you really didn't listen to the argument presented in the video, did you pru?

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ninety seconds.
There was no argument, a defence ain't an argument. Do you agree with sending gays to labour camps? I don't. I think it's evil and inexcusable. Do you believe in summary executions, without trial? Do you support torture of dissidents? History will NOT absolve him. Castro apologists are scum.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post 90 of 360
well done. so you just read a quarter of each parties manifesto before deciding on who to vote for?
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post Be obtuse then.
Always wins the argument.
Did you know the low infant mortality rate in Cuba is a direct result of compulsory abortions? Funnily enough they have one of the world's lowest rates of Down's syndrome.
Tell me more about the communist social justice paradise that is Cuba.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post the argument presented over the full course of the video
is far bigger than cuba or castro. engage with the argument presented in the video, not the headline, pru. x
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post Nah.
I know well the cut of your jib. Zero intellectual integrity. Either homophobia and other human rights abuses are evil, or they ain't. Stop excusing scum that perpetuate these evils because they share some imbecilic left wing ideology.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post .
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 23:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post If this was a first date conversation,
would you see Prufrock again?
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 0:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post I know Channel 4 producers are desperate,
but seriously, I think that show has already been made.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 0:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Owned again you sad pathetic snowflake.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 2:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post OK, so Pru might not have watched the whole video...
...well I did, and Pru is entirely spot on...

Sure, there was a chance that in the last 75% she might have said something intelligent and insightful, and sure there was a chance that Pru would have looked like a fool.

But that didn't happen, and thus this entire argument is total guff.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 10:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post no. no it isn't
it is an apoligia for a brutal dictator. She's like those academics who went to Stalin's Russia and saw what they wanted to see - and that was not 'collectivisation of the kulaks' (in plain words mass starvation).
'I'd rather be in a Cuban prison than Guanatamo Bay'
Whataboutery at premier league level.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^This
Her argument was "Yes he did terrible terrible things but so did other countries" Oh so thats OK then?
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Did he make the trains run on time?

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post That was FUCKING Blair you prick

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post she was introduced as an impartial academic
but is the author of 'Fidel: the musical'.
You're either a dictator who has seen one bloody fifth of your population flee to the evil hurtful wicked United States while imprisoning tens of thousands of the rest while everyone on in your entire country goes on the game (dollars only please) or you're not.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post I love these arguments
human rights record: She heard some people say that they would rather be in a Cuban jail than Guantanamo Bay, so Castro was good on human rights.
freedom of speech: People would be arrested for criticizing Castro, but then they would be released later so it's really great actually.

The stuff she says about human rights and homosexuality just doesn't reflect what went on in the 70s and 80s.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post the example she gave on freedom of speech was
some drunk nutter. Classic.
A fifth of the population fled. A fifth.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post God, I feel dirty for saying this
but I agree with Prufrock and TheACFanClub. Castro's political position is unimportant. He was a dictator who put in place a system which forcibly removed opposition temporarily and permanently, denied people the freedom to be themselves, and didn't allow people to change the system.

He was, in short, a twat.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post The dilemma of the left since the end of WWII
America is so obviously the neighbourhood bully that anyone against it must be right.
This should have unwound when the world understood Stalin.
But instead we have the front bench of the Labour party supporting the most god awful people in the world.
Actually the reality of Cuba is complex. As the US has recently learned, democracy and the rule of law don't miraculously appear.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post
And the tory scum selling them the arms.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 2:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post 'Complex' hahahah, yeah.
Also 'Recently learned' fuck's sake, no. No they HAVEN'T learned. They REPEATEDLY haven't learned, which is why they kept up not only an embargo on Cuban goods, but numerous attempts to promote coups and assassination attempts for nearly fourty years.
'Castro wasn't a nice man, Commies are bad' is as much a one point argument as your 'dilemma of the left'.
But I guess you never bothered to read up on the Baptiste regime that the USA supported and Castro overthrew.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 3:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post This.
Glad I'm blocked by Pru, one less simplistic opinion to read.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 7:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post But the opposition he removed was a military dictator
who killed 30,000 in the years leading up to the revolution. I'm not sticking up for Fidel, just stating the reason it happened. The vast majority of the issues in Cuba are down to the USA. You have a communist government that ousted a US backed government, which had let the mafia effectively run the country. The US led an attempted invasion, and tried for decades to kill Castro. Hardly a scenario thats going to make a new government feel safe and stable. Its the US led sanctions that are the cause of the majority of poverty in Cuba.

Left wing and right wing press are as bad as each other. The left talk like he was some sort of angel, while the right would have you believe the Cuba before the revolution was some sort of Caribbean democratic heaven
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 8:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post this is reasonable
Good and bad. Was he like Hitler? No. Was he like Gandhi? No. Was he a discrete human who deserves to be judged on his own terms? Yeah

This idea that anyone who isnt a democrat gets put in the bin marked 'evil' is odd. We've only had universal suffrage here since 1928 so you could apply that to any leader we've had before then - Lloyd George, Disraeli, Cromwell, Henry V - all of whom now have statues in that London and are held up as national heroes.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post "A father figure"
It's twat heads like this which make mocking and being cynical about the left so easy.

