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Turkeys, naive to the end ...
ivor_the_engine ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:11,
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lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:12,
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Can we see him being plucked then cooked?
It doesn't always sting when you piSSSS. ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:13,
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farmer's giving me a jacuzzi!
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:14,
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that is all.
dominocat opinions only valid until ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:18,
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Farmer says I don't really need my legs now that I'm cooked
So he's letting his family eat me, what fun! I wonder what my journey through to the toilet will be like. I love Xmas etc...
It doesn't always sting when you piSSSS. ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:18,
archived )
hahahahahahahahahahahaha *snort choke cough gasp* hahahahahahahaha hohoho
Prof. Slocombe ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:13,
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mmmm... turkey...
bnt what, me worry? ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:13,
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Quite a splendid series. Muchly enjoyed, she's not deed now though is she..!!
Elusive Squirrel ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:13,
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Save Turkey!!!!!
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:14,
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Byeeee turkey!
Bless him..
Finite "Aardvark sorted out my shit!" on ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:14,
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ivor the engine is back... he's like the modern day Leonardo, but with buckets more hummus. (gushing tribute)
dotmund .co.uk ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:15,
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***threadjack*** anyone have a linky for a zero-write file shredder (W2K or bootable if poss). I need to sterilise some machines before I recycle them for poor 3rd world disabled kids. Or the Accounts office. Always get those two mixed up. Ta.
dognutz ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:15,
archived )
Dip 'em in Dettol.
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:17,
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munkt0n ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:17,
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i clicked that
isthisyou? ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:19,
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that looks ideal but I forgot to stipulate "free" :(
dognutz ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:19,
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you don't have to pay for software! download the trial, then go to astalavista.box.sk
munkt0n ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:23,
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It doesn't always sting when you piSSSS. ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:20,
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dognutz ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:24,
archived )
try your disk vendor
e,g, Hitachi Global Storage (HGST) do the Drive Fitness Test that can do a full read/write test and wipe disks totally. DFT might work for you, but may complain if you don't have a Hitachi or IBM drive...
bnt what, me worry? ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:44,
archived )
Get a bootable Linux CD
boot it, then do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda Takes some time, overwrites the whole disk with zeroes. Warning - don't try this at home if you don't want to erase your hard drive!
azerty ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 12:43,
archived )
beaubodor blogless ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:17,
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mog ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:21,
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you're a monster! but also great :)
rogan ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:18,
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He was rescued... wasn't he?
Goatpod ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:22,
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i love these :)
chilledunit ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:27,
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abattoir world
isn't that great. infact it's just offal.
biscuits_alive taste my rainbow ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 11:28,
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buckets of woo, yay and houpla to the series though!
NomDePlume fo shizzle my nizzle old bean ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 15:10,
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sob and weep!!!!!!!
...don't go champ, don't go...
finnbird ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 12:00,
archived )
Poor Turkey :( Bless..
Arnon Has anyone lurked more than me? ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 12:04,
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notshiny ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 12:26,
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not thats. woo fcking yay! better trilogy than LoTR
Catfish Ma, why can't I draw? "Because you have fins dear" ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 14:55,
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as this has 6 parts
ivor_the_engine ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 15:24,
archived )
so does
lord of the rings technically
baz ,
Wed 17 Dec 2003, 19:15,
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