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Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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My 4 yr old Son
…was in hospital in January. It was a mystery illness, with headaches and high fever. I was very scared and knew the boy lying on the bed infront of me with all sorts of instruments plugged into him... wasn’t my son. He didn’t want to talk, very unresponsive...

Then on about the 3rd day of Doctors scratching their heads and sending for tests, he sat up in bed... turned to me and said...

"Daddy, did you know 'Woolite' cleans your clothes really good. But you have to wash your clothes with a clean fish tank, and use a wooden spoon to stir with... Sometimes you can just dip tshirts in it and clean half, but i dont know why you would want to do that... you can also clean pennies with it...."

I sat there tears running down my face mouth wide open, flabbergasted that

1.My son had made a rapid recovery
2.He hadnt spoken for 48 hrs and decided THIs was the best way to start speaking again.
2.He had managed to soak in the contents from a Woolite advert and repeat it to me semi-correctly

the fact that he had been so ill, made this moment even more glorious..

Why he found the need to tell me this is beyond me, he said it with so much conviction as well.

Happy days!
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 14:49, 14 replies)
Are you sure he didn't just admit to drinking Woolite? Just in a subtle 3 year old's kind of way?

Hope the little blighter is well.
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 14:52, closed)
*calls exorcist*
Isn't there a story about some Earl in the 18th century who didn't speak until he was 4? His foist words came after he had shut his thumb in the door: to a fussing nurse, he said, "I assure you, madam, that the pain has somewhat abated."
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 14:53, closed)
tell the truth, that was you.
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 14:53, closed)
he's fine now...

it turned out to be tonsilitis in the end..
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 14:55, closed)
No, Enzyme's first words were,
"Well, I would entirely concur that Holst's Planet Suite has many splendid qualities, but I feel it pales in comparison to Orff's Ribena Banana"
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:01, closed)
love it!
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:02, closed)
closely followed by
"and do pass the cake knife, mother".

Edit: only in Latin.
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:03, closed)
@Boss K and CHCB

I'm scared.
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:08, closed)
I can read your mind, Dr E.
Religious perk.
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:09, closed)
Enough about how perky you are...
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:11, closed)
Just goes to show...
How all pervasive advertising is.

It's bad juju!!!
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:25, closed)
TV is bad that way.
My three year old once informed me that I had picked up the wrong item at the supermarket because "it isn't Cillit Bang". That bloody Barry Scott has a lot to answer for.
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 15:58, closed)
^^ Cillit Bang
I always misread that....

*giggles uncontrollably*
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 17:12, closed)
The 100% seriousness and 'must tell you this second or the world will end but can't get the words out...

'Do you do you doyouknow, do you know.....I had an apple!'

'And a poo!'
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 17:27, closed)

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