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[challenge entry] gets my vote

From the Photoshop the US Election challenge. See all 478 entries (closed)

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:38, archived)
# Vereh nice
damn you and you talents!
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:39, archived)
# pff, it's a piece of piss with moviestorm
that's "moviestorm"
here, have a direct link www.moviestorm.co.uk
it's called moviestorm and you can make 3d films with it

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:46, archived)
# hmm
moviestorm you say?
would that be a new free 3d animation program that's recently become available?
tell me, is it as good as people are saying it is?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:48, archived)
# did you say free?
why yes, moviestorm is in fact free

that's free of the not paying for it yet still allowed to use it for your own commerical gain type free.


and where can I get this?

why from www.moviestorm.co.uk of course
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:50, archived)
# i notice you picked up on the free bit
but not the 'is it any good' bit ;)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:52, archived)
# hahahahahaha
its as good as you make it.

Some people make very rough messy stuff, others do quality like this...
(Not mine, one of our users)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:54, archived)
# commission much?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:48, archived)
# nope
but it is what I do for a living.
Me and two other nice chaps started making it 3 years ago, it is the fruits of my labour and I would like as many people to at least have a go with it as possible.

Because it is free and will hopefully encourage people to animate and make movies.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:51, archived)
# how free is it?
surely all this can't be less then five hundred pounds? what's the catch here...
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:54, archived)
# base pack is entirely free
but there are asset packs that you can buy with more stuff in, which is how we try to make some money. No obligation though, and you get some free voucher points to buy a pack or two anyway.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:57, archived)
# i might give it a whirl... although my computer will probably hate me for it.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:02, archived)
# can you make your own assets?
for example, small donkeys?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:02, archived)
# yes if you know how
but it's not simple (and no modelling tools supplied, its a movie maker not a 3d creation package)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:13, archived)
# ah fair enough
although i'm not sure you should be calling yourself a nice chap ;) not particularly modest or english is it :D
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:57, archived)
# I'll have you know I'm jolly nice
and very chappish
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:00, archived)
# Totally bookmarked!
Will be playing with this when I get the time - I likes 3d, I does.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:36, archived)
# Soul Train !
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:40, archived)
# *checks frontpage*
...sheesh its not there
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:40, archived)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:43, archived)
# the dog letting you have your speakers back now?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:44, archived)
# at the office, speaker city

actually, I repaired the wire last night and moved all the wires off the floor. So I'm good to go again now and didn't have to kill the dog
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:50, archived)
# splendid
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:56, archived)
# i can't hear anything
...ie no sound still
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:44, archived)
# I would hope not too
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:43, archived)
# wow.
dispelling stereotypes as he goes as well.

he's the president for me. I like men that don't make me feel.. intimidated.

woo :)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:40, archived)
# No Matter who wins...
we all lose

(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:41, archived)
# sounds like ring of fire to me
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:42, archived)
# have to eat a really bad curry to get one of those
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:44, archived)
# tis a heinous drinking game
leaving no survivors when played correctly :)
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:47, archived)
# "if you eat that, the meals free"
it was a fucking industrial bowl of chillies

if I ate that I would have burst into fucking flames :D
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:48, archived)
# habanero
one of my frineds used to eat habeneros with limes.

i still ponder why

his answer is "stupidity"
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:51, archived)
# the classic answer for any O_O situation
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:57, archived)
# That's one reason why I don't gamble . . .
you betcha !
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:42, archived)
# oh for fuck sake you're joking

does fraser spend any fucking time on this board...monumental fucknut
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:41, archived)
# What do you mean prodg?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:42, archived)
# possibility of excessive reposting perhaps...
also kudos on what i assume is the afx reference to Mr P. 69
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:43, archived)
# I reckon B3ta is secretly funded by The Daily Mail
and that's why Archie's suggestion has been snubbed two weeks in a row
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:45, archived)
# this weeks comp i assume?
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:47, archived)
# That's some really disturbing underwear.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:42, archived)
# i'm actually tempted to think
happytoast had him take time out of the campaign to model for him round his house
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:44, archived)
# hehehehe!
sorry, but he looks like he's wearing tights over his pants, or pantihose for our colonial chums
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:43, archived)
# they're control briefs
for maximum bladder safety
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:47, archived)
# that's ok then
i'm at that age where i'm adding things like that to my list for santa.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 22:50, archived)