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This is a normal post Monster Truck is a very nice name for a kitten
Well done
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:27, Reply)
This is a normal post why thankyou
if we had another he would be called Racing Car.

but we don't.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:28, Reply)
This is a normal post My friends have named their cat
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:29, Reply)
This is a normal post Oh that is very good
someone was telling me her boy had wanted to call their kitten Battleship or Terminator but she had said no and enforced the name Colin.

(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:31, Reply)
This is a normal post My friend has called her cat Steve
Ithink I prefer Monster Truck
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:33, Reply)
This is a normal post I called my cat Anubis
just so i could nick name him noobie... it then got shortend further to noob, and then simply nob... which suits him quite well if you ask me
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:39, Reply)
This is a normal post Anubis is a good name for a cat anyway innit
though it's not far from Anus, which is less good
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:49, Reply)
This is a normal post My friends named their cat 'Chairman Miaow'
which was awesome. Although their kids renamed it 'Maow' as they had trouble pronouncing his full name.

He once woke up another one of my friends by depositing a Cleavland steamer on his chest.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:53, Reply)
This is a normal post ha ha ha unlucky
I'm going to have to get a cat, but it seems I have some thinking to do about the name. I'm thinking either Unicron, Panthro, Dangermouse, Skeletor or Brian.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:59, Reply)
This is a normal post those are all good
but calling a cat dangermouse might give it some psychological issues
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:36, Reply)
This is a normal post I say why not just name your cat all of those things...
Unicron Panthro Dangermouse Skeletor Brian

has a sort of a ring to it...
(, Sun 18 Jul 2010, 6:58, Reply)
This is a normal post Funny you should say that as
we named our beautiful fluffball Mao too. You see (clears throat in intelligent way)"mao" in Mandarin pronounced with the up then down tone means cat. So, you know, technically its correct...
(, Sun 11 Jul 2010, 14:08, Reply)
This is a normal post We have named our 2 cats
Mr Patel
Mr Splashypants

That is all
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Very good!
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:36, Reply)
This is a normal post our second cat got called Isis
to fit with an egyptian theme.
i dont actually think she's ever been called that since we got her, its usually Icy, icy-ice, girl cat, lady cat, icy-girl or "the good one"

even the vets mess it up and almost always say Iris...
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:00, Reply)
This is a normal post she must be very disappointed
to have such a regal name and then get called iris by the vet
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:37, Reply)
This is a normal post Battleship is a BRILLIANT name for a pet!
Colin is still pretty good - its better than tiddles or fluffy or some other shite.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:00, Reply)
This is a normal post my step mum had 8 cats all with fantastic names
there was:
and Gavin

and they all had 2 or 3 nicknames each...
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:05, Reply)
This is a normal post Ive always wanted to call something
'globe' and 'slipper'
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:09, Reply)
This is a normal post I had one called
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:15, Reply)
This is a normal post Mine is
called Terry. After Nutkins.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:21, Reply)
This is a normal post Is he called Terry Nutkins?
Or just Terry?
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:37, Reply)
This is a normal post
I have cats called
Scud Missile

Various kittens with names such as Dennis, Thunder, Lightning, Monk, Flail, Sooty (a ginger), and a few without names, but with any luck they'll be going soon and we'll be left with just our original 7
(, Fri 9 Jul 2010, 10:44, Reply)
This is a normal post wow!
you are well catted up!
(, Fri 9 Jul 2010, 11:05, Reply)
This is a normal post
Our cats are called Milly, Button and Lewis Twilight(not with us yet, he's too little). Milly and Button are Tortoiseshells and Lewis Twilight is a black Sphynx.
My sister has a Bengal called Jesus and a ginger moggy called Martin - a.k.a Big Fat Martin. She also has 2 Maine Coons called Crystal and Wolf...and she's adopted next door's tabby, Brian.
(, Fri 9 Jul 2010, 16:43, Reply)
This is a normal post Kitteh's
My cats are called Jasper and Jorg Albertz Jr.
The next one will be called Reinhard Heydrich Jr.
My friend's kitten is called Sparkplug which is a great name.
(, Fri 9 Jul 2010, 21:10, Reply)
This is a normal post I met a dog in a park recently that had been named by a slightly eccentric 6 year old girl
Robin Hood.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:32, Reply)
This is a normal post Did he rob sticks from the middle classes
to give to pikeys?
(, Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:38, Reply)
This is a normal post joel
our cats should rendezvous one misty morning and duel at 10 kitten paces. MONSTER TRUCK VS BATTLECAT!
(, Fri 9 Jul 2010, 19:22, Reply)
This is a normal post I agree
Especially if he gets fat.
(, Tue 13 Jul 2010, 7:37, Reply)