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# no, I'm saying that the ignorance
that these people live with is the problem.

And given the choice and information, more children would reduce the meat intake in their diet which would make them healthier and improve the planet by reducing the need for such a destructive level of animal farming.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:11, archived)
# actually, a child needs meat.
but, not in such large quantities, like you said. about 1-3 times per week should do.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:13, archived)
/glitter blog
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:14, archived)
# no it doesn't
thats utter nonsense.

Protein is what it needs, how do you explain breastfeeding? that's not beefburgers.

Meat is not a requirement for the human diet at all.
I barely eat any and I'm perfectly well fed and alive.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:15, archived)
# Yeah, my ex is veggie and he's perfectly fine.
I was veggie when I was with him and I wasn't so good, constantly ill all the time although that may have been down to depression. Hmmm.

*is sorry for eating meats*
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:19, archived)
# i used to be friends with a vegan.
but she was depressed all the time, despite having nothing to be depressed about. after a while i got fed up with her emo-like whining about all the drugs she was going to take in the weekend and how much she love-hated this one fellow and was going to take drugs with him, i told her to fuck off and sort her life out.

sorry about that.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:29, archived)
# So you should be.
You should have given her an injection of your mighty beef.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:32, archived)
# pffft!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# The Dutch have the biggest willies in Europe.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:38, archived)
# but i'm not dutch :)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:42, archived)
# You sort of are.
More so than I am.

And I have a tiny willy.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:43, archived)
# is it pierced?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:46, archived)
# after a certain age you no longer need meat, that is true.
these days, you can indeed provide enough alternatives for meat, but meat still is an easier, slightly better choice.

/mother is a vegetarian dietician
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:22, archived)
# yes its the simple option
no doubt about that
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:35, archived)
# There's no need to be quite so militant about it though
and talk to people like their fucking stupid.

;) ... see! winky smily thing, I am of course joking ;)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:25, archived)
# they're not fucking stupid
their not fucking stupid
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# Thankyou for making me look fucking stupid

you nazi!! :D
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# I didn't do it
you did :)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# I didn't think I was
going by the tone of other posts I would say I responded equally or even in a restrained way.

The number of people shouting about how killing and eating animals is ace at me should really cause me to call them evil c***s in return, but theres no need for that as its simply one opinion against another and it would make little difference.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:38, archived)
# I don't give a toss what you've said or had said to you by anyone else
Any reply that starts with 'do you see what you've done there though' is by default condescending in my book.

Anyway, let's get back to being funny.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:46, archived)
# your default needs relaxing to give people the benefit of the doubt
It was in relation to his talking about a cg cartoon character. How on earth could it be taken as condescending?!

Stop looking at peoples opinions or discussions as arguements, theres none of that in what I've said and I certainly have not said anyone should give up doing what they want to do.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:20, archived)
# of course, that is assuming that the last few hundred/thousand years of human development have also been flawed
man was not the first animal to kill another animal to feed and thus survive from,
it is part of a food chain, all we have done now is simply 'progress', (and I use that term loosely) through farming, the method behind it so that
we don't have to gather spears and go and catch something.
It seems wrong to condemn everyone who eats meat 'just' because it is not essential to the human diet.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# Teh interweb is not essential to the human diet.
*condemns all of you*
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# *feels condemned*
/requests condemned man's last meal....

medium rare steak with all of teh trimmings
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:34, archived)
# I am in a ever ending battle
to persuade my wife that man-meat is halal.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:39, archived)
# you can call me halal?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:41, archived)
# And it tastes nice.
Anyway, what is not natural?

What animals do is natural. Humans are animals.

(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:34, archived)
# Ah
but we contain a divine spark that makes us more than mere animals

*runs a very very long way away indeed*

I am joking, before this erupts :)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:51, archived)
# I never condemned anyone
All I've said is that I find it weird that you can have happy cartoon chickes on boxes of dead chicken and that you don't need to eat meat to survive.

(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:18, archived)
# Excuse me but...
You have every right to be vegetarian.

Everyone has a choice. Just because you have a problem with eating something that was alive doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't.

Yes, intensive farming is bad. Yes, unhealthy meat is bad (much like unhealthy vegetables).

But that doesn't mean that it's fundamentally wrong to eat meat. Similarly just because you don't *have* to eat meat doesn't mean you *shouldn't*.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:32, archived)
# I am definitely not a vegetarian.
And I agree with everything Toasty says except about being a vegetarian.

McDonalds etc. is just shit. People should eat food instead.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:36, archived)
# ^this^
being able to prepare simple dishes from simple food is a lost art
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:38, archived)

I also never said I was vegetarian.

I do wish people would read what I type and not what they think I have typed.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:23, archived)
# wrong
i was brought up completely veggie and am now over 6ft with no nutritional deficiences/weird related illnesses...you just have to eat a balanced diet.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:20, archived)
# See I think I'd feed my children meat and fish a few times a week and let them make their own decisions about it.
Hmmmm. *is undecided*
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:22, archived)
# but by feeding them it...... you're choosing for them ;p
Isn't it better to not feed them it (giving them an ethically and karmically healthy option instead) and then when they are old enough to choose they can chomp down on whatever animal they like?

(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:27, archived)
# how come you can say that and not get the shit storm that I get?!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:25, archived)
# But meat is tasty.
Except for the following types of meat that I don't like:

and all type of fish.

I like veal. It's yummy.

I agree though. It should be a ritual that on their 5th birthday children slaughter, butcher and cook their favourite type of animal.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:14, archived)
# ^This
How cool would that be?!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:20, archived)
# *splutter*
you don't like pork? ye gads man, it's the joint second best meat after a fucking great big bloody steak!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:21, archived)
# Ba. Con. Sand. Wich.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:22, archived)
# I mean pork chops.
Bacon & sausages is yummy. Yum!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:23, archived)
# You don't like lamby? Not even a roasted leggie?
Snd if you only like bacon and smosages do you not like the wonderousness of crackling?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:25, archived)
# No.
No, I don't. Lamb is all yucky. Yuck.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:27, archived)
# ^this
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:31, archived)
# :O
What;s your favourite roasty then?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:33, archived)
# everything else.
but not lamb. i like fish as well, though.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:37, archived)
# joint second best in that steak is the king
and all other types of meat are joint second best
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:25, archived)
# I love all pig-related
meat products. It's just a pain my wife's superstition means I can't eat it at home, or feed it to my children.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:44, archived)
# they were alive
and now they are all dead and yummy

as a child, i always enjoyed making "baa baaaaa baa" noises when it was lamb for tea.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 13:17, archived)