He was a dictator who imprisoned and executed loads of people who had an opinion other than his own, you moronic imbacile
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 7:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post Always pointing at the other side.
If this is the approach people want to take, for best results please face a mirror before pointing commences.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 8:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post Er?
You've just reminded me why I hardly ever come here anymore.

I remarked she is a twat for being an apologist for a tyrant. Such an opinion has obviously wounded you for some reason, perhaps because you are sympathetic to his left-leaning political ideology; excusing the fact he was a cunt. But anyway
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 8:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post she's basing her opinon on a lifetime of research
What are you basing yours on?
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post You remarked she's a twat
and used that to dismiss the left.
You can use people like her to dismiss a larger section of society, but that doesn't mean you should.
edit: and assuming that because I disagree with part of your position, your method or your conclusions that I must support the diametric position is very silly.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post Stop getting so precious
And taking everything personally.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post nobody engages with my Pro Castro argument
I have no doubt he was totalitarian cunt, did numerous cunt things that only totalitarian cunts can get away with. Maybe for some peasant farmer he might have made life better, but I would have hated living there.
However, the world has turned into an endless bloody shopping mall of Body Shops, Gaps and Starbucks and people playing pokemon on their iphones. I was in Thailand last year and they had a Tescos. It's not the world of my childhood nor of my imagination's desire, so I'm grateful to the old beardy bastard for keeping Cuba locked in the 50's for all these years, just for a bit of diversity
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 10:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post that's freedom isnt it?
Working all day to earn enough to buy a coffee and an app to stare at. One day, if you work hard enough you might be able to afford those Lamborghini speakers that were on here the other day. Or even an oddly proportioned gold plated corinthian column like what Trump has got to put his telly on. Castro was a threat to those universal rights
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 10:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post That
And the right to choose what you fucking read
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post within what our censorship laws allow, yes

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post hmm
I don't think this is particularly biased, it's asking opposing views of a commentator that is predominantly pro Castro, isn't that what journalists are paid to do?

It's also a 5 minute clip from what was a full days reporting on the death of Castro, taken out of context with the rest of the interviews and reports
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 11:22, , Reply)
This is a link post Clinton, Trump advisors get into nasty fight at Harvard
Clinton campaign staff scream racist for 15 minutes.

The probably more interesting full audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp9eQKixZkI
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 17:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post The most hateful racism I've ever borne witness to
was expressed by two black British people of afro carribean extraction towards black African immigrants. The word 'monkeys' was used a lot, but that wasn't the worst of it. When I pointed out they were being horrible racists there was much teeth sucking, and I was told that as a white man I "wouldn't understand". They were right. I didn't, and still don't. I mean, they all look the same to me.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post When I was at school the english-caribbean kids had pejorative names for the darker skinned black african kids.
There's obviously lots of racism between immigrant groups, people just overlook it because it's a little complicated and doesn't fit the typical simplistic narrative.

Nobody talks about the birmingham race riots but the muslim rape gang revelations put it in a new light. I imagine there's a lot of burning resentment there. Not to mention all the south asians pissed off about eastern europeans breaking into their ghettos.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post My anecdote is from a very long time ago,
it happened in my first post university stop gap job. I was genuinely shocked. One of my very last acts before I left and got a proper job provided some poetic justice. Cheryl and Althea had been slagging off Marcus. What Cheryl and Althea didn't know was that it was I who had interviewed and hired Marcus. Marcus turned out to be an excellent employee; conscientious, hard working and good at his job. The exact opposite of Cheryl and Althea. So I promoted him over them when their supervisor left. I heard he had continued to climb the ladder, while they remained stuck in their rut about two years after I'd left.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post I can believe this completely.
I worked with a woman who's father was white/English and her mother was black/Nigerian. The other Nigerian mothers at her son's school would slag her off because the way she had done her hair made her look Jamaican. I was astounded that her hair style led to racist abuse from other black women.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 23:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post interesting

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post Porn stars don't scream that much...
And they get paid by the decibel (so i've heard).
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:07, , Reply)
This is a link post latest Twin Peaks trailer
David Lynch!
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 17:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post I've never seen the original

*puts head in stocks and awaits throwing off rotten vegetables*
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post I watched the film extremely stoned
and thought it was amazing. Haven't dared watch it straight.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post oh you should
The office I worked in then was obsessed. it was so unlike anything that had been on tv before.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't bother. For all the nostalgia about it, it wasn't all that good.
And it really should have ended before the second series, that was so shit that Lynch was allowing anyone to direct an episode.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 3:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post I had forgotten it drifted off into a second series
It did seem to waft off into pointless self-indulgence though.

That is my stoned hazy memory
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 8:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm gonna dig up what happened when the dvd box set was released a few years back:
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post Lynch sucks cocks!
Just confusing depressing morbid shit, everything he has ever done. Fuck off lynch and your foppish hair!
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post Even the trailers leave you inspired
The woman playing Sarah, just watch her face, that's Oscar stuff right there, just her face.

