first one
second one
I'll stop if you want me too
edit: FP - cheers

when time permits. but i have to ask- what the fuck is this goatse shenanigans?
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:52,

edit/ if you really want to know, I suggest googling it, on a private computer, in a locked room, with plenty of mind bleach to hand
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:53,

do not Google Image Search for it either. Like I did.
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:53,

answers my question perfectly. hehe. though i shall heed your advice, lest my eyes be smote
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:54,

certainly do not click on
No, don't do it. Whatever you are thinking, no. No and no again.
go on, cliiiick it
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:15,
No, don't do it. Whatever you are thinking, no. No and no again.
go on, cliiiick it

they took that down ages ago, but you can still look at it via
i certainly don't keep looking at it......ever......
( ,
Wed 3 Nov 2004, 2:57,
i certainly don't keep looking at it......ever......

but it is nasty - and I wouldn't do it at work either.
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:53,

SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!! I should've listened to fufkin
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:55,

Just don't go looking for tubgirl.
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:57,
Just don't go looking for tubgirl.

you know exactly what i won't be able to stop myself from doing now...
AHHHHHHHH! she has teh poop face!
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:59,
AHHHHHHHH! she has teh poop face!

i fucking already saw that. I opened up the directory for one of the tubgirl photos. found lemon party. was curious. now cleaning up vomit.
...i would, though.
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:02,
...i would, though.

why do i keep looking at thse things knowing full well i won't like it?
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:07,

...lemon party is now done. Are we out of disturbing meme's yet?
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:14,

it'll be lemonparty next...
ah well, you gotta let em do it while they're young
/accidental amusing comment
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:02,
ah well, you gotta let em do it while they're young
/accidental amusing comment

actually, no I don't
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:17,

picture, but it's NSFW (and not safe for anyone), so beware!
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:54,

Goaste is a picture, of a man, showing you the insides of his lower intestines.
Whilst bent over.
Holding his arse, open.
With both hands.
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Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:54,
Whilst bent over.
Holding his arse, open.
With both hands.

Now post Eric's goatse pic, go on, I dare you.

( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:51,
Now post Eric's goatse pic, go on, I dare you.

I would never do that sort of thing.
Plus I don't really want to draw it :¬)
( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:52,
Plus I don't really want to draw it :¬)

have to now. You started this series, we're all on the edge of our seats.

( ,
Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:55,

Eric is evil, so he'd post it when you were least expecting it :¬)
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Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:59,