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This is a question Image Challenge suggestions

We think a good challenge idea is like the opening line of a joke, say "If ads told the truth... Guinness would say 'It makes you fat, and your shit turn black.'"

Maybe you have other ideas.

We're going to leave this thread open, so feel free to add ideas at any time. BTW: Please use the "i like this" button. Your voting really helps the good ideas bubble-up, and the very best will be used in the Image Challenge itself.

(, Thu 21 Oct 2004, 13:55)
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Trump Sacrifices

(, Sun 31 Jul 2016, 15:45, Reply)
Video games for the middle aged

(, Fri 29 Jul 2016, 22:14, 1 reply, 9 years ago)
One word challenge : Spielberg

(, Wed 20 Jul 2016, 12:52, Reply)
Alternatives to Trident
What should the UK's ultimate deterrent be?

(probably some dog poo on the end of a stick).
(, Mon 18 Jul 2016, 15:46, Reply)
Musical Animals
Animate animals playing music, add them to a record cover or turn a song title into an animal pun.

We need more fluff.
(, Thu 14 Jul 2016, 22:40, 1 reply, 9 years ago)

Literal Celebrities:

Make an image that reflects the celebrity's name. Britney Spears, spearing a rhino. Wesley Snipes, sniping a terrorist.

*returns to hiding*
(, Wed 13 Jul 2016, 11:47, Reply)
Discoveries that NASA's Juno probe is going to make.

(, Wed 13 Jul 2016, 1:35, Reply)
The docking bit in Elite but with other orifices and holes.

(, Sun 10 Jul 2016, 23:47, Reply)
Augmented Reality Games
Pokemon Go's doing alright, innit? What other games can get an augmented reality version.

(ie shop games into real world places)
(, Sun 10 Jul 2016, 14:38, 1 reply, 9 years ago)
London Art
London has lots of iconic stuff, which is useful for an image challenge, but we've never done a London one (though did once do Big Ben).

Alternatively : London Albums, London Video Games, Jumpy Orange Londons, London Films or just a one-word challenge of London, though I tend to think two-word challenges can focus the mind a bit better.
(, Sat 9 Jul 2016, 10:03, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jun 2016, 16:52, Reply)
What will Britain look like in 2026 now it's left the EU
Lets revel in the dystopia
(, Sun 26 Jun 2016, 6:17, Reply)

(, Wed 22 Jun 2016, 11:16, Reply)

(, Tue 21 Jun 2016, 22:34, Reply)

(, Tue 21 Jun 2016, 12:14, Reply)

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 21:27, Reply)
or elephants, whatever.
(, Wed 15 Jun 2016, 9:16, Reply)
Movie sequels much better than the originals.
Even if no sequels exist... beat Hollywood
(, Tue 14 Jun 2016, 14:54, Reply)
Fictional characters,
advertising or promoting goods or services
(, Tue 14 Jun 2016, 14:53, Reply)
something involving books? maybe books that no one would read or even buy.. I dont know .. "how to" books?
(, Tue 14 Jun 2016, 12:40, Reply)
Games in nature
Mash up the two - board games played by animals, video game characters in the wild, games to play with leaves and twigs...
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 8:56, 1 reply, 9 years ago)
geek rock

(, Mon 6 Jun 2016, 20:04, Reply)
some love it, some hate it, why not illustrate your feelings towards the greatest/worst game in the world!
(, Mon 6 Jun 2016, 10:02, Reply)
What is inside a woman's purse?

(, Wed 1 Jun 2016, 20:14, 2 replies, latest was 9 years ago)
Movie sequels much better than the originals.

(, Wed 1 Jun 2016, 1:01, Reply)
Fictional characters, advertising or promoting goods or services
No snappy title I'm afraid.
(, Wed 1 Jun 2016, 0:35, Reply)

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