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This is a question Best Graffiti Ever

My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.

(, Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
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Asheville, North Carolina, the U.S. of A.
Asheville's a relatively hip city with lots of artists and alternative lifestyles and a solid population of strong women, if you know what I mean, nudge nudge.

On the side of a building, an apparently irate feminist had inked:
"The womyn are angry! The riots have just begun!"

And next to the first sentence, another hand had written:
"Why? Because they can't spell!"
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 3:51, Reply)
In Canterbury today
Just randomly on a wall


awesome :)
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 3:11, Reply)
Finsbury Park bus stop
"Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead"

Brilliant. Used to make me laugh everytime I saw it.
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 3:09, Reply)
Probably quite common
"Back in 10 minutes...

(, Sat 5 May 2007, 2:43, Reply)
This looks like a good place to put up a sticker.
From a bus shelter:

This looks like a good place to put up a sticker.

Apparently it was.
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 2:32, Reply)
Local church....
in the dunny it has written on the cistern...'Turds more than nine inches long should be lowered into the bowl using string'
St Kilda, Australia
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 1:41, Reply)
Incidentally (on topic by a knat's pube, this, but hey)...
...a word about the thing with 'GOURANGA' flyposted on motorway bridges and the like. I'm informed that it's some manner of zen-type mantra along the lines of 'don't worry be happy', lovingly plastered around higways up and down the UK by bona-fide monks and thier peers. It's the saffron robes folks' answer to road rage, basically - sweet of them to have a bash at it.


Thing is, when you see it and whether you've understood it or not (I only found out what it was about relatively recently), doesn't it just piss you off more, or is that just me?

Okay, a few tequila-laced coronas in me tonight and I'm getting giddy. Time for bed :)
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 1:22, Reply)
On someone's back garden wall...
...on an estate where I lived:


We'll never know. What the fuck they were going on about.
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 1:09, Reply)
On a dirty van -
Careful with hand signals - driver is a convicted Arab murderer
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:55, Reply)
On the A570...
...around the St Helens/Wigan area on some kind of junction box it says, or at least said:

THE PIES {well, more written bigger than bolder but you get the idea}

It is close to Wigan, after all.
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:51, Reply)
Anonymity guaranteed!
In one of the little redneck burbs that I have inhabited in my time, there was graffiti taking up a whole wall with letters a foot high down the side of a shop along a side street, clearly visible from the main drag (details changed due to my hazy fuggy memory)...


(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:47, Reply)
"Probably been posted a million times already
but I'm far too tired to read the 23 pages to find out"

Yes, that's why it's 23 pages long, because all of the common graffiti have now been posted at least seven times. Do the rest of us a favour, open the 23 pages in different tabs and at least do a ctrl-F ('find') to see whether your very witty contribution has been posted before. Ta mars.
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:35, Reply)
'Ken Dodd's Dad's dogs dead'
The bus through Finsbury Park was always made more pleasent by seeing this in large letters on the side of that church.

Is it famous?
Do y'all know it too?
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:29, Reply)
RE: Wish my wife was this dirty
A mucky Cape Town airport window last year I saw written below this.

'She is'
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:22, Reply)
More! (I forgot a few)
My favourite one in the school toilets:

"Normal people piss on the walls, be a hero, piss on the ceiling" - naturally, I helped with this, and it's spread to all the nearby toilets.

And the most awesome ones ever:

There's one along the astroturf near the gramamr school that has things like "pickled onion crisps are buff", "jane smith shagged a muffin" and this odd little one nobody has quite worked out yet... well... here's my sketch...

The original had a man receiving this penis up his rectum. I didn't add it, NSFW?

It's pretty worrying really. I'll get you all pics next time I'm near there
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:16, Reply)
Oh and some more
Many years ago there was a huge poster advert for Whiskey (I think)depicting a dog looking through a telescope.

Saw one in Darlington with the dog saying "I can see Pluto - Wooff".

And, during the brief Lech Walweswa Polish uprising - a wall in Liverpool read "Solidartererty."
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:14, Reply)
Been a silent b3tan, time to break that.
To celebrate the fact that two links I sent in last week made it to the newsletter I'm gracing you lot with words and pictures.

I'm too pissed and lacadasical to bore you with loads of bin dun length. So I'll just show you the crap i've seen and like.

For instance, I like the way some people are willing to make a joke knowing they will never hear the laugh...

Not all of these are jokes. But they are all things that have amused me whilst on my various wanders. You may also enjoy.

Oh, there was that thing a mate saw while at Glasgow School of Art.
"Art is only a boys name"
What a wakner.


(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:11, Reply)
So it wasn't just Freddy, Kenny and Liberace
In my old school, on our form class wall, in permanant marker.

"Aids has AIDS"

Who was Aids? We never found out. Was it true? Who knows. All we do know is that if it is it's one very cruel twist of fate for poor old Aids.
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:10, Reply)
The infamous Nipper...
There was a lad who lived round our way who went by the name of Nipper. He seemed well liked by all and was a bit of a bad'un which meant all the young'uns at our school looked up to him. So obviously it made no sense when our local shop had insults scrawled all over the walls such as...

"Nipper needs a bath"
"Nipper has a nice sister"
"Nipper wears y-fronts"
and best of all...
"Nipper smells of cucumbers"

To be fair his older sister is nice
(, Sat 5 May 2007, 0:05, Reply)
I have a growing grafitti photo collection
It started during my days of pizza delivery when I saw a lot of things on the road. I'm been meaning to get around to putting the collection online for ages so for now I've just put a few up.

Featuring mostly stencil art - if I found anything that was interesting or unusual I just had to add it to the collection.

[Clicky the Pic for the gallery!]
(some pics might be borderline NSFW but hey this stuff you see in public anyway!)

I'll eventually get the rest up at a later time.
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:55, Reply)
Do dirty vans count?
On the way to Dover the other week, we got caught in a traffic jam on a high street, and watched some hooligan do his MATHS HOMEWORK on the side of a dirty white van. He left the whole thing on there.

(I think he got it all right too)
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:52, Reply)
Oh we like this QOTW
I can think of many but my favourite, at Easter 1981, was outside a church in Barrow-in-Furness.

Under the banner saying JESUS LIVES was -

"Lennon dies what a comeback."

Made me smile anyway....
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:50, Reply)
Dear Walshy, where are you now?
I remember that for several years in the 1980s, there was a high up wall alongside the M60, next to the Stockport viaduct. On it, in MASSIVE white painted letters, was


God only knows how many people saw that, but as a young child just learning a new and exciting vocabulary, I found it quite hilarious :)
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:44, Reply)
In a lecture theatre
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:43, Reply)
"I fucked your mom"

And written beneath in different handwriting:
"Dad, you're drunk. Go home."
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:41, Reply)
University of California, Davis
No, I don't suppose you've been there. Anyhow the gents bogs in the canteen are all rather swish and pleasant, with the exception of one rather disturbing bit of graffiti - above the urinals, at roughly eye level, in the grout between the tiles on the wall, someone has written in teeny-tiny letters "penis squeezing"

Just me or is that just not what a chap needs to see when glazing into the thousand-yard stare?
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:38, Reply)
Cash machine on Newcastle quayside
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:33, Reply)
On a wall behind a multi-storey in Manchester
"God is mint"
(, Fri 4 May 2007, 23:32, Reply)

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