So happy that it's finally coming back and maybe Agent Cooper is saved.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 1:00, , Reply)
This is a link post Pow! Right in the kisser!

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 16:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ha! Not what I expected.

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 16:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not sure skippy expected it either.
Seems rather confused by the hooman's reach.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post That is a Kangaroo with an expression of "WTF Bruce?!"

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post Lucky skippy didn't use the power move, they can disembowel a human with their rear leg toe nails rather easily.

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post Ooof!

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post Video removed by user
I presume this is one of our Aussie cousins boxing with a kangaroo???
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 23:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 19:52, , Reply)
This is a link post check out this dude just hanging out in his back garden
I think this Colin guy is like a poorer man's Guy Martin.
Is still entertaining
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 15:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Colin is sure to blow himself up one day
It will be a glorious death filmed in HD.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post does he still have a nuclear bunker under his garden?

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 22:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yes
It is "well wicked"
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:27, , Reply)
This is a link post Women! Stop nagging.
Read and learn, bitches.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 13:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post If I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it.
there's no need to remind me every six months.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 14:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post How many male chauvinists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. The wife can cook in the dark.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 14:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 17:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post I thought they just held the bulb up to the light...
and waited for the whole world to revolve around them.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 23:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think
I'll hand these out at Christmas to some real old battle axes. So glad I'm single, lonely - but happy and not hen pecked.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 9:54, , Reply)
This is a link post When Nigel met Donald Trump

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 11:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post They certainly seem to be seeing a lot of each other

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 11:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hahahahahahahahahahahha
that was focking funny!
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 16:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post it's taken down now
I will confirm that it was brilliant
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 3:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post
that's half the board down to spurious take-downs - despite parody being protected as fair use in most jurisdictions. Isn't copyright law doing us all proud?
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post Taken down
No suprise there
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:59, , Reply)
This is a link post Spunky music but fuck me
How those spot welds are holding on...
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 2:57, , Reply)
This is a normal post 1000hp out of a two litre engine?
That thing must have a gigantic turbo. And probably need a full engine rebuild every hundred miles.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 9:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 10:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah, not going to see watch that
How about summarising it?
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 12:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post It has a turbo indeed.
I've thought there would be less details in the original link.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 13:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post
i hope this helps

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 13:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not really
It appears to be another video. Any chance of a summary?
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post VROOOOOOM
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 20:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post There's one of those cunting cars on my street
The cunt who owns it goes to work at 5:30 in the morning. His cunt exhaust must wake up the whole street as he lets the engine warm up.

The question (at 5:45am) is, what do I use to block the chrome scaffold pipe he uses as an exhaust? Should I use cavity wall filler, no more nails or a potato? Should I go to the added trouble of setting a biro tube or kazoo through the centre?
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 14:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Some ignorant cunt was visiting a neighbouring home at irregular intervals.
Fortunately it only happened four or five times as it was driving me into a murderous rage. Will make a mental note of cavity filler in case he makes a reappearance.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 15:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post Most probably an idiot
A well sorted highly turboed car should be near silent at idle.
This a combination of the massive damping effect the turbo has and the lowered compression needed to run big boost.

That being said, he might be running a constant RPM setup, in that case it's either a boat or a power station and you urgently need new glasses.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post An idiot, as opposed to what? The guy in the above video?
I think the exhaust noise is worse when he's got a parked car behind him reflecting the god-awful dubstep-loop racket.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post As opposed to someone who has interrest in engineering and expresses it with cars
In another video, at a drag strip (thusly without ANY muffler), it's not obnoxious, because it's been done right.

In my book, anybody who can't build a motor that can idle properly is a wanker.
I've heard 50cc's that make more noise at a red light than a 3L F1 at idle FFS...

As a side not, we are mounting the turbos on our boat today.
Just the housing for the compressor is already about as heavy as that Golf.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 21:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post If you drove your boat on public roads I'd think the worse of you too

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 0:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post We had exactly the same problem years ago in mine
So confronted the guy and told him the noise his car makes was unacceptable, especially before even kids are awake. He moved
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 8:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post What about odd kids? Do they sleep better?
I don't know where he actually lives, so to confront him I'd have to leap out of bed and throw myself across his windscreen in my yukata and slippers.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post He's not very good at smooth gear changes.

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 15:09, , Reply)
This is a normal post Straight cut gears and no synchromesh.

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 16:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Straight cut gears, no synchromesh …
… and shit technique
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 18:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post other has sequential
(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Its running 46 Psi
No woner its fucking rapid!
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 7:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post I love these sort of videos, because the rage they induce makes me feel alive.
"MK1 VW Golf", and then a ten page shopping list of reasons why no, it FUCKING ISN'T a MK1 Golf any more.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 10:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Not a very nice colour of car.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post Reminds me of my oldest sister telling me that she bought a new car and was all excited about it.
I asked her what car it was.

She replied 'blue'.
(, Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:16, , Reply)
This is a link post H a p p i n e s s

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 0:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Meh - I prefer the original jingle bells

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 8:21, , Reply)
This is a link post Happiness = Air Hose & Munroe

(, Sun 4 Dec 2016, 0:42, , Reply)

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