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» Oct 2005 «

Dress up as your favourite meme! We all dream of a pub with 100 Svennos! Now is our chance to make it happen.
Smug bastards can be expected from 7pm onwards for croissants and orange juice at the BELUGA BAR (look left as you go down the stairs).
The plan is to assemble, drink, and when appropriate meme into one of Edinburgh's fine clubs.
train up to Edinburgh: with TheTrainline
"Don't be a peasant" and fly: and steal the EasyJet safety information
There may be games such as 'pin the lunch box on the Svenno' and 'Spin the Rossi' if I can think what that might entail.
Be there or be (at the Carlisle event I am treading on the toes of)2
.belugabar. [map]
HALLOWMEME! Edinburgh - Beluga Bar - 7pm
Going: Dekazer, Dugs (2 people).

I couldn't name more than 3 memes. Any good linkies for inspiration?
( , Tue 11 Oct 2005, 13:02, Reply)

the quo
smug git
sturdy girl
no hands
grandma of shoes
am i missing any main ones?
...and i'd give the world to come, only i'm a continent away... :-(
( , Tue 11 Oct 2005, 17:24, Reply)

tub girl
lemon party
but plenty of norks and CDCs
( , Tue 11 Oct 2005, 18:03, Reply)

Can I come as a ghostbuster? only i'm doing a ghostbusters costume for the weekend before and i'm too tight / lazy to make another one ;
( , Tue 11 Oct 2005, 19:09, Reply)

Or maybe an accident.
whichever helps you sleep at night.
( , Wed 12 Oct 2005, 0:06, Reply)

As a b3ta newcomer, I would be obliged if someone could explain the where's and what fors in strait english, i'm still getting used to the local dialect here.
( , Tue 18 Oct 2005, 20:18, Reply)

2. Discover what a b3ta-Meme is.
3. Dress like a meme.
4. Get drunk.
5. Profit
( , Wed 26 Oct 2005, 13:54, Reply)
» Oct 2005 «