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(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:00, archived)
# hehehe
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:01, archived)
# Ouch
that was totally unexpected.

(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:02, archived)
# rofflmao
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:02, archived)
# hahaha
this did genuinly recieve a LOL.
so OMFG this is brllyant FFS!!111
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:03, archived)
# Haha the old ones are always the best!
And 36 years is some lurkage!
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:04, archived)
# Arf!
Most excellent!
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:05, archived)
# hehehe

remnant of Married to the Sea
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:07, archived)
# Thank you all :)
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:07, archived)
# pfft
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:08, archived)
# Hahaha it looks so RIGHT
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:09, archived)
# glad it's not just me.
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:16, archived)
# hahahaha
that is spot on, brings a whole new meaning to being 'on the blower'
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:44, archived)
# ha ha ha.
that telephone looks like a startled robot
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:13, archived)
# that was beautiful
i half expected a peado-robo-erotic-victorian sexcapade to ensue
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:13, archived)
# ?
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:27, archived)
# pffft
an old one but a good one.


also you may like these.
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:14, archived)
# Married to the Sea
is probably the best thing ever. And it's daily.
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:16, archived)
# Ae, and nataliedee and toothpastefordinner
but I'm still devoted to Patches, and the comics she links to..
Overcompensating is particularly up my alley.
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:23, archived)
# Oooh, I didn't know about that
it's great!
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:27, archived)
# Haha thats class!
(, Tue 16 May 2006, 23:39, archived)
# haha
the choice of font makes this
(, Wed 17 May 2006, 1:27, archived)
# He He
Goan the leeky boats
(, Wed 17 May 2006, 15:47, archived)