Spimf says: I've always enjoyed listening to Pink Floyd, but lately I've noticed if my iPod plays any of their tracks, I skip them. I'm starting to realise I've gone off them. What have you gone off lately?
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 12:15)
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Call me a dinosaur. This isn't meant as an Applebash but may well turn into one.
Our household is a mishmash of operating systems - my daughters netbook is windows8, the missus laptop is xp and that's the way she likes it. The house tablet is Android - I've managed to root every android device I've owned - with absolutely no fucking dramas whatsoever! Me, I can count on one hand the number of times I've logged into the windows (7 I think, or vista) drive on this desktop.
For the geeks- debian, but since I spend most of my time in tty1, I always have xfce just to keep it gui.
xp - "Windows cannot find a driver for this device - do you want to look online?" Even when you do get the drivers sorted then you install itunes. & the fun begins..
"Ipod touch device needs resetting - warning all data will be lost" Oh goody, no chance to back up and I get to lose all those games I downloaded. Yay! I even tried jailbreaking it (redsn0w and blackra1n) - nada.
linux - found it in lsusb, mounted it in /mnt/ thru /dev/, installed gtkpod, found it was too old (debian repos. for you!), got it from git and built that. Once, only once having had to gksudo a file manager did I find it and was able access files on it. EDIT: Yes I did try install itunes thu wine. Suffice to say, I did not have the last laugh.
If any of that didn't make sense to you and you own an iPhone and want try linux - think twice.
windows8 - "Windows did not recognise this device." Back to the Apple Knowledgebase. Install drivers, install itunes, rinse & repeat.
I have a 2nd gen. 32gb ipod touch going cheap. My missus is getting rid of the iphone and going android. My sister in law paid just shy of AUD$1000 more than what my work laptop cost for a macbook. With lower specs. than my laptop.
Me, aside from the whole "treating pancreatic cancer with hoodoo", I think Steve Jobs was one of the smartest men on the planet.
Sell people something you've told them looks good, make small changes as iterations but sell them as huge innovations and above all else make sure you keep your hardware/software closed so that the only place to get it from is you. Fucking brilliant.
Anyone with suggestions - I appreciate it but there's probably a good chance I've tried it. If you want a really cheap old ipod touch gaz me.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 9:41, 39 replies)

I don't know when you last tried it but it's really improved in recent times in my experience. It's a lot easier to use and rarely fails (lorks, if I can use it, it's got to be simple)
But I get what you mean. After being an apple fanboy, I've moved to Android recently and haven't looked back.
Windows 8 is a pile of dog turds though.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 9:58, closed)

At home it's a similar mishmash of devices...I needed to transfer some files from the Macbook to my PC the other week and it took me an hour of fucking about until I realised I just needed to adjust the permissions on my public folder, then it took about five seconds to do it over the wifi :/
Just delete iTunes. Take off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 9:59, closed)

G/F has Windows 8 on her 'phone - as a touchscreen/phone system it's ok I suppose.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 10:08, closed)

iPod touch, iPhones & iTunes
Ever so sorry if that wasn't clear enough to you. Hope that's clarified the reason for my post.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 10:38, closed)

If it means that much to you then please feel free to let me know how my post fails to address the question.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 11:56, closed)

Well, unless it has the 'i' before the name (I'm sure it stands for idiot).
I just got rid of an old Mac IIcx (4mb RAM, 40MB HD) which still runs PageMaker 3, Claris FileMaker (yeah - THAT old), and an old version of Excel and Word.
For me, I use Windows 7 at work and on my laptop, have a Nexus7, HTC One X, HTC One SV (work phone) - none of which have ever had a sniff of iTunes near them. Apart from the work phone, all my Android devices are rooted.
I'm sure there are third party iTunes alternatives - I think I recall a friend using Media Monkey?
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 11:06, closed)

say banshee and rhythmbox amongst others are bloated as fuck. I try to run a lean system with more commandline and (needed) daemons than gui based progs with lots of dependencies.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 11:38, closed)

( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 11:49, closed)

