I once witnessed my best friend savaged near to death by a flock of rampant killer sheep.
It's a kill-or-be-killed world out there and poor Steve Irwin never made it back alive. Tell us your tales of survival.
( , Thu 24 Apr 2008, 14:45)
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How many times have you heard people give you this interesting 'fact'? Lots I expect. Yet how many b3tans have or know anyone who has had their arm broken by a swan? I've never heard of it happening. So either society is one big fat liar or I've been sheltered from reports of canal-Nazi attacks my whole life.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:19, 11 replies)

in my local free newspaper about a woman whose arm had been broken by a swan. Turned out it ran at her when she was feeding the ducks and she ran off, fell over and broke her giant bingo wing. And then called for a swan cull.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:21, closed)

should tell you that this is rubbish. There are two versions of this myth; first, that they can break a man's arm with a beat of their wing. This is nonsense - lift is generated by air catching in their feathers, not from brute strength. Second, is that they can break a man's arm with a bite - this is even more ridiculous. The muscles in a swans mouth are the same size as the muscles in your fingers.
I've been bitten by a swan, and it was strangely pleasant.
They can, however, cause ruptured ear drums with a wingbeat if handled incorrectly. This used to happen to RSPCA people now and then. That is why the technique for picking up a swan (for whatever reason) is to hold it with it's back to you, your arms around it's wings and locked around it's chest. Remember this information; you may thank me for it one day.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:23, closed)

My friend Tracy had her arm broken by a swan when she was a child. She got too close, it flapped it's wing and CRACK. So it is possible.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:24, closed)

Do the RSPCA guys have to perfect the 'reach around' technique?
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:28, closed)

Admittedly this was by flying into it full tilt. They were watching TV when they heard a crash and bits of chimney tumbling off the roof. When they went to investigate, they found the swan dead outside.
My aunty says it's quite difficult to stuff a dead swan in a wheelie bin.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:38, closed)

A swan can't break a mans arm.
Unless he's Mr. Glass from "Unbreakable".
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:40, closed)

is that in order for something as incredibly tough as a human arm to break it needs to be hit very hard indeed. This isn't a problem for your average bastard-huge swan. The problem comes when considering how the arm pivots. When Karate Kid broke the sheets of ice they were supported at both ends, facilitating a nice easy break. An arm is only supported at one end and so will just flop down when hit.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 10:43, closed)

But a swan did delay the launch of the Mercedes C Class in Manchester by landing on the Mancunian Way, getting a bit of a strop on and attacking a Transit Van.
By the time I got past, the swan was winning.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 11:06, closed)

Probably not true really.
However, a badger CAN break a man's car... As my mate's brother found out. Twice. And 20 years apart.
( , Fri 25 Apr 2008, 15:17, closed)
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