Although he probably should have sent the screenplays back, and told the writers that this is their last chance and if they don't get it right this time he'll give it to a class of 4 year olds because they seem to have a better idea of how plots and characters work.
(Pie of Meat___°¬¯O¯____\o/_____/\_,____Y¯¯Y,
Mon 17 Jul 2017, 12:24,
Plenty of jobs for them driving the metro though.
So there's that.
(jonbobloves you,
Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:24,
Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:52,
They should probably call it Nurse Who now, innit.
/ end misogyny mode
(Barbarossais not my real name,
Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:21,
If the show was called 'Blokey Geezerman Ain't No Bird' I could understand why some might feel aggrieved.
The character changes, always has, and this particular change has been touted since 'The Doctor's Wife' back in 2011.
Since Dr Who has been a man for 900 years and now is a woman, would he have a peak in his trousers, or cop a feel of himself? You know, because most 900 year old men would, wouldn't they?