Big Girl's Blouse asks: Drug fuelled orgies ending in a pile of vomit? Accidental spillage of Chocolate Pudding looking like a dirty protest? Someone walking in on you doing something that isn't what it looks like?... Tell us about your Bedroom Disasters
( , Thu 23 Jun 2011, 15:14)
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Once upon a not-too-long time ago, I attended a party. It was ostensibly a picnic, which entailed eating a few Doritos and filling up on Bloody Marys. While outside, of course. That's how it was a picnic, not a piss-up.
Later, as the evening grew colder, we withdrew indoors and switched from Bloody Marys to red wine. My stomach clamoured for food. My stomach wept at the sheer quantities of alcohol. I ignored its cries, for I was perched on the sofa with two good friends of mine, and the snogging and stroking gave fairly blatant clues that a threesome was on the cards.
He was bookish and sweet and a thoroughly brilliant lay. She was crazy-awesome-intense and I suspected she would be a thoroughly brilliant lay.
Sending the rest of the party out for a game of midnight cricket, my sexual comrades and I found our moment.
"Queen of Cheesecake," wailed my stomach, plaintively, like a distraught five year old, "please feed me. I don't feel very well."
"Not now, I'm busy," I replied, taking off my clothes and getting stuck into some rather enthusiastic cunnilingus.
We fucked, the three of us. Dimly through the fug of bodies, we heard the cricketers come in, buoyed by their sixes and LBWs and inpentrable slang.
We continued fucking.
Occasionally, like a five year old on a long car journey, my stomach complained. I ignored it.
Suddenly, I broke out in a sweat, and my guts turned from whining toddler to a vengeful deity of old. I struggled to hold myself together, tapping out from the fucking to assume a more spectatorial position. My stomach cackled. I breathed slowly until the vicious cramping subsided.
"Can you grab us a condom?" one of my threesome friends asked.
I was feeling slightly better. I stood to cross the room.
Bad idea. Bad, bad idea.
The sudden shift in position caused my angry digestive system to seek its bloody revenge. Suddenly, two bottles of red wine and a river of Bloody Mary decided to eject itself forcibly.
I searched desperately for something to cover myself with, cheeks bulging with red liquid sick. I could not let the cricketers see me in such a state of indignity.
One of my sexual comrades handed me a dressing gown. Red liquid sick dribbled sadly down my chin. I dashed to the bathroom to clean myself up and resume the hot fucking.
I cannot stress enough how awesome the fucking had been until that point.
I vomited copiously. I swear I could hear my stomach chuckle.
"Fuck you, Queen of Cheesecake," it said. "That's the last time you'll ignore me."
I returned, feeling heaps better. My stomach had made its point. We reconciled, an uneasy peace, but peace nonetheless.
"Why's everyone dressed?" I asked.
My sexual comrades shook their heads sadly.
"Come on, take it off again?"
My sexual comrades shook their heads sadly.
We marched back to the party. Nobody spoke of the threesome I had ruined. It didn't seem polite.
( , Mon 27 Jun 2011, 20:25, 28 replies)

Because your grasp of English is fucking dreadful.
( , Tue 28 Jun 2011, 10:47, closed)

but will get dumped in the fail archive, anyway.
( , Mon 27 Jun 2011, 22:28, closed)

but I don't really understand why the other two packed it in just because she puked for a bit. That hardly sounds like the behaviour of sexual adventurers. More like squeamish teenagers.
( , Mon 27 Jun 2011, 23:03, closed)

( , Tue 28 Jun 2011, 10:45, closed)

It also reminded me of the threesome I turned down...in that it was a threesome and no other connection to your story.
I was 21 and seeing a 16 year old. Which writing it now seems very wrong. Anyway, this girl had a friend of a similar age who, when around, made the age difference more obvious.
And it was for this reason that I turned down the offer of a threesome, and not because this friend had an underdeveloped arm/hand. Absolutely not.
Come on, at least I didn't try to fuck my mum.
( , Mon 27 Jun 2011, 22:37, closed)

With an underdeveloped hand you could have pretended your penis was a normal size.
( , Mon 27 Jun 2011, 23:02, closed)

It's well-written, it strikes a chord with anyone who's ever drunk too much at a party, and the touching pleas to resume the threesome after your partners in sexytime were copiously showered with acidic red vomit are particularly excellent.
( , Mon 27 Jun 2011, 23:10, closed)

I had an offer once (ah, when I was young), but it was never going to happen. The one girl was indeed very attractive but the other.... Dear God, she looked liked she been chopping wood with her face.
( , Tue 28 Jun 2011, 10:57, closed)

Hot damn. Back in a mo ...
( , Tue 28 Jun 2011, 12:21, closed)

When I was 16 me and a mate had an offer of a foursome from an overweight guy in his 50’s and very stocky 25 year old bloke covered in prison tattoos. The fact we were ‘trapped’ in the back of a camper van with them between us and the door was a little worrying. Fair play though, they allowed us to make make our excuses and leave.
( , Tue 28 Jun 2011, 12:42, closed)

I thought this sounded familiar.
Midnight Cricket was a bit of a letdown, for the record. Shortly after my innings began I steamed ahead in the scoreboards only to have my victory cut short by protestations of the surrounding neighbourhood.
Which, as I'm sure you guessed - just isn't cricket.
( , Tue 28 Jun 2011, 18:02, closed)
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