*waits for all the people with user IDs higher than 50000 to complain vociferously*
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:00,

*would complain vociferusly but doesn't know what it vosifferus means*
*is unable to spell vociferorous either*
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:20,
*is unable to spell vociferorous either*

reminisent of Vic Reeves' stupid drawings.
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:27,

but I also want a tea chair, or failing that; a sambuca chair. I could do with one today, worth is all of teh ghey.
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 11:23,

*buys chair just to see the look on your face!*
'ning baldy.
Three cheers for fridays
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:01,
'ning baldy.
Three cheers for fridays

I've been losing for 6 hours a day!
*substitutes sleep with Pro-plus*
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:04,
*substitutes sleep with Pro-plus*

I lose the feeling in my face if I have any less =/
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:07,

*hugs large mug of coffee*
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:08,

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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:10,

No claims yet but the week is young.
Head down to B&Q and pick up a few bags of cement
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:13,
Head down to B&Q and pick up a few bags of cement

but you could slap it in their pie-holes!
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:14,

This diappointed me
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:09,

This is post is totally nosensical, adbsurd and downright silly. I throroughly enjoyed it. Please advise me where I can obtain a Baldmonkey Tea-Chair.
Thank you.
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:10,
Thank you.

Please never decide to go to a b3ta bash.
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:30,

Kill him Dixon, beat him....
*stirs up potential fighting*
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:32,
*stirs up potential fighting*

Apart from the regular 'everyone on b3ta annoy davew27 for no reason time'
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:37,

"lets start being controversial to start an argument and have people paying attention to me time"
I really shouldn't have risen to your belligerence
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:42,
I really shouldn't have risen to your belligerence

you do it all the time. I'm not just talking about this post. Like when you used to say "I'm bored" all the time, even after people told you it annoyed the fuck out of them.
Like when you used to say "Why" after anything anyone said, even though you knew it annoyued the fuck out of us.
You are like an annoying, attention seeking child with ADHD and I can't be arsed arguing with you any more
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Fri 2 Feb 2007, 10:50,
Like when you used to say "Why" after anything anyone said, even though you knew it annoyued the fuck out of us.
You are like an annoying, attention seeking child with ADHD and I can't be arsed arguing with you any more