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# Welcome to the Dorkside
Don't you realise you're going to look stupid waving that Wii Remote about?

(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:40, archived)
# anyone else think the Wii is going to bomb?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:41, archived)
# I think it'll do Nintendo very well indeed
fastest pre-orders Amazons ever seen, literally Wii'ing all over the 360s
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:43, archived)
# 360 was never going to be the best console
altough I still love mine
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:44, archived)
# It'll do well
but I think in 18 months time, the PS3 will be the number 1 again (sigh)...
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:45, archived)
# i'm quite surprised....
didn't really see it doing well against the PS3 or 360... but whadda i know :-/

PS... Amazon's
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:45, archived)
# ?
so can you watch dvd's on the damn thing or what?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:44, archived)
# why would you want to?
haven't most people already got a DVD player?

if you havent tesaco are doing a value one for £17.99
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:31, archived)
# depends
you see if you want to develop for the PS3 you're gonna have to start from scratch
and it wont be cheap

whereas all those development tools and programs that teams have written for
the gamecube can be used for the Wii
meaning, you can get straight to making games, not tools

everyone thought the PSP would beat the DS
you can never tell in the games industry
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:44, archived)
# hahahaha I love it how you are pretty much the sole voice of the Wii on b3ta
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:46, archived)
# He is right
Allot of next-gen game makers have already boycotted the PS3 because it will cost a fuckload more than it should to make games for it.

Also, it will rawk.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:51, archived)
# the Wii isn't even a next gen console. It's virtually a side-step from the Game Cube.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:54, archived)
# This is a dirty lie
Dont be fooled by the shit looks of the new Zelda game, awesome it may be, but the graphics were actually designed for the cube. The raw power is yet to be unleashed
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:57, archived)
# hahaha we'll see.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:59, archived)
# The power of the Wii is officially 10% that of the 360
seriously, this is fact. That said, its more powerful than the PS2 which is still fucking awesome - kingdom hearts 2 is incredible - so I wouldn't worry tooooooo much (but its an easy target for Next Gen owners)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:02, archived)
# yes but tha's graphics
and there is only so many times i can play the same game
over and over just because it's been polished a bit harder

i want NEW games, and NEW ways of playing
not just shinier first person shooters
although, i still want them too

it's just don't judge things by graphics
i now point your attention to Rise of the Robots :)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:05, archived)
# Wii has neither ;)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:06, archived)
# Yes yes yes yes
Actually all you fuckbuckets, head over to www.5punk.co.uk if you want to hear the official voice of the b3ta gaming communities voice on the matter
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:08, archived)
# its processing power, graphics, etc
so you'll run in to trouble with stuff like physics simulation and various other gameplay related bits too.

My only concern with the Wii is that the controller will make it difficult to play more established game styles, i.e. a standard platform. You don't want to always be flicking your arm in the air whenever you need to jump.

I'm, yet to actually play on one, so I'll reserve judgement, but most things to me point to it being a secondary console that you have next to your PS3 or 360 for the "proper" gaming ;)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:09, archived)
# There is a 'normal' controller for it too....
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:13, archived)
# i just want gaming to change
not to forget it's roots but to accept new ones

not everyone wants to shoot things
not all of us want gaming to have it's 13 year old boy image anymore

i want it to advance, to get to the point where it's accepted by the masses
and then we will start getting games you never thought possible
and it wont just be about leaves on trees you can actually shoot holes through......
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:15, archived)
Good god man! This will be the greatest thing in gaming since the vending machine that actualy gave out cans!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:17, archived)
# but the Wii is clearly aimed at the younger end of the video game market
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:20, archived)
# ha ha!
don't tell anyone i've pre-ordered a PS3 then!

(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:53, archived)
# But games aren't written on a magical console making device
they're all done on PC then converted to XBox, PS or Nintendo device. While the Sony dev kit has always born the brunt of the abuse in games studios it is actually the Nintendo stuff that is a nightmare to produce for due to the big N's ridiculously high charges and exclusivity.

