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Look at Clive's new mittens!
Poke Poke Poke. Huzzah I say. Hurrah an FP! Thanks, My life's work is complete. Ready the cyanide, Jeeves.
Pho3nixius ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:16,
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Today is already 1000x fluffier than yesterday! Woo
Rev. A-MOL is lurking around these parts again ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:17,
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thats so cute! it hurts!
Ishani ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:18,
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Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:19,
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What a fluffy way to start the day after the trauma that was last night... Bloody scousers..
Jam Master Geordie Hero of B3ta. ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:19,
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How much did
that Duberry Mk II cost you again?
Rev. A-MOL is lurking around these parts again ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:21,
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Titus for England !
It's not just him, and it's not just last night, they played well last night to be fair ! It's been the entire season, it's only our ineptitude (Wahey!) that's gotten Liverpool into the Champions League ! :(
Jam Master Geordie Hero of B3ta. ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:23,
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What happened last night?
(Looking after mates cats, she got no pc, I missed)
Hankster ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:21,
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I think
he's referring to his team failing to get into the Champion's League due to a draw against Southampton.
Rev. A-MOL is lurking around these parts again ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:23,
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Oh, football.
Don't know much about all that malarkey. Thanks.
Hankster ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:27,
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wootacular X3
Operand B ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:21,
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Weeeh !
I walk into work and the first thing I see ? Cuteness and fluffiness beyond belief. That's set me up for the day that has. Woo to you ! (and tickly Clive)
rabbitz ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:25,
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thank you now I feel all fluffy inside woo yay hoopla
the art of xen Missing John Martyn RIP ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:25,
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yaaaaaaay clive!
Muns ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 8:39,
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that's so gorgeous! WOO AND YAY!
notshiny ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 9:10,
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wheeee (:
amon - hooray :D ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 9:56,
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That's the
SINGLE most FLUFFIEST thing I done ever saw. Consider yourself WOOed, YAYed and THANK YOUed.
clutch puppy ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 12:02,
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yay for fluff!
:edit boo hoo, maybe hosting this image on my home box wasn't wise
Oscar Wildebeest ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 12:48,
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that's soooo fluffy it's given me a furball. *hack*
mrRush ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 13:04,
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that's tooo fluffy, it hurts my fluff bone!
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 15:12,
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Fluffy beyond all reason...
You had to scratch his belly, didn't you? Mind bendingly, giggle inducingly cute. Woo.
sacredchao ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 16:02,
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Oh dear god....
I'll cry, I swear I will. Too damn fluffeh!
majestic ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 18:15,
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that is so fluffy, it makes me want to cry.
woo yay hoopla do you go on nationsates ?
Cheese Quiche - WARNING! This bus is 18 metres long! ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 19:03,
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The most fluffiest thing ever!
Awww!! XD
Ocarina and the horse comes. ,
Thu 13 May 2004, 23:49,
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huzzah for Clive! and woo for his new mittens. woo! and yay to you too.
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Fri 14 May 2004, 6:48,
archived )
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