C'mon Dr. Imble - I expect at least a bit more from you.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 11:53, closed)

some of it is really good, but I just got fed up with the price gouging and tactics Apple use.
I bought a card reader for my Ipad, and installed a piece of pirate software that let the Ipad read memory cards on the reader - so, for certain uses, you are effectively expanding the memory.
Apple then quietly nobbled the port in the next software update, to stop it being able to read from the cards.
Why? To make sure people pay £300 for their memory, and not £30 for someone elses.
Same for output to TV cables. They made sure you can only use one of their cables, costing £30, instead of something you can get off Ebay for £3.
Fuck 'em. Work needed me to upgrade my old Blackberry to something smarter last month, expecting I'd go for an Iphone, but I got a Samsung. Fuck Apple, I'll never buy anything from them again.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 15:19, closed)

( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 16:23, closed)

Got rid of my iPhone 5 for a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini.
Being my 1st Android device I struggled at 1st but now I'm glad i did it.
I hope NFC takes off, I've already started learning some basic Tasker...
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 17:37, closed)

Buy second hand CDs from Amazon, which tend to be cheaper than downloads anyway, rip them with CD juicer and use a Sony as your mp3 player. Use VLC as your media player. I never have any problems whatsoever doing this, right up to the point where my wife wants me to put some files onto her Macbook.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 15:56, closed)

The only way I could activate it (this was a first gen that needed a PC to activate) was to install XP in a VM and do it that way. I couldn't evne charge the thing until I found ipad_charge.
Sadly I hear Android is going to the shitfestst that is MTP and dropping USB mass-storage so by the time I come to buy a new phone the cunt's will have fucked that up too.
Seems nobody makes a decent smart phone nowadays -- they all wand you to jump through hoops to just use the fucking thing.
( , Tue 20 Aug 2013, 20:19, closed)

naively expecting that two Linux devices would have no trouble communicating with one another.
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 8:34, closed)

You need to do the Australian equivalent of fucking it.
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 8:41, closed)

as that eliminates the possibility of me bricking my tablet. My phone's only on ICS, so should still present as mass storage, although I've not tried it with Mint.
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 9:07, closed)

It's pretty fucking hard to brick an android device by rooting it. Unless you are a complete idiot.
In which case you should probably stick to Nokia.
Like me.
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 9:50, closed)

but concluded that I wouldn't really see any benefit, so gave it a miss. HTC made ICS available for my DesireS, anyway, so my primary motivation was taken away.
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 10:17, closed)

at not being smug despite your obvious failings
at not being a total dick
at using computers
at comprehension
at writing
at life
you ask for suggestions - have you considered DTOHTAKY ?
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 1:28, closed)

Even b3ta dictionary didn't have anything.
Anyhoo, since I can't remember ever having interacted with you in the past & I clearly have made an impression on you - I'd like to take this opportunity to say,
"Pleased to meet you, welcome to my ignore list. It's been a pleasure."
EDIT:I'll take you off ignore long enough to answer one of your "accusations".
I'm terrible at using computers -
Having taught myself in my teens to program in asm and then C, I've found that many of the clients that my small IT business has garnered appreciate the fact that not only can I build the hardware for servers that I can then install free, open source software on (often using existing components) but I can also code for them when some of their software may not meet all of their requirements.
Seeing as I've never been big on the "wysiwyg" stuff, most of what I do is either in a text based 'non-gui' environment or run in a terminal emulator (bash). Thus I've never been a big user of Apple Macs as their interactive basis is mostly completely gui based. Much like windows. Hence, I may not be au fait on some of the tips and tricks that apple users may become used to but then again as I said earlier in my post - most of what I work with is 'beige box' hardware (so fairly interchangeable between PC's) and open source operating systems and software.
Sorry to give you my life story but... just because I don't use apple products day to day I think doesn't mean I don't know how to use computers.
Aside from that - yes I may well be a smug cunt, I'm not the greatest writer on the planet, I may well be a dick but I'm actually quite happy with my life at the moment thank you.
I won't rush to put you back on "ignore" just to see if you have a response. Unless of course you wish to take the initiative in which case I guess this will be goodbye. Again.
EDIT: Since I'm so lacking in comprehension maybe you could explain "DTOHTAKY". I think I've got the beginning and the end.
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 2:36, closed)

No need to thank me.
( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 10:43, closed)

( , Wed 21 Aug 2013, 11:32, closed)
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