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This is a question Stuff I've found

Freddy Woo writes, "My non-prostitute-killing, lorry driving uncle once came home with a wedding cake. Found it in a layby, scoffed the lot over several weeks."

What's the best thing you've found?

(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 11:58)
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A technical find.
When wireless was first taking off, you'd be suprised at the amount of people whom didnt lock their access points.

Anyway I had quite a nice set up in my car (still do actually) with a wifi aerial on the roof and an in car system.
I went to see my friend in Scotland and we went for a drive.
I decided to demonstrate to him how I can find Internet by netstumbling around the neighbourhood, and logging onto someone elses unprotected wifi.

And of course, it didnt take long to find one. I also had an IP scanner that would pluck out if any PCs are connected. So showed him that too. And sure enough there was a PC... oh and look at this.. open shares.

Yup the guy had his entire C: drive shared to the world. Not only that he had a folder in there which had 5 gigs worth of animal porn. I kid you not. the dirty fucker was into girls fucking dogs and horses. There was tonnes of pictures and videos of his filthy habbit.

As any practice of sex with animals cannot be described as consentual. I of course took offense to it, and promptly renamed his access points SSID to Doglover. Locked it, deleted all his filth, and put a note on his desktop saying MI5 had taken it.

Ive retired from my wireless wardriving days. Though I found an access point called "Dont try to hack this!" That was locked. Sadly only with 128bit WEP. So I renamed that one to "I Hacked it!"

Beware of random cars that might park up near your house thats all I can say :)
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 20:03, 10 replies)
Go wireless vigilante! :D
Shame you couldn't hang around to see mr Doglover's face start twitching at the windows with certain paranoia! Nicely done fella
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 20:24, closed)
Aircrack is win
I use a neighbour's network (don't know which neighbour) when our ADSL is down, which is often. They left it with the default settings of 64-bit WEP!
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 20:38, closed)
My router
is on default 64-bit wep, is that bad?
Care to advise what i should use?
I have a choice of:

But I don't know what any of this shit means.

Just noticed there is a "Wireless Station Access List", maybe I should use that?

Not that I've got any dog porn you understand...
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 21:13, closed)
WEP is dead
You can crack that in seconds these days. WPA should be your starting point. If you're really paranoid you can usually start locking down MAC addresses, but if you don't know what you're doing there it's easy to lock yourself out as well.
(, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 21:26, closed)
so, let me get this straight....
...you hacked a 128bit WEP key from a mobile rig. In your car. In the early days of wireless.

One of three things is therefore true:

1) You were a hacking GOD and should be employed by GCHQ immediately.

2) You sat in your car for many days brute-forcing the AES encryption that someone had in the days when 3DES was new.

3) You are completely full of crap, and are trying to big yourself up.

Hmm...I wonder which may be true!
(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 9:09, closed)
Neither are correct.
1. Im not a hacking god. I dont know that much about hacking to be honest.
2. I didnt have to sit brute forcing the connection for hours. With the right software and a good connection you can break a 128bit wep in about 5 mnutes.
3. You are a complete twunt.
(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 11:32, closed)

2. yes, you can today. Not "in the early days of wireless".
(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 12:08, closed)
that the "Early Days of Wireless" were a lot further back than most people think. You could have done this easy enough in "the early days of Sky and the like giving out WiFi enabled routers".

Or a bit earlier if the car-puter was really quite impressive.

Wardriving is fun!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:52, closed)
I have yet to see
any canine porn where the dog wasn't loving it. Dirty fuckers normally go back for seconds.

Sanctimonious arse
(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 14:12, closed)
I used to
run a pretty busy website (still extremely busy, but I have very little to do with it these days), and one day we were featured on "Tonight with Trevor MacDougal"

Just before that though, my house had caught fire and was flooded too (long story), and we had to move to a house about half a mile away.

There was no TV reception (too low to get a signal), no mobile phone reception (same reason) and no phone or internet.

I had to get on-line for the programme being aired as we were expecting an influx of new forum members (the site went down after about a million hits sadly), and so made the now infamous pringe-tube antenna. Worked a treat. The cheap git only had a 2 meg line though - and while he had open shares, I did not peek.

I started to take the piss when I bought a Skype-in number and a USB phone so I could make calls though.
(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 21:45, closed)

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