PS3 isn't starting from scratch at all, its a PS1 and PS2 at core, and I think you'll probably see that as a load of third rate cheapo early titles will just be PS2 games with the extra texture passes thrown in and Anti aliasing switched on.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:54, archived)
# Also, will GTA IV be coming out on the Wii? Nope.
That fact alone would make me get a PS3.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:56, archived)
# ^This
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:58, archived)
# no no no
it can't even run PS1 games at the moment
they're waiting for a patch to amend this

it also cannot up or downscale resolutions
so if you have a 720hd telly and you play a 1080hd game
it will be shown in 480 (normal tv res)

and the PS3s Cell chip is manufactured entirely by SONY
it doesn't run anything like a PC chip

a good quote from Lanning (maker of Abe) is
we want to make a great dish, we have the ingredients
but no pots or pans or even cutlery
instead of making tasty food, everyones busy making saucepans

every next gen game so far is a this gen game with some
graphical tweaks

it will be at least a year untill the 3rd generation games even
start to use the power of the new consoles

as a fact
the best console to own now and for the next year?
it's the PS2
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:01, archived)
# This man know
Just cast your mind back to the original PS2 and xbox games. Now they were ugly
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:04, archived)
# I agree with the PS2 for sure
although I would take it down to 9 months ;)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:05, archived)
# PS2 is still the shiznit
Although I wish they would stop making games that get really choppy on the frame rate.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:08, archived)
# There is no rule saying all the games will require you waving a remote about like a loon
It still has all the usual buttons if making a straightforward port is your bag. Personally i think its only a matter of time before the PS3 makes a remote you can wiggle around like a loon
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:02, archived)
# the PS3 one is wireless
so you can loon-wiggle it to your heart's content.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:09, archived)
# er, are you not aware of the sixaxis controller?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:10, archived)
# it just feels movement though
once you stop moving it has no effect.
whereas the wii controler not only picks up on movement but also position

and they had to remove the rumble pack to make it work
and it just makes the thing feel too light and airy
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:19, archived)
# Unless they come up with the most incredible game in the world.
A boxing game where you punch the air looking like a care in the community type just aint gonna do it for me.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:45, archived)
# hahahahahaha
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:46, archived)
# Its called 'Eye Toy'
Me and a bunch of mates were playing the boxing on it and another mate outside thought we were brawling in the living room....
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:07, archived)
# Top Tip:
Don't spend money on a Wii for an extensive catalogue of out of date games, just play them here www.virtualnes.com/ instead
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:42, archived)
# but you can play mario 64 on it!!!!1!!1!! Including bugs and glitches that weren't even present on the original N64 version!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:43, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:44, archived)
# who cares
when you're drunk and amongst friends....?
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:42, archived)
# I told you before
I don;t care how drunk you were, you had no right trying to get me to hold that.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:43, archived)
# you just wasn't waving it about properly!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:45, archived)
# hahaha
*waves 'Gamecube Mk II' controller around like a spaz*

(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:42, archived)
# Wiiiiiiiii!
*waits for Playstation 3*
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:43, archived)
# hey, you is a lady!
you're not supposed to play playstation!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:44, archived)
# Oh no, I don't
but I'm waiting so I can get my computer upgraded in return for the hubbie getting a PS3.

I am rubbish at most games - except the slow girly ones. Even Spyro the Dragon reduces me to tears of impotent rage at my own incompetence.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:48, archived)
# get a gamecube.
buy super smash brothers.
or even better; get a wii and get the NEW smash brothers. it has solid snake in it!
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:51, archived)
# *flashback to watching the missus play Ty the Tasmanian Tiger*
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:13, archived)
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:43, archived)
# now my shirt...
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:43, archived)
# Not if you attach a decent swordblade to the top of it.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:44, archived)
# *buys*
at least this console is in my budget.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:45, archived)
# That has to be the gayest picture of
Darth Vader ever.
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:51, archived)
# Gayer
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 14:56, archived)
# very
its some guy in a costume
(, Thu 23 Nov 2006, 15:42, archived)