You talked about planned chaos for September. Now it’s October, we perhaps ought to analyse your prediction.
First up: for your prediction to be correct, you would have to establish (a) that there has been chaos, (b) that it was planned, and (c) that the link between the plan and the reality was of the right sort. Have you succeeded? Well, no.
Take (a), for instance. You never defined what you meant by “chaos”. (My desk is certainly messier than it was at the start of the month; does that count? On the other hand, my kitchen isn’t.) Maybe you meant something like the current financial problems. But, in that case, why not say so in advance? You can’t claim to have been correct in a prediction if that prediction is vague and then has to be retrofitted to events. You can't predict something for September and then wait until the end of September to discover what it was you predicted. Moreover, even if this is what you meant, you’d still have to establish why “chaos” is the correct word – it’s much too vague to take on faith. Other people might describe current events as problematic but non-chaotic, or as a correction in a market, or as the bursting of a 15-year bubble. None of these descriptions is self-evidently mistaken. So you need to provide an argument to show why they are wrong, and why you’re right. You’ve done no such thing.
We can deal with (b) and (c) together. Again, even allowing arguendo that the current situation is chaotic, you’ve given no evidence that it was planned. (Could there even be such a thing as planned chaos? That sounds oxymoronic to me.) Indeed, the behaviour of bankers and politicians seems to suggest that they were all caught somewhat on the hop – exactly the opposite of your claim. Or are you suggesting that there’s some shadowy level of organisation above all that? If so, then – please, let’s have some independently verifiable, non-ad hoc evidence. The same applies to the causal relationship between the plan and the chaos. One might plan or plan for all kinds of things, and those things may come about – but from that it does not follow that they came about because of the plan, or even that they could possibly have come about because of the plan.
The point is this: there’re three criteria by which we ought to judge your claim. By all three, your claim either fails, or (at best) can claim no success.
Or maybe you’re going to deny that September’s over, and that the good stuff is yet to come? That the Gregorian calendar is a product of the freemason-Catholic conspiracy that’s been running the world for god-knows-how-long, and that, by the Julian calendar, there’s still a significant tranche of September still to run? Or are you into Mayan great cycles? Or what? You see, I’m trying to be as concessive as possible and to give you as much chance as I can to be right. After all, you’re not dumb by any stretch of the imagination. (Hell, I even clicked your Sesame Street LHC joke.) But I have a sneaky feeling that I’m sounding absurd in giving you so much ground. And that’s the problem. Your claims are utterly absurd.
Show me mistaken, Goat. Please.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:00, Reply)

I've got to go to a meeting for a few hours, but I'll be interested to see how this thread develops by the time I come back...
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:04, Reply)

A conspiracy theorist will look at this latest economic correction and blame a small group of shadowy people, when in fact the root of this economic crisis is in the greed of people who saw credit as easy money, buy to let landlords, hedge funds, short sellers, bank staff, civil servants and a whole bunch of other lazy, opportunist and avaricious shits.
I like The Goat, for recognising that there are problems in the world and seeking answers to find the roots of these, roots that are hugely complicated that I don't ever think one human brain could effectively comprehend in full.
Enzyme, well done for starting another debate, b3ta needs it. To you apathetic pricks out there who winge about this sort of stuff being discussed, be warned, when I am king you will all be shot (in the legs guys, I still love you all really).
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 12:49, Reply)

I only got wind of this post because one of my top tinfoil link board spies mailed me
so for what it's worth, even though this has dropped off the first page, have something I posted previously on how this financial crisis is managed as prescisely as the Great Depression of the 30s ... and what the end goal is
( also see G. Edward Griffin book 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' for the inside take on the 30s fed reserve created scam) -
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 16:55, Reply)

you've waited all this time until exactly the 1st October to post this.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:11, Reply)

I wrote a series of predictions on a blog.
It was an attempt to have a go at Sylvia Browne but sadly has become one of the to most searched and read articles.
I made the predictions vague and applicable to any year and as we get to the last quarter most have arguably come true.
It is sad that I get so many comments inferring that I have a gift, when my gift is for language and general ass-hattery. I leave those comments unpublished as they give weight to ludicrous arguments.
Sorry if you think it is spamming but it is relevant I feel:
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:15, Reply)

I loved your explanation of how predicting chaos is just not good enough. I always wondered why if psychics and other assorted loons could predict the future why they wouldn't be absolutely specific about it.
If I had a gift (or advance info) like that I would be publishing every tiny detail to prove it
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:23, Reply)

I like how every single one has the obvious behind it.
Like the first one - Because it's America, and there's a black man up for it.
"someone famous will die" is my favourite.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:25, Reply)

we lost Paul newman
(fingers still crossed for thatcher though)
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:27, Reply)

Best order the balloons now before the rush.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:30, Reply)

Hopefully I'll get a chance to piss on her grave before I die.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:56, Reply)

