edit: TJ: Used tineye.com to have a nosey around and found that the chap called tiberiusgraccius (or something like that) steals b3ta images, detags them and posts them here:
edit: Apologies, his blogsite is NSFW in parts
Example (SFW!):
His posted
My original
( ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:31,
edit: Apologies, his blogsite is NSFW in parts
Example (SFW!):
His posted
My original

EDIT: Warning to anyone who does scroll down the page, it's nsfw, in case you don't know who Tiberrius is :)
( ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:33,

where do you work fella? Must have a pretty high tolerance there...
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:39,

who used to post huge NSFW images isn't he?
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:36,

pics of dead bodies and all that. I believe that someone actually tried to defend him on here once. I wont mention any names though....
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:37,

'The unemployed one' or something crap like that
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:03,

I know this 'cos he's on my ignore list which I was cleansing yesterday...
EDIT NSFW tags on the website plz. Some pretty rank stuff on there.
EDIT EDIT nicely.
( ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:36,
EDIT NSFW tags on the website plz. Some pretty rank stuff on there.
EDIT EDIT nicely.

I was thinking, 'what an insult. Even he doesn't think my stuff worth nicking!
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:42,

there are many archive pages.
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:07,

We sort of knew this before, though, didn't we?
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:43,

I know chicken, was waiting for you to finish off your puffalungy :D
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:45,

Fleetwood mac are wonderful. I think so anyway, but then I have strange tastes.
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:48,
Fleetwood mac are wonderful. I think so anyway, but then I have strange tastes.

after we discovered the youtube vids of him dancing around in his pants ;)
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:58,

He's a walking oxymoron, that boy.
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:17,

*feels insulted*
Do I have to make them easy to crop out the tag?
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:48,
Do I have to make them easy to crop out the tag?

This will make you feel better. Check this out ;)
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:11,

I don't believe I ever developed a sheer loathing for a person on here before.
Are you reading all this, suirebit?
/edit: oh, and 'het grote ongenoegen' means 'the great displeasure' innit.

I just contacted the customer service about all this.
If anyone wonders, it's the "Foute blog?" button on top of the page ;)
( ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:31,
If anyone wonders, it's the "Foute blog?" button on top of the page ;)

and use of ivesb's picture
To report:
1. Foute Blog?
2. Contacteer de Skynet-klantendienst
3. Vragen of opmerkingen over onze diensten
3a. Skynet Blogs
3b. Ik wil ongepaste inhoud melden
4. Profit
( ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:42,
To report:
1. Foute Blog?
2. Contacteer de Skynet-klantendienst
3. Vragen of opmerkingen over onze diensten
3a. Skynet Blogs
3b. Ik wil ongepaste inhoud melden
4. Profit

Just type what you like. it doesn't need to be a real email address
I called him a thief!
( ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:18,
I called him a thief!

Isn't this ivesb?
(NSFW) hetgroteongenoegen.skynetblogs.be/post/5234898/samurai-wim
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Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:33,
(NSFW) hetgroteongenoegen.skynetblogs.be/post/5234898/samurai-wim