I once was in a programming class where the task was "build a calculator". A student did one with buttons 1, 2, 3 all the way up to about 25 and then ran out of space on the screen. We've asked this before but liked it so much we're asking again: What's the best example of ignorance you've encountered?
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 12:30)
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- Religion. Before science, OK, people needed a reason for why things happened. Now Creationists have to come up with "well God buried the dinosaurs to test our faith". WTF !!! If there is a God or Gods - where is the smiting, eh ?
- Pseudo-religious bullshit as in the dread phrase "put it out into the Universe and it will happen". Yeah, sure it will. I blame Noel Edmunds.
- Noel Edmunds and that dreadful pick a box programme. FFS there is no science involved ! It's chance, pure and simple ! See also - which lottery balls come out, which brings me onto...
- The National Lottery. It's a tax on poor bastards who use it as a way of dreaming that life will change. It won't. "If my numbers come up" - yes, well, carry on dreaming sucker, your money is just being used to provide services that should be state funded.
- Psychics. Should just be shot, every last fucking one of them, preying on poor credulous fools who haven't got "closure" after someone's died. They're dead, they can't talk to you any more.
- Homoeopathy. "Water has a memory". Fine, I'll just replace my SSD with a bowl of water then.
- "Lucky" numbers, colours, days and so forth, rabbit's feet, St Christopher medals and all the rest of it. Damn sure there are many such "lucky" emblems still attached to corpses on WW1 battlefields. It sure worked for them.
- The Daily Mail.
- Conspiracy theories. Apart from the Bilderberg group, these are all rubbish. Sure, the Americans are clever enough to bomb themselves and not a word of this ever got out.
- The "War on Terror". Sure, let's have a war AGAINST A FUCKING EMOTION. See also "The War on Drugs", another long-term 'war' that's really working well. Has no-one ever read George Orwell ?
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 12:33, 19 replies)

Which is why we're having a War On Terror.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 13:18, closed)

Theyve all read 1984, look how well they replicated it down to every last detail
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 14:30, closed)

Quite a lot of people have read Nineteen Eighty-Four - but they can't have been paying much attention if they can't even get the title right.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 16:31, closed)

About the Homeopathy, don't say that too many times... It dilutes the effect.... (grabs coat and runs)
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 14:41, closed)

We appear to have angered it!
I strongly recommmend a course of leeches.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 15:40, closed)

...what is the Bilderberg Group for then ? Eh ?
I don't think it's like the Monty Burns "League of Evil" however there has to be a bloody good reason why those people do get together - and I don't think it's to play Jenga.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 16:49, closed)

"I don't know why these people meet, therefore it must be nefarious."
Let me know if you can spot the problem.
( , Thu 30 Aug 2012, 22:26, closed)

if I was fucking his wife, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops, doubly so given my last QoTW answer...
( , Sat 1 Sep 2012, 0:04, closed)
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