Poor Semiret, he's foreign and has no idea if he "should laugh about the whole 'only playing music when they are out of ice cream' thing or not." There's also a Far Side cartoon that has had him stumped for almost 20 years.
What don't you understand? What have you politely gone along with whilst internally going WTF?
( , Thu 31 Mar 2005, 11:09)
This question is now closed.

That's twice now I've had to delete posts.
The first was a response to something which someone else said. I managed to post it above the message saying STOP REPLYING TO EACH OTHER, making my post bitterly ironic.
Then I posted a men/women thing. Again, just above the post about not posting anymore men/women posts.
I think I'll just go away and cry now.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:53, Reply)

Why does piss sometimes smell of sugar puffs?
EDIT: That's piss, not sugar puffs. Obviously.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:50, Reply)

Personally I find this a bit daft due to the fact we're different so there are always things we won't get about each other but there is no need to constantly bitch about it. We're different-live with it. If not then just become gay!
Edit: I'm not saying don't post about it, just saying that I find it daft!
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:49, Reply)

( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:42, Reply)

"whats with the anti faith thing????????????????
if i said half of what some of you guys have said about race or nationality i could get arrested, what makes you any better than me? i'm a christian and alot of you guys are saying i'm retarded when chances are i'm probably more intelligent than most of you if being able to get into oxford is anything to go by.
also i dont get the whole christian weddings have no alcohol thing...jesus even went to weddings with alcohol, he provided wine for crying out loud, i dont know where you got your info from.
if you dont understand what i believe then find out, dont just prove that you're ignorant by slagging off something and making mistakes when you do it.
ok rant over"- Luke and not me (though I share the same sentiments)
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:37, Reply)

I was always confused about why they needed so many vets in vietnam. Did they use army donkeys for the jungle terrain or grenade terriers that needed constant medical care? Then in the middle of a conversation when I was very confused and about to ask what the vets were there for someone said veteran and it suddenly dawned on me. oopsie.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:34, Reply)

How do you *know* cows have no concept of time?
Do cats have a concept of time? Ours kips all the time, it's bleeding pointless telling her there's only 12 sleeps 'til Christmas as well.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:26, Reply)

The news channels for the last 2 days have been broadcasting something that hasn't happened yet.
Was watching Sky news yesterday evening, pope had 'started losing consiousness'. Went out for the evening, put TV on this afteroon he's 'started to lose conciousness'
FFS just get on with things as nornmal and tell us when he actually has died. Don't understand why they are wittering on about it
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:13, Reply)

Why do people like it so much? It would be lovely if people didn't feel the need to go out en masse and ugly it up.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:10, Reply)

1: Why don't atheists? The bible says that stuff's all immoral and wrong, don't do it.
2: God actually told the Jews there would be a Messiah (Jesus, according to the Christians) so the people who are still Jews now are the ones who didn't believe Jesus. Mohammed probably got stoned and thought it would be funny to make a new religion, then it all got blown out of proportion.
3: Christianity is only really an extension on Judaism. Islam is a load of bollocks.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:09, Reply)

Why does a creature want so many legs and eyes, greedy bastard!
And webs, why, they just want more room!
So greed and a lust to take up space, just like your typical woman then!
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:07, Reply)

..... because farmers (especially in the north and Scotland) would have to milk their cows in the dark.
Why don't the farmers just get up later?... the cows don't have any concept of time
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 17:04, Reply)

The old story of the turtle and the hare racing... surely the moral is dont do something stupid like fall asleep during a race?
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 16:53, Reply)

what the fuck is all that about?
grandad said i should "just grin and bear it"
and that something so wrong must be right
but im still not sure about that.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 16:40, Reply)

Whats the point of Oysters?
Oh, and do they have faces?
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 16:05, Reply)

I don't understand the man in the cafe on Haringey High St who was telling the waitress earlier this morning:
"You know why I was in hospital all that time?
It's because my body grew and grew and grew.
That's why I was stuck there for so long.
Because I just kept on growing.
That's why they kept me in there.
Because I grew so much.
The doctor told me that I'm now over a thousand years old. Do I still have to pay for the tea?"
To be honest it was very entertaining. In fact I would have followed him around all day with a tape recorder if I wasn't so scared.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 15:55, Reply)

I mean, what's the fucking point? You just eat it and it kills you.
Edit: Sorry. You eat just it and it kills you. Sorry.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 15:54, Reply)

How come the Ugly Duckling grows up into a swan?? Is there some twisted genetic modification type shenanigins going on, or, more likey, it was actually an Ugly Signet all the time?
And what do they do with all the teeth?
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 15:42, Reply)

the little button next to the 1 (`, ¬, ¦) is for making Quake more funner. (And probably Doom before that. I dont know)
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 14:51, Reply)

people leave such big gaps
before finishing a sentence!
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 14:39, Reply)

ie, Zowie Bowie
Well, original i suppose!
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 14:38, Reply)

Just slap the cunt, please!
I'll pay you!
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 14:36, Reply)

whats up with slugs????
why hasn't every last one of them been eaten?
as far as i can tell, they have no camoflauge, no protective shell/skeleton/skin. they dont fight back, they aren't poisonous and they CAN NOT run for SHIT.
WTF ever happened to kill or be killed. or flight or fight?
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 14:13, Reply)

I don't understand why teenage lads feel the need to shave.
It's only going to make it blinking well worse for you when you hit thirty and have permanent blinking shaving blinking rash.
You mark my words.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 14:01, Reply)

...was proving that the events of the bible were true. I shall henceforth summarise his argument:
1) It says so in the bible that these things actually did happen. They literally happened because they was written down in THE BIBLE. Theres ya evidance!
2) All those people who say " but i don't think the bible is right"; i say " you can think its not true, i got no problem with that, but that doesnt mean its not true"
and all the people were jumping up and yelling amen and praying and saying hallelulia and wtf???
He said that the bible was correct to the letter. And people could think that it wasn't, but they were wrong. Therefore the bible is right. WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO THINK THE BIBLE IS RIGHT? COULDNT THEY BE WRONG?
I was screaming out in my head wondering how this kind of blatant and biased abuse of logic could be used in arguments. So far all I got is that he's American AND an evangalist so somehow its ok. WTF?
Appologies for grammar, spelling, punctuation, length, width, girth, height, repetition, duration, altitude, magnitude, and humanity for that bird I poked with a stick to see if it was dead until it probably was.
( , Sat 2 Apr 2005, 12:59, Reply)
This question is now closed.