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This is a link post Driver kills cyclist. Sues dead kid's family for emotional suffering.
*lights touchpaper*
*retires to safe distance*
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:29, Reply)
This is a normal post I can understand the woman being mentally damaged by the event and irrationally seeking blame elsewhere
but I can't understand why a lawyer would tell her yes, that sounds like a perfectly acceptable legal action, lets do it.
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:41, Reply)
This is a normal post Very much this^

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:46, Reply)
This is a normal post because they're money grabbing cunts

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 16:07, Reply)
This is a normal post ^this with fucking bells on
Where there's blame...
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 18:58, Reply)
This is a normal post ding ding

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 19:07, Reply)
This is a normal post Because the lawyer
earns a fee win or lose?
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 17:39, Reply)
This is a normal post What a mega-bitch!

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:41, Reply)
This is a normal post Well there's a tale to make you frown

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 15:46, Reply)
This is a normal post The only winners here will be the lawyers.

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 16:05, Reply)
This is a normal post lol
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 16:07, Reply)
This is a normal post Ha! Quite

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 16:13, Reply)
This is a normal post That article doesn't mention...
...the fact that the driver's husband, who was following behind, happens to be a police officer. And when the local police arrived, even though she had run over three kids, she was allowed to leave without further questioning or even a breath test.
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 16:17, Reply)
This is a normal post oh really!?
Got a link ?

We could pop it on twitter and fix everything
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 16:28, Reply)
This is a normal post
Read about the copper husband here www.thestarphoenix.com/Driver+that+fatally+cyclist+sues+family/9774488/story.html
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 17:07, Reply)
This is a normal post this says
A roadside screening device was administered "out of an abundance for caution," the report said, and registered "zero alcohol content in her blood system."
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 17:41, Reply)
This is a normal post The twitter campaign worked!

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 17:50, Reply)
This is a normal post See!
Social media can be used for good. What else can we change ?

Oh I know, we could let the world know that in 1994, England, the US and the Russians promised to defend and guarantee Ukraine from invasion and border threats IF it gave up it's nuclear deterrent... Which Ukraine agreed to

Perhaps the Ruskies just forgot? By letting them know about the 1994 Budapest memorandum via a tweet perhaps they'll fuck off home and have a vodka instead.

Edit: a reference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons_and_Ukraine

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances[7]), may be summarized as follows: Russia, the UK and the USA undertake to respect Ukraine's borders in accordance with the principles of the 1975 CSCE Final Act, to abstain from the use or threat of force against Ukraine, not to place pressure on Ukraine by economic coercion, to assist Ukraine in the event of the use or threat of aggression against Ukraine, and to seek assistance from the UN Security Council in the event of aggression.

(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 18:09, Reply)
This is a normal post Wow, a story about a kid being killed on his bicycle to the Ukraine..
..are you mental I have to ask?
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 18:39, Reply)
This is a normal post Are you deliberatly trying to provoke me ..
..into to talking about heavy metal usage in electronics manufacturing ?

It's all linked... ~~~~~ i t ' s a l l l i n k e d ~~~~~
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 19:35, Reply)
This is a normal post On reddit (yes, that shithole)
it was reported that this is a counter-suit. Make of that what you will.
(, Sun 27 Apr 2014, 18:32, Reply)
This is a normal post Why were the kids riding 3 abreast at 1.30am without lights/reflectors or hi-vis clothing?
However this driver bitch can get fucked.
(, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 9:15, Reply)