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This is a question Anonymous

One of the B3ta team danced on stage at the Brixton Academy dressed as an enormous white rabbit, and lived to tell the tale. Confess the stuff – good or bad - you've done anonymously.

(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 12:10)
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Lift Fart
Yeah, it was me. Sorry about that.
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 13:01, 10 replies)
You do that too??
I thought I was the only one!!! *tears of joy*

My M.O. is to do one just as the lift stops at my floor and I get off. Yeah baby!
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 13:20, closed)
Stealth skills!
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 13:33, closed)
Is this...
Some brazen sensory vandalism? Are you pushing a rumbler out and giving a cursory finger to the people inside, or is it only applied to stealthy farts, more of a guerilla tactic?

The latter I can see. The former I hope for.
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 17:02, closed)
Thet was you?
You bastard! What have you been eating? Roadkill? It made my eyes run.
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 13:26, closed)
Onions and Toothpaste
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 13:34, closed)
Wire brush and dettol
Is what you needs
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 14:06, closed)
also works rather well in the sweaty and overcrowded confines of the London Underground system...
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 16:14, closed)
even more effective
when you can almost guarantee someone getting in on the ground floor - letting it go as a group of you leave is great. Doesn't work when you're the only one there though.
(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 18:02, closed)
You are Jim Carrey

(, Thu 14 Jan 2010, 23:23, closed)
£5 is yours.
(, Sat 16 Jan 2010, 22:40, closed)

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