So, if you are not allowed a front page that image that is 404 wide. Why is there an image on the current B3ta front page that is 404 wide? Is this some kind of confused conspiracy we are watching here?
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:10,

I was humourously/cheekily enquiring why Clay made them too big when they quite rightly get put up there so often (which requires resizing either in html or potatoshop which is surely less preferable to the original artist doing it).
Nothing mysterious or weird.
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:19,
Nothing mysterious or weird.

Errr... did you really think this was as serious post? I just thought it was bloody funny that you spotted the 404 image but failed to spot the mods breaking their own front page rules.
Look on the front page. Currently there is a Clay image posted un-edited at 404 wide.
Laugh man. This is what this board is about is it not?
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:28,
Look on the front page. Currently there is a Clay image posted un-edited at 404 wide.
Laugh man. This is what this board is about is it not?

I messaged rob about the post editing (if theres an ip editing trace on posts like wikipedia) and asked him to delete my proflie/login whatever . ability to ignore a poster is one thing but having someone internally edit my posts is too much bollocks now I think on this site(either happytoast has this power or a mod is matey with him did it, either way it's crossing the line)
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:34,

all over again!
/Tinfoil hats on sale in the b3ta lobby now
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:42,
/Tinfoil hats on sale in the b3ta lobby now

but I'm not pissing around I know what happened. And I'm not flouncing. after all it's only a site (obviously alot more to some though) I'll have a cup of tea and the world will still turn
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:50,

I can't see anything that's out of context with your statement.
But I do believe that HT was giving you just some sound advice and was complimenting you by saying it was FP-worthy (which it is).
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:54,
But I do believe that HT was giving you just some sound advice and was complimenting you by saying it was FP-worthy (which it is).

not some grubby little side street in Kentish Town
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:52,

Get the mod who edited your post a bollocking, but don't let it make you leave\delete a profile. This site needs madness like yours. It's what keeps us lurkers glued into this place.
What got edited in your post? I didn't see the change happen. Certainly out of order if your words are changed without the mod explaining why.
And please stop calling me sane.
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:46,
What got edited in your post? I didn't see the change happen. Certainly out of order if your words are changed without the mod explaining why.
And please stop calling me sane.

They'll be laughing their tits off over this. This isn't some corporate website with paid employees, it's a forum for funny stuff. I really don't think Rob will do anything he has more sense that to get involved in petty squabbles. What he will say is quite simply "You have an ignore button"
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:49,

:( We could use him right now for a bit of nonsense.
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 19:10,

when we think of Valin we should smile his personality touched more than he could even guess :D
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 19:16,

th e posters saying I should calm down when they seem to care more about this than I do. this started when someone got irrate after I posted a image 4 pixels too wide for the fp? :)
but I don't think post tinkering should go unnoticed. When someone can do that and I can't prove it it's a battle I can't win and I can't be arsed fighting it hence the deleted profile request. it's clear though the posters coming out the woodwork just to throw the shit for the hell of it so its pointless saying anything else about this.
I take it you got the pm earlier about making more money for the charity then...never mind eh
right I'm off to play with my 3 year old, the sanest person I know
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 19:07,
but I don't think post tinkering should go unnoticed. When someone can do that and I can't prove it it's a battle I can't win and I can't be arsed fighting it hence the deleted profile request. it's clear though the posters coming out the woodwork just to throw the shit for the hell of it so its pointless saying anything else about this.
I take it you got the pm earlier about making more money for the charity then...never mind eh
right I'm off to play with my 3 year old, the sanest person I know

Fucking hell, I have tears streaming down my face
Please make it stop
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 19:35,
Please make it stop

How many more innocent lives will you ruin by humourously/cheekily inquiring things on here? HOW MANY?
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:29,

was apparently posting an image under 100k which was 404px wide Ć 1,917pixels long!
so far there's been no outrage about the 1917 pixel bit!
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:20,
so far there's been no outrage about the 1917 pixel bit!

There is no complaint about the 1917 length as that is clearly not long enough. surely there must be a "too long" rule in that FAQ somewhere.
And I don't see what the fuss is about. 404 just means you are going that extra 1% to make us laugh. Which has clearly worked. You've dragged a lurker out of his lurking to look confused at all the comedy fuss.
I think you should now rotate your image 90 degrees and post it again.
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:32,
And I don't see what the fuss is about. 404 just means you are going that extra 1% to make us laugh. Which has clearly worked. You've dragged a lurker out of his lurking to look confused at all the comedy fuss.
I think you should now rotate your image 90 degrees and post it again.

well you're not as confused as I am, I can guarantee that
seeya :)
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:40,
seeya :)

All new front pages must now be posted rotated at 90 degrees?
Ideal to confuse the phone and fondle-slab brigade as they will get confused rotating their phones to see your image the right way up.
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:39,
Ideal to confuse the phone and fondle-slab brigade as they will get confused rotating their phones to see your image the right way up.

After all that...Clay's image made the FP.......................404 FTW! :D
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Mon 9 Apr 2012, 18:50,