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This is a link post BNP european election 2014 video
its beyond parody. LOADS of footage of a spitfire. Um. Parody?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:48, Reply)
This is a normal post Do Lee Rigby's parents want his image to be used in a political advert?
I hope they got permission for that.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:51, Reply)
This is a normal post Vote Lee N P

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:16, Reply)
This is a normal post Christian values like
Renunciation of worldly goods, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, If a man strikes you on one cheek turn the other cheek, yeah, sure, I believe you.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:51, Reply)
This is a normal post DEUS VULT HERETIC!

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:31, Reply)
This is a normal post Ah, they have got you on the turn the other cheek one
because it was god who said an eye for an eye, but Babie Jebus who said turn the other cheek. So both are right and you can do what you like.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 22:44, Reply)
This is a normal post Love the mention of Ireland in their 4 nations.
And the playing of 'Jerusalem'.

This is bollocks, but could easily be real.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 16:55, Reply)
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I called the one posted this morning as obviously fake, I thought this is could be real, but the use of Lee Rigby and overuse of the spitfire make me sceptical.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:04, Reply)
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The picture of the English breakfast made me lol, I love a fry up, but a source of pride?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:00, Reply)
This is a normal post looks real or a fan video
"The British National Party is the ONLY Political Party that speaks for the Indigenous people of Great Britain"

well that's me fucked cos my ancestors are from France and Japan
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:05, Reply)
This is a normal post Slitty eyed frog weirdo
*Votes BNP*
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:14, Reply)
This is a normal post
You sushi eating surrender monkey garlic stinking weegie nip scum.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:21, Reply)
This is a normal post *image of a snail with pixalated privates*

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:21, Reply)
This is a normal post Is that official?
There were a few faces smiling away in that I don't think would have given their consent to smiling happily in a BNP election video, those nurses for example
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:13, Reply)
This is a normal post Tineye gives the following for the Nurses Picture at 1:15


But the image is no longer there - last crawled in 2012 so it was probably ripped off the interwebs a while ago most likely by a friend of this guy or his mum ("Mrs Patterson" or is it "Mrs Smith") at number 14

If this was 4Chan we would have streetview co-ords by now.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:37, Reply)
This is a normal post Emm, which means it's not official then
even the BNP aren't that ignorant of the law these days, and I don't think your average NHS nurse is mental enough to alienate herself from about 40% of her colleagues who aren't white, and that again who are and fucked off with her politics, she'll have to work with
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:53, Reply)
This is a normal post ooooooooooooh
Aunty Mary hud a canary
up the leg of her drawers
Woudnay come doon fur half a crooon
and won the victoria cross
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:15, Reply)
This is a normal post Is it the same Polish Spitfire Squadron
that was on their poster campaign at the last election?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:18, Reply)
This is a normal post I hope so.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 20:03, Reply)
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It's British, but we sold it to the Boers after the war so they could use it to shoot at their own nignogs.
(, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 19:42, Reply)
This is a normal post Winston Churchill was a BNP member?
Who knew.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:21, Reply)
This is a normal post I bet that brought a tear to many a skinhead's eye
as they sit nursing their bruises from the kicking they volunteered for in Brighton at the weekend.

(Sorry, I'm not a violent person in any way at all, but these people are scum, and I hate seeing my city overrun with yobs)
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:28, Reply)
This is a normal post Did you daintily waft your frilly hankie at them?
Isn't that all they do in Brighton.
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:43, Reply)
This is a normal post I ran for the hills.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:02, Reply)
This is a normal post They're coming from the hills m'lord...

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:31, Reply)