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# i actually like XP a lot
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:33, archived)
# seconded
people seem to complain about it just because its Microsoft which isnt all that grown up.

Its reliable for the most part and convienient, i havent had to install a driver for ages for example.
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:34, archived)
# yep, true
whenever i get any fatal errors, driver problems etc, XP is always able to fix them. since i got XP my computer hasn't completely died once. it used to die every few months when I had 98
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:37, archived)
# i have a mac
so I don't get fatal errors or driver problems

/ unsmug
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:45, archived)
# If you work in IT
then it's fun arguing with your 45yr old boss who despises Microsoft and all things Gates. It's so easy to argue that he's wrong, as Bill Gates is the world's richest man. Woo
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:37, archived)
# and
ofcourse, that makes McDonald's better food than steak...
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:50, archived)
# Fair point
McDonalds more popular than steak ($$$ speaking) though
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 11:06, archived)
# ditto

apart from the security patch problems

its more user friendly than previous editions
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:34, archived)
# Yup, it's not bad.
But being second most popular OS alongside Win95 makes it virus-prone if left to its own devices + internet.
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:36, archived)
# yeah
thats where the virus checkers make their wonga.

windows is easily corrupted if not handled with care
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:39, archived)
# I know. My PC must have had ALL TEH VIRUSES*...
... including Sasser a short while back.
Got Norton now though, praise be!

*Virii? Help, grammarians!
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:42, archived)
# yes, virii
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:45, archived)
# mine (touch wood) hasnt had any

norton virus and firewall is quite good
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:46, archived)
# It's viruses
I didn't write this:

"...There is no such word as 'virii'. This is faux Latin hypercorrectness. Latin words ending in -us form the plural in -i if they're second declension nouns. However, 'virus' is not. It is a fourth declension mass noun, and has no distinct plural. Its English plural is simply 'viruses'."
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 16:46, archived)
# tis much better than ME
which is what I am stuck with due to my family being annoying
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:35, archived)
# show them screenshots
of all the lovely skins =D
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:36, archived)
# the pc wont take it anyway
im only using a 400mhz
but im starting my new job soon which means (hopefully) free laptops all round :)
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:41, archived)
# upgrade it anyway
will they notice?
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:41, archived)
# probably not
but im poor and don't do pirates of OSs...it only gets you into trouble later
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:44, archived)
# in fact I do like XP
just thought it would be funny

(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:35, archived)
# I like gates.
good for keeping the sheep in.
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:37, archived)
# he made all that money on his own accord
he's not stolen it, he's earned it from revolutionising the computer world.

i like him
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:41, archived)
# I'd like to meet this gate you speak of
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:42, archived)
# you can't blame the guy for being
a success I agree, but its the success of a monopoly and people having little or no fuckin choice about whether to buy is software or no

but you can blame him for the shoddy buisness practices, and releasing software that hasn't been properly tested, and making the computer run for the benefit of the operating system instead of the other way round
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:48, archived)
# what is xp?
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:37, archived)
# some sort of iostream decombobulator, i've head
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:41, archived)
# It's a good OS
Tech geeks don't like it, but if they had their way, it'd be all code like The Matrix or some such shit.
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:36, archived)
# yeah and you'd have to write some huge line of code to open notepad
like in linux
(, Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:39, archived)