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Glis ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:38,
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Ahhh. Is that the first bird
of spring?
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:38,
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Certainly is
He's a happy little chickadee!
Glis ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:44,
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Spring is gone
Summer is here Winter is on the way....
K3rry ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:50,
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have you ever wondered
what goes on behind the camera at photoshoots?Sorry to be so random but the thought just poped into my head
AzToTheRescue The arsehole formally known as Az The S slur ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:50,
archived )
I believe
the photographer goes on and on about how he needs better lighting.
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:53,
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Or how good looking
the one on the left is
K3rry ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:54,
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It's just a thought though
how do they get people to smile in a nice way. They must pull their pants down or summat. Maybe this is an idea for a challenge
AzToTheRescue The arsehole formally known as Az The S slur ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:56,
archived )
depends on the photoshoot I'd guess
put a camera in front of anyone and they'll naturally strike a pose normally.
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 20:00,
archived )
Not true
Some of us prefer to run.
Al__S is constantly suprised ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 20:02,
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And some of us always manage to
have our eyes shut even while holding them open!
K3rry ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 20:04,
archived )
a natural resisitance to spong
is quite common.
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 20:09,
archived )
That's feckin ace that is
i tried to do summit similar but the file ended up huge ..
cow23 ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:39,
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I love the bird and love the cow even more! YAY!
jiva nearly always up for a game of scrabble ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:45,
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too! Look out Cow. Prepare your hoofs for a fast approaching Yay.
Nacho ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 20:07,
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rogan ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:40,
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That is
Tesal Coil ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:41,
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And fredjack! Anyone know a website that shows you how to make low budget horror movie effects? All i've found is halloween ones, which are mostly all poo... Ta :)
Moo Lefty Drinking From His Own Udders since ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:43,
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Woo Yay
Thats awesome
AzToTheRescue The arsehole formally known as Az The S slur ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:45,
archived )
I laughed so much
I almost choked! bloomin' bronchitis
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:45,
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spacefish bong! ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:50,
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SlinkySkunk ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:56,
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that's not very attractive
I was going to get something to eat as well...
Mattyboy ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 19:59,
archived )
well I think
it's marvelarse
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 20:06,
archived )
this will keep me happy
for days. woo yay.
pyrimyd ,
Wed 15 Jan 2003, 20:16,
archived )
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