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I Think I am addicted.........
Shot in the eye with and arrow. How unfortunate.
Nicky Nacky Noo... Scratch and Sniff Please ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:22,
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Nice old fashioned Kite action there.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:24,
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nice work
aubergene ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:30,
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brings up
a login page
jakeohoho ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:34,
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aubergene ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:43,
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bring a fork
there's pie
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:25,
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what kind of pie?
Red wine and cheese. ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:31,
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egg pie
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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Beef pie is the best.
Red wine and cheese. ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:35,
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mmmmm PIE!!!
Bitchy Teresa is bitchy, duh. ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:34,
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pie! pie! pie! pie! pie! pie! pie! pie! pie! pie!
Red wine and cheese. ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:35,
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it was a fix!
Harold deliberately threw the battle by getting shot in the eye. William The Conqueror (paper boy) paid John Fashanu plenty of doubloons to fix the game. FACT Threadjack if you search for BAZ this is what comes up, it's not much of a cunt but he can be a Cat's Arse sometimes...
thebear is thebear ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:27,
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s'alright though
I have this installed...
thorpe www.voodootrombonequartet.com ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:28,
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So do I so it seems!
Razor What the fuck - a sig? ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:30,
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you cunt
tell a waltz from a tango
thebear is thebear ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:31,
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Does it TWAT work
with others ARSE, or just Baz CUNT?
BeAst - did it wrong on: ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:31,
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That's fantastic!
I really love your work!
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:32,
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it's working!
thorpe www.voodootrombonequartet.com ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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thebear is thebear ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:35,
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oh yes
butchbint ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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Indeed bear... indeed
But, he's the only "accepted" troll. Reminds me of this disgusting cat I used to have who would lay there and lick his ween for hours on end. Sick fucking cat. also, I was jealous... very jealous.
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:29,
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he makes some pictures
and talks to b3tans, and doesn't waste threads saying we're all geeks
Sunshine Elephant ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:31,
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which means...
he's a b3tan... Hey, I'm not the one who calls him a troll. I happen to like the guy. But if you ask baz, he likes being the local troll.
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:32,
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I'm a necessary evil.
I make you realise how nice everyone else really is.
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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stick it up your arse.
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:34,
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Wow thanks!!
Gee what a nice guy.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:35,
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Well I for one
actually enjoy your conversation.
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:36,
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you're like
oscar the grouch
rogan ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:36,
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Yes he is.
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:40,
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well i dont see him as a troll
so he'll have to work better to convince me
Sunshine Elephant ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:34,
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Unlike SOME people.
Actuly i have never made a picture...
Haig's 'Tache Traveling Hippy of Happyness and Kindness ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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Me neither.
charliedontsurf ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:41,
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why did you want to
lick your cats ween?!
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:32,
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Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:34,
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in the NINE HELLS would you want to lick your own penis? I mean - that is what you are implying here isn't it? FFS- I know where it's been and what it does for a living- buggered if I would taste it!
Razor What the fuck - a sig? ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:32,
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what does your cock do for a living?
Mines a very civil engineer.
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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is an upstanding member of the community
Dekker ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:34,
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Is a struggling ambulance chasing lawyer.
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:37,
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the only cockwrangler round here that makes any sense...
Dekker ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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if you asked him nicely he might have let you
thebear is thebear ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:33,
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cat ween.
Scoopzilla http://www.slapwatch.com now get to fuck ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:38,
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Oddly enough, that didn't happen, apparently.
King Harold is the fella getting tickled by Doddy. Tattifalarius, missus. (In the real one, that's him getting hit with a sword.)
charliedontsurf ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:31,
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apparently not
if you look at the word harold rex you see that it is split over the head of the standing figure, thatis where he was supposed to be shot, the next 'scene' is him being slaine, so they're both harold
Nicky Nacky Noo... Scratch and Sniff Please ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:34,
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Nice one, Hope you've emailed me the big one!! I'll add it later as i've been infected with the msblast virus :/
Nade ,
Tue 26 Aug 2003, 16:49,
archived )
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