which means, 1 pixel = 1/2 yoctoband. SCIENCE.
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Tue 23 Sep 2008, 10:40,

goldenfanjita and i were setting up a network once and had to label the network cards either alpha or beta... we had done 3 each before we realised we had spelled it b3ta on every one.
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Tue 23 Sep 2008, 10:56,

But I meant the Beta Band...
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Tue 23 Sep 2008, 11:13,

I look up to him (milliband) because he is upper class but I look down on him (nanoband) because he is lower class...
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Tue 23 Sep 2008, 11:02,

The article starts on the right of the picture and works its way left.
*edit* Can't get b3ta to link to the right article. Might be something to do with the parentheses. Li'l help here, people?
Just click "length" on the right. It'll get you there fine.
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Wed 24 Sep 2008, 4:29,
The article starts on the right of the picture and works its way left.
*edit* Can't get b3ta to link to the right article. Might be something to do with the parentheses. Li'l help here, people?
Just click "length" on the right. It'll get you there fine.

Whos the bloke? Am i meant to know who he is? I dont watch much news...
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Wed 24 Sep 2008, 9:21,

There's a really good bit of text that I can't find right now. It's Hugh Laurie talking about analysiing jokes. It's like, he says, taking a hammer to an exquisite crystal vase, picking up all the pieces and laying them on a table, and showing people, saying "If you arranged these pieces into a vase-like shape, they'd make a really good crystal vase".
I have broken the vase. For that, I am sorry.
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Wed 24 Sep 2008, 15:58,
I have broken the vase. For that, I am sorry.