I have resolved the following:
[1] On the day that hag dies, I am downing tools immediately from work, and heading down to the pub to celebrate. Possibly chanting "Ding-dong, the witch is dead".
[2] Once she has been interred in unhallowed ground, I am making a pilgrimage to it. At the least I will endeavour to urinate on the ground below which her decaying corpse is buried; if possible I'll try for a runny stool.
I have a few other north-easterners who feel pretty similarly.
Anyone for a b3ta bash to collectively micturate on the decaying shrew?
NB. I've noticed a worrying trend for people to get all revisionist on the Thatch, saying what she did was harsh but necessary, and even comments that she was a worthy leader. Fuck that. She was a grasping cunt who had no appreciation for the section of the country north of Watford. She willingly sold the country into Friedman economics. She caused a massive deal of harm to society with her greedy and evil worldview. For this she will never be regarded by me than anything other than the poisonous, warped, fucktoad she was.
( , Thu 27 Aug 2009, 17:59, Reply)

He's been posting apocalyptic nonsense on here for ages. Some of this seemed to amount to the claim that the world'd end at some point in September.
False claims are fine by me. People who're impervious to reason, mendacious and wilfully ignorant aren't. So this is a counterblast.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:26, Reply)

And by believing in something, anything, that is supernatural or 'spiritual', he's creating himself a comfort blanket. Much like the religion comfort blanket billions of people suckle on across the globe.
Let him eat cake, i say.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:30, Reply)

I look forward to a response, if he hasn't got you on ignore, that is :) I'm genuinely interested to see reasons and evidence, and also if I'm going to live long enough to see my birthday next week, without everything crashing around me :)
This being said, he's not been about for the last few days/week I don't think, so he may not see this.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:29, Reply)

that he 'sold up' well before the current financial turmoil after foreseeing the outcome through his sources, and was planning to get 'off the radar' completely.
He may well have now sorted this out before the end of September and is now living next to Margo and Jerry somewhere without bank accounts, internet or any other means of tracking him.
Be a shame to see him go completely, the last couple of weeks or so when he was about, he produced some crackin' stuff on /board and was quite the punmaster in replies :)
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:56, Reply)

Just have to wait and see.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 11:06, Reply)

*stands well back and hands around baked potatoes and sausages*
Hope he is still about. Aside from the (generic) 'conspiracy' stuff on /links, he comes across as an intelligent and funny bloke on /board when he posts.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 11:13, Reply)

The Shawshank one recently was proper woo :)
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 12:02, Reply)

www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/061406_abyss_awaits.shtml a good read from 2006.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:35, Reply)

OK - I've not had time to read this in depth, but a claim that there was a looming financial problem is tame: many people had been predicting that for years, and noone with a vague familiarity with economic and financial history would want to deny the possibility outright. That there's a role for governments to ease the pressure is also not exactly controversial, given that one of the main problems at the moment would seem to be that there's been a dearth of regulation and oversight.
Beyond that, though, we appear to be in the realms of the vague (in terms of crash or slow burn) or the spurious. The stuff about it all being a criminal conspiracy is just... well... shall we say that, prima facie, it's bonkers?
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:41, Reply)

It's an interesting read and worth spending some time on. Michael Ruppert is a man of great integrity and intelligence though, so he's not to be dismissed without further analysis.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:52, Reply)

I'll follow the link again when I get a chance. It'll be fairly soon: I retire in fewer than 40 years...
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:58, Reply)

and he seems like just another conspiracy nutter - he even (supposedly) put himself into pschiatric care at one point.
One other loon even expresses the view that he is an Israeli government backed denier to false flag 9/11 to make us all believe it wasn't Mossad.
Fantastic stuff!!
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 11:09, Reply)

that The Goat will find some obscure thing that happened on September the 8th that was the beginning of the apocalypse. Looking on Wikipedia, it appears that UFC champ Evan Tanner died, that MUST be a sign of the beginning of the end.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 10:57, Reply)

I like it when conspiracy nuts have it handed to them.
I look forward to The Goats reply, if he actually does, as I also like listening to the ramblings of nutters.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 12:43, Reply)

The board was looking rather fun without him :)
Edit: Luther Blissett Woo!!
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 13:18, Reply)

He's a good painter and photoshop dude, and I've come to like watching people argue about history and politics with him, it's good to know people actually care about stuff like that. I'd rather see his posts than that damn SFW porn video popping up over and over again, at least he had some variation.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 14:30, Reply)

There are possibly more.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 16:57, Reply)

And I agree that it's good to have an interest in current affairs. He's certainly not your garden variety "troll", I do believe that there is a decent guy there. But he's a fanatic. And that's why there is no debate with Goat. Any attempt to do so is met with derision, condescension, and endless cut/paste of someone else's unquestioned rhetoric, as though that's the "truth".
I looked beyond that for quite some time. But lost patience when he started blatantly harass people for being educated in subjects that he holds with ignorant suspicion (math/science seem to be the big offenders). He also bullied people for being members of groups he didn't like, or simply suggesting that his "research" (cut and paste) was flawed.
He was also caught out in posting on /talk as an underage teenage girl, flirting with people, presumably in order to entrap them into writing something they shouldn't.
And it is a shame, because as I said, there's things that make him genuinely seem decent. But it's just lost in his approach :/
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 15:19, Reply)

He did seem to take stuff very seriously until someone wrote an equally serious criticism of what he was saying, then he'd change the subject or act like they were pathetic for caring. He never did say whether he seriously believed that aircraft were leaving mind control gas in their vapour trails...
But I don't know, it feels a bit harsh if we've managed to scare him off.
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 16:48, Reply)

(I'm trying to avoid working)
( , Wed 1 Oct 2008, 17:05, Reply)