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# in the news....

a friend and i were out for a drive today talking about important things. he got quiet for a minute and then said 'i know i can say this to you because you'll understand - that guy in the news? the one who killed the other guy on the bus? i understand him completely. i might not be at his stage yet, but i sympathise with him. i'd never convict him if i were on his jury. i've wanted to kill a whole lot of people lately.'

he told me because i feel pretty much the same way, but when he told another person we both know, that guy got creeped out and made some annoying comment about mental health professionals.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:04, archived)
# I'd agree with that. Although randomly killing strangers on a bus isn't cool
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:09, archived)
# well...
...there are times that i see your point. then again, 99% of humans are worthless dung, so the random part isn't really a problem. and, we don't know if this was truly random - maybe the dead guy was slamming his seat back on the guy's knees. maybe he smelled like cheap cologne. maybe he played bad disco on his mp3 player loudly enough to annoy the people around him. maybe he voted conservative.

we just don't have all the facts. so, it's more likely that he deserved it.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:13, archived)
# the worthless thing is relative to other people.
and I'd be bloody annoyed if someone decapitated me on a bus just out of the blue.

Although I can understand the overwhelming desire to do it sometimes.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:17, archived)
# it wouldn't be you as the victim, you're a good person.
it would be someone who is nasty and makes people want to behead them.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:20, archived)
# aye there's the rub
other people may not measure me as a good person, but as a person they wish to behead.

I think this will generalise, such that: for every person, Bob, there probably exists another person who values Bob as good, and another person that wishes to chop Bob's head off.

(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:26, archived)
# of course, i do understand that.
but i still get in these moods a lot, when some ignorant simpleton breaks 48 rules of the standard social contract and then becomes loud and rude when gently told that s/he is being a problem. these are the people who i suspect are being beheaded, not the ones who are just mild pains in the ass.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:30, archived)
# oh yeah I see that every day.
although I don't normally carry a machete.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:32, archived)
# i always carry a knife.
a few years ago i was stopped by the cops and they asked if i had any weapons. "just a knife," i said. they asked why and i told them i'd carried a jacknife every day since i was a little kid. i don't think they got it, but a swiss army knife is tough to kill people.

thankfully i'm a determined person.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:39, archived)
# same here, but mine's only got a blade length of a couple of inches.
I'm sure there's a length gag waiting to be done...
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:44, archived)
# Nothing peaks people's hind-brain responses like being in a confined space on a dangerous machine with noisy smelly strangers.
On a purely biological level it can be understood as a survival instinct. But you'd have to be seriously negleted and isolated as a person to get as far as that guy.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:32, archived)
# I've never been quite sure who's fault it is for being socially isolated.
I'm fairly social isolated, by comparison a social 'norm'. Is it my fault for not really instantly liking people? Is it other people's fault for ignoring me?
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:35, archived)
# Usually the parents I think.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:37, archived)
# hahaha, too easy...
*gropes arse*
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:39, archived)
# It might have something to do with the lack of signs at the edge of that abyss.
In both cases there. I'm sure you've noted this too, as shown in your framing pic.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:10, archived)
# it was a bus, not abyss. can't you read?
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:14, archived)
# Abscess you say?
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:16, archived)
# i worked my abs hard yesterday.
today they are like taut steel cords*

*taut steel cords covered in a thick layer of suet.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:21, archived)
# I could use some of that.
I shall be making tortilla dough in a few moments.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:24, archived)
# mmm, nice. cornmeal?
i bought rotis today, so it's a no cookery weekend for me.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:27, archived)
# Wheat, it's what I have.
Gotta get some new corn flour.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:35, archived)
# i only use it for cornbread so i don't use the fine stuff.
it's more of a fall/winter food for me, too.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:41, archived)
# hahahah.
wow. oh my god. how horrible.

ha ha haa.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:11, archived)
# it gets funnier, you know.
greyhound had an ad campaign going that was terribly appropriate.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:18, archived)
# buses give me rage
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:25, archived)
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 7:28, archived)
# How very ironic
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 8:06, archived)
# Thats up to the minute topical
Is there a whale in the Thames?
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 8:06, archived)
# goodybe cetacean,
i never really knew you at all.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 8:07, archived)
# I used to feel the same way, but I'm very much not sure any more.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 8:06, archived)
# i have outlets for my rage these days so it gets dulled before i rampage.
lacking those outlets i think i would have a great problem resisting my urges.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 8:10, archived)
# you are a fucking looney
best if you just top yourself, there's a good fellow.
(, Sun 10 Aug 2008, 11:43, archived)