Nearly finished! yaaaay!

Click for bigger (346 kb)
I have to show you guys because yours is the only opinion I trust...
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:07,

Click for bigger (346 kb)
I have to show you guys because yours is the only opinion I trust...

Since the drawing is fairly photorealsitic the bits that aren't shaded give an interesting contrast.
In conclusion: NICE; STOP THERE
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:09,
In conclusion: NICE; STOP THERE

sell it like that?
Would someone buy it half-finished?
I wouldn't want to appear lazy y'see.
Though I am........a bit....
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:12,
Would someone buy it half-finished?
I wouldn't want to appear lazy y'see.
Though I am........a bit....

Fair enough. At least you'll still have a scan of this version.
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:14,

I personally think it'd look cool like that, but my OCD won't let me leave it,
If it sold as a partial project don't get me wrong i'dd sell the fuck out of it, I guess I just havn't tried yet.........
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:18,
If it sold as a partial project don't get me wrong i'dd sell the fuck out of it, I guess I just havn't tried yet.........

And you cannot improve on perfection. What turns an excellent artwork into a brilliant artwork is knowing when to stop and while I appreciate the effects of OCD making it difficult now is the time to put this one aside and start on the next one and the urge to "complete" it will fade in time.

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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:30,

No to the second - the trick there is to say that it IS finished, of course.
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:22,

I like it.
Gawdy french art lovers will eat it up like horse spunk!
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:28,
Gawdy french art lovers will eat it up like horse spunk!

I agree with ^ them ^ up ^ there that it looks great as it is.
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:17,

is absolutley incredible, I will happily give you one of my testicles and a picture of a goat if you teach me how to draw like that
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:43,

upside down.
Focus on the little shapes the lighting forms on a photo.
Draw in small pieces, like 1inch squares.
Your eyes lie to you when you try and replicate something, doing it upside down stops your eyes from drawing what you think you SHOULD see, and simply what is there.
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:48,
Focus on the little shapes the lighting forms on a photo.
Draw in small pieces, like 1inch squares.
Your eyes lie to you when you try and replicate something, doing it upside down stops your eyes from drawing what you think you SHOULD see, and simply what is there.

I'll have to give that a shot, thank you very much :)
Nut and goat in post
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:53,
Nut and goat in post

for instance i didn't look at this until I had finished the eyes and nose.
And don't try and get the shading just right. Start with the blackest areas first, cuz, y'know, black is black, but build up the layers of shading, using little shapes i mentioned, and build it up until it appears too dark.
Than tickle it with an eraser and smudge it gently to lighten it up a bit.
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:58,
And don't try and get the shading just right. Start with the blackest areas first, cuz, y'know, black is black, but build up the layers of shading, using little shapes i mentioned, and build it up until it appears too dark.
Than tickle it with an eraser and smudge it gently to lighten it up a bit.

Thank you so much buddy! Its been a few years since i've had to draw freehand, ergo, my degree may start to suffer if i dont sort it out! But really appreciate the help :D
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 14:04,

christ on a bike thats good mate, you have great talent, wooooooOOooO
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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 13:50,

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Mon 18 Jan 2010, 14:04,