Where's the NSFW box ?
From the Memequake! challenge. See all 353 entries (closed)
( , Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:11, archived)
From the Memequake! challenge. See all 353 entries (closed)
( , Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:11, archived)
It's either one of those in between "Add Friend" and "I like this!"
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:15,
TJ: So...I'm on the horns of a dilemma. I work at an ad agency that handles a major political party's election campaign. They've just been shuffled sideways for the political party's previous ad agency to make a bit of a comeback and their two new campaign posters have landed in my inbox, though they've not been released to the general public yet.
They're so fucking awful I can't believe that they would actually run with them, and I suspect that they might be fakes circulated to see if there are any leaks in the agency (in which case I should leave well alone) but at the same time they're so fucking awful I want to make fun of them on the interwebs.
What would b3ta do?
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:17,
They're so fucking awful I can't believe that they would actually run with them, and I suspect that they might be fakes circulated to see if there are any leaks in the agency (in which case I should leave well alone) but at the same time they're so fucking awful I want to make fun of them on the interwebs.
What would b3ta do?
LEAK! Although if your admin's worth his salt you'd have just written your own confession.
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:19,
I work two jobs
I'm in a different office at a different company right now
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:25,
Your best bet would be to email them to someone unrelated your work, from your phone.
And have them leak them somewhere you've never been at work. Then someone can "find" them and bring them over here. Then edit the confession to something about kittens then delete it.
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:25,
create a new account and post them under that
then not write the message above
I also have this problem - occasionally I get to see top secret govt documents, some of which I would have liked to have publicised
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:19,
I also have this problem - occasionally I get to see top secret govt documents, some of which I would have liked to have publicised
I would leave it until they're released publically, if they are.
If not, leak them as if they are gonna come out after they don't.
Finally, rub some honey on your balls and start a fight with a bee.
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:20,
Finally, rub some honey on your balls and start a fight with a bee.
Post them in a new thread, then post them in another new thread, and compo them.
Then delete the original thread, add a click for bigger which is smaller, and then delete the whole thing and flounce off.
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:20,
NORKS...I presume means "Hard Nipples"..yes ?
The whole world see's your norks..and your political bs..
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:23,
in the words of phil mitchell
"Leaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave it"
no really.
just in case.
A twitchy spidey sense should not be immediately ignored.
you should reply to the email and ask if these images "are serious"
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:28,
no really.
just in case.
A twitchy spidey sense should not be immediately ignored.
you should reply to the email and ask if these images "are serious"
I think you're right
I think they'll be released later today anyway, in which case I will join you all in ripping the living shit out of them.
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:35,
and for all you know there could be individual tags on the images
it's best not to render oneself unemployable in chosen field these days
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:44,
I don't think they're that smart
but best not to take any chances
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:52,
Express today:
Fuck my flow chart from ages ago, I think they actually just pick words out of a hat.
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Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:20,
Fuck my flow chart from ages ago, I think they actually just pick words out of a hat.