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Tell us your stories of churches and religion (or lack thereof). Let the smiting begin!

Question suggested by Supersonic Electronic

(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 15:00)
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Religion is the root of all evil
My personal view is that religion is the root of all the wrong doing in the world. If people were not so blindly led by a fooking book that has no base in fact, and is a work of pure fiction then they are complete and utter mongaloid twunts in my eyes. Weak minded sheep.

I mean for fooks sake, some of the most hypicritical things done in society seem to come from the church itself.

The catholic church for example, most of the vicars or dress wearing pricks that ponce about declaring how almighty god and jebus rule everything, and if you do not offer your soul/money/life, then you'll be dammed to hell (whatever that is) for all eternity....they then they go and fuck small choir boys. Do they say that doing that act is 'gods' will? Evil bastards. (Have no personal experience of this)

God the church and Jebus fucking Christ are all works of fiction, rather like Ronald McDonald, but we don't see hords of people hanging on every word a McDonalds employee says, as if it must have come from the god of McDonalds, good old Ron himself.

I'll have fries with that. Thanks Ron aka Jebus Christ, and a portion of ever lasting life, and sweet and sour sauce to go please.

What a complete and utter load of bollocks.

And as for muslims, what is all this hiding the women away behind head curtains all about?

It's just a control. It's just about biggot eastern men asserting control over 'their' women folk.

Religion in all it's forms to me, is absolute utter piss shite bollocks.

To all those religious people....go get a life, and a brain, and try thinking of things in a matter of FACT way, not airy fairy shite dribbled out of some shite book written thousands of years a go, by biggot small minded idiots, that needed a way of controling the stupid and ignorant masses.

Religion is for weak individuals, that have nothing to cling onto in life except for some small minded belief that they will be 'saved' if they believe. Cocks the lot of 'em.

Try watching discovery channel.

Oh and those people that believe that the world was made in 1974 or whatever....i mean come on...shit for brains. Idiots, absolute idiots.

And relax.....and of rant.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:20, 20 replies)
*yawns languidly*
You can't spell, old chum...
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:32, closed)
Good reply
Agreed with all you said
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:32, closed)
With insight like this, it can only be a matter of time before you're allowed out of kindergarten.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:34, closed)
You are Richard Littlejohn
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:45, closed)
I'm just gonna say the same thing as I say to anyone who claims religion as the root of all evil
Define Religion.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:49, closed)
Ah, Kilroy.
Good to see you've got back to what you're good at.

Actually, no it isn't. Of course, because you believe that religion is for the weak, then it must be so. Because you (thanks to evidence no doubt gleaned from The Sun or similar reactionary tabloid) think that 'most' priests molest children, then it must be so. Because you don't understand Islam, then it must be that it is a weird and terrifying thing that must be destroyed. I think it's hilarious that you think religious people are small minded idiots. Do you not see the irony in that staement?

Anyway. The above statement comes to you from an atheist. Albeit an atheist who doesn't think other people are stupid or deluded if they believe something different to me. Richard Dawkins you are not, sir.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:55, closed)
No I don't believe that if somebody believes in something different to me it should be destroyed. I have no problems with people believing in religion or whatever the fuck they want, I mean my own family are religious, I however, am not. I do not want any of it shoved down my throat by anyone. I prefer to think of things from a scientific fact based basis, as this to me is far more tangible, than a book/s written thousands of years a go, by some random person. To me, when you die, you die. End of. Another thing that gets me is that being a gay man, all of these religions have no place for someone like me in their 'flock' unless I repent all my 'sins' for being gay...I was born this way...the way 'god' made me.

People that say that the word of the bible etc etc insert religious book of choice...is an absolute mantra to which we all must live can go fuck themselves, Ok great if you want to structure your life round a instruction manual, great, go for it. I however, do not want or need too.

And another thing, how can an all loving, all caring god watch good people die? Try watching your own mother die slowly of cancer, and then your best friend die from an overdose bought on by post natal depression after 8 months of marriage then look at her daughter growing up knowing she has no mother and tell me that god will comfort you.....I can tell you from my personal experience that nothing, not a made up story in a book, nothing can help you deal with that, and yes I am still bitter, so if you have a smart comment then fuck off with it.

And another thing, i don't read the Sun. I made the comment about priests molesting children, as it seems to be on BBC news or another reputable news source every other week, and it always seems to be Catholic Priests!!! Dunno why...must be something in the water.

(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:56, closed)
You're sort of preaching to the converted with some of this:
But: I'm an atheist. I said that before. Therefore, I don't believe that there is an all-loving God who watches people die for no good reason. That's nature, sadly, and at least on that point I think we can agree. Of course there would be no 'smart comment' about friends and family of yours dying, I'm not a total arse, thank you.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 16:37, closed)
1) "Religion is the root of all evil"

Nope. Religion per se never harmed anyone. Try explaining that to anyone who's ever been aided by the Red Cross and Red Crescent charities.

Are you seriously suggesting also that Muhammed Ali and Osama Bin Laden are similarly as evil because they both subscribe to the same faith?

2) "some of the most hypicritical things done in society seem to come from the church itself"

Again, you don't have to subscribe to a particular faith before you're branded a hypocrite...

3) "And as for muslims, what is all this hiding the women away behind head curtains all about?"

Some Muslim women I've known say it's all about modesty. While I disagree with some aspects of how Saudi Arabian culture treats women for example, you can't suggest that the same doctrine applies to women who originate from more progressive societies who happen to be muslim.

4) "try thinking of things in a matter of FACT way, not airy fairy shite dribbled out of some shite book written thousands of years a go, by biggot small minded idiots"

'Biggot' is spelled with one "g". Try also checking the dictionary definition of the word and re-reading your rant. You might surprise yourself.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 14:56, closed)
You think his rant is bad.
Don't get me started on the burqa. Modesty my arse!

Ninja edit. Got the hijab and burqa mixed up.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:05, closed)
As I said, I don't agree with how some cultures treat women...
...but it's more a "cultural" thing than religious. Plymouth Bretheren women cover their hair, some Greek Orthodox and Jewish women wear veils too.

Misogynistic societies aren't necessarily so because of faith.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:10, closed)
Yes and why do these women have to be modest?
Not because of anything they will do but because of what it might incite in men.

*get's feminist hat on*

(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:14, closed)
You're absolutely right.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:18, closed)
I know you agree with me but it just pisses me off. It's one of my bugbears.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:22, closed)
@ BGB Agreed
It because men can't trust other men to not want to take them off and shag them if they show a bit of flesh, so they insist on them being covered up. I am sure some women prefer it, which is fine and that's personal choice, but for it to be enforced is wrong.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:29, closed)
I don't think that anyone'd deny that modesty is a virtue. There's something to be said for people being modest.

However - that leaves the question of what counts as modesty wide open. And I don't think that a burka really provides the best way to answer it...
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:40, closed)
it's their cunning ninja way of getting round being seen at all

(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 16:54, closed)
I'll deny that modesty is a virtue.
1. Who sets the rules on virtues?
2. Repression is also a very bad thing.
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 17:00, closed)
The veil was a Greek thing originally anyway...
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 15:06, closed)
steady on
this is just the sort of thing that gives atheists a bad name.

there is a measure of truth in most of what you say, but a bile-filled rant isn't the way to get it across.

if you say that all catholic priests are child-molesters, you may as well say that all PE teachers are the same.....hang on a minute!
(, Thu 26 Mar 2009, 16:53, closed)

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