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[challenge entry] I'm not racist but...


Sorry. It was in my head and I couldn't resist.

I feel quite bad now.

From the New Flags challenge. See all 458 entries (closed)

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:22, archived)
# hahaha fucking hilarious
you racist bastard!

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:23, archived)
# ahahahahaha
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:24, archived)
# Not racist...
...more social comment.
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:24, archived)
# I'm not racist but...
When you read or hear that line you know racism will follow
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:24, archived)
# I wasn't racist before I saw this post
but now I am a top nigger baiter.
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:29, archived)
# My advice to the world:
NEVER start a sentence "I'm not racist, but..."
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:25, archived)
# indeed
similarly "In my humble opinion..."
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:26, archived)
# or...
"...i'm not a board nazi, but...*
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:27, archived)
# haha
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:27, archived)
# are you laughing!?!?
*checks FAQ*

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:35, archived)
# What exactly does your swear detector pick up?
I have a hard time believing that the board isn't setting it off near constantly really if it's swear words and general expletatives
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:40, archived)
# turn it on and see for yourself
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:54, archived)
# Not the b3tan one
He has one at work you plonker
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:58, archived)
# i have the swear filter activated
the oh so lovely Robtoo put the option back in
the profile editor just for me :)

some words still get through though
and any more than 10 instances in one page
kicks me off the board

i can't access the front page as the filter doesn't
reach that far, but it's better than nothing

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 10:00, archived)
# so you're saying that...
if there's more than ten swear words you can't get on the page? hmmm...

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

*awaits reply which will never come*
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 11:33, archived)
# but your post looks like this to me...
if there's more than ten swear words you can't get on the page? hmmm...

~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~ ~naughty~.

*awaits reply which will never come*
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 12:49, archived)
# Likewise...
"I'm not prude, but...."

Popular one for the Daily Mail

Yes you are a prude. Take a cock up your arse, you sad bitch.
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:38, archived)
# I'm not racist but...
..I once put a small haddock on my head.
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:26, archived)
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:30, archived)
# rohypnol, that's how
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:46, archived)
# Doesn't doing it knowingly count?
I said it because I WAS being racist!

Not that that's a good thing...

/hangs head again
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:26, archived)
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:28, archived)
# I'm not racist....
...but I don't like kaffas

*runs for Jo'Berg hills*
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:41, archived)
# I'm not racist but...
...here's some racism.

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:42, archived)
# ^
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:52, archived)
# this is humourous as most 'paki' shops are owned by indians...
not of the native american kind either!
(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 9:52, archived)