ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
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Wed 17 Aug 2005, 15:44,

reminds me of that Family Guy episode where they spoof it.
"I can rebuild him...but I DON'T want to spend a lot of money..."
(cut to shot of Peter running wonkily along with a dustbin for a leg, a milk-bottle monacle and a rake sticking out of his chest)
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Wed 17 Aug 2005, 15:49,
"I can rebuild him...but I DON'T want to spend a lot of money..."
(cut to shot of Peter running wonkily along with a dustbin for a leg, a milk-bottle monacle and a rake sticking out of his chest)

Reminds me of the 'Goodness Gracious Me' episode with the 6 million rupee man who they'd rebuilt out of those little plastic coffee stirring sticks.
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Wed 17 Aug 2005, 16:16,

San Francisco isn't it?
We bought him a six pack (the sign said Why Lie, it's for beer) 'cos it was the first time we'd seen it.
Then we demanded a picture
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Wed 17 Aug 2005, 15:54,
We bought him a six pack (the sign said Why Lie, it's for beer) 'cos it was the first time we'd seen it.
Then we demanded a picture

He's written "need cash for alcohol research" in the pic I edited.
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Wed 17 Aug 2005, 15:59,

I was so depressed when Italy switched to the
euro. It was the only country where I could
claim millionare status and eat well ...

and it's cheered me up*
*spent day writing out evidence for court summons
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Wed 17 Aug 2005, 16:01,
*spent day writing out evidence for court summons

Turkey knocked some zeroes off of the Lira a few months ago, meaning now 6million Lira is ~£2m.
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Wed 17 Aug 2005, 20:52,