At home my other half has a broken piece of a piano. Just a single hammer from a broken piano. And yet this twisted bit of wood and metal is a piece from the piano that they flung in the TV series Northern Exposure. We've also got some gardening tools from the first series of Big Brother.
What wierd stuff do you own that has a history?
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 8:19)
This question is now closed.

given to me by a former member of the dutch national frisbee team. On the back it says:
'To David, to give me a black eye some day!' and his signature. This is because when I was about 5 he accidentally hit me in the eye with it while playing frisbee. And because my name is David.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 19:23, Reply)

I have several bits of a robot which were swept out of the arena during the filming of the final series of Robot Wars... which would be nice, but they were bits of my robot. Bastards.
Also, on my keyring I have a spark plug from the set of Scrapheap Challenge. I spent about half an hour in a portakabin with Lisa Rogers, watching the video feeds from the various cameras they had around the set. I didn't know who she was (they'd only just swapped her for Cathy) and I just assumed she was one of the film crew.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 19:22, Reply)

For example, my extensive collection of celebrity nipple hair. I tie them end to end, and use them to floss my butt cheeks. I've got about a metre and a half of peter andre's alone. Don't ask how I got it.
two space hoppers up my top and a night of agony in a putney nightclub
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 19:15, Reply)

we were visited by Aled Jones, the guy who sang Xmas songs like a lady.
Being rebels, my mates and I refused to have anything to do with the sad ponce and jeered at him from a distance and treated him with the disdain he deserved.
While he was there however, I bumped into him in the languages corridor where he "just happened" to sign my German workbook.
Secretly, I thought this was fab and have kept the same workbook up until this very day.
How fucking sad. :D
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:59, Reply)

Cobra and Rhino from TV's "Gladiators". I've never watched the program, either. I've just entirely coincidentally been to signings of them both. Completely by accident, too.
I also have a bronze statue of liberty (despite never having gone to America), a varnished piranha on a spike bearing the legend Brazilia (despite never having gone to Brazil) and a slightly rusted iron Eiffel Tower sculpture (despite only briefly having gone to France, but nowhere near Paris). Funny old world, eh?
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:54, Reply)

They're grey and crumbly and one of then has some green spray paint on it. Doesn't sound like much but they used to be part of the Berlin Wall.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:51, Reply)

with a few rather suspect looking stains and holes in it! the 1 inch thick ballistic plates have a few bullet dents in them, Great for wearing under a coat so you look like a bouncer!
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:34, Reply)

It was fired at my gran's house in Beirut during the war... It is now here in England with a candle in it.. Not particularly exciting, but quite poignant...
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:20, Reply)

drunk out of by charlotte hatherly (ash guitarist). Sits there proudly next to my bed. any offers :D???
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:18, Reply)

an autographed Julian Clary vinyl EP record, that has his kiss mark on it from my cheek from when I went to see him when I was 15 (shit, 15 years ago!)
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:00, Reply)

on Sep 1 2001. Still got my ticket on the wall and copies of the English and German newspapers from the following day. Plus a bierkrug I robbed from one of the bierkellers.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:59, Reply)

the head from the robot dude in the original alien when he was on fire.
in his cupboard.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:50, Reply)

... and scored autographs from:
- John Leslie, Diane-Louise Jordan & Yvette Fielding
- Keith Harris & Orville
- Andi Peters
What a bunch of cunts.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:41, Reply)

signed by the author, to me personally! I was too ickle at the time to remember it being done, though.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:41, Reply)

when i was very small, i spent a birthday at disney world. one of the elderly disney animators, a fellow who'd worked on quite a few classics, was having a meet-and-greet kind of session that day. since it was my birthday, he sketched me a drawing of cinderella in her beautiful gown, and i treasure that picture still.
on a less maudlin note, my best friend has a cymbal from her favorite band, some west coast noisemakers. and i've got a scar from a smashing pumpkins show.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:34, Reply)

I once nicked a little bit of carpet from the House of Lords while on a school trip.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:30, Reply)

with the word ROBOTS written on it
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:20, Reply)

which were used as references to create large versions of them by the Visual Effects department at the BBC on The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:19, Reply)

From a Metropolitan Line Train (acquired legally I might add!). Travelled under the streets of London for nearly 40 years. One day I might fix up an air supply to it but for now it's a rather novel (and heavy!) paperweight.
On the same lines (no pun intended) - an insulator (holds up the electric rail) from a closed branch line in Watford (to Croxley Green, if you're interested).
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:03, Reply)

I have a copy of annotated shooting script for the Sopranos episode 'Meadowlands', signed by Jamie Lynne Siegler (Meadow soprano) or whatever her name is now.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:30, Reply)

I have a brass shell casing from a 18pounder feild gun. The manufactuers stamp is dayed 1-12-1916, so i was probably fired in the first offensive of the somme. I now use it to store dried flowers, witch is kinda symbolic considering its past.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:22, Reply)

When he came to Swansea on that tour i was there, and since id got tickets so late, i was the last person in the stalls to get the wood for his karate demonstration. So noone would take it back off me, so in one of my moments of not thinking, i decided to go give it back to him during his act, upon which he insisted it wasnt his. Should have kept it.....
But i do have his autograph on my ticket, so thats alright...
I also have something large's tooth lying around somewhere..
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:19, Reply)

We have all been to concerts and kept the tickets stubs right?
Well I went to see KISS in 99 at Wembley, it was the reunion tour so it was pretty good. Anyway at the end there was fireworks and a ticker tape shower.
I still have several pieces of the silver foil we were showered with.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:19, Reply)

Built in 6200 BC, this tomb still exists in the fields beyond St Lythans in Glamorgan.
I climbed on top to get a better view.
It broke.
I'd never break a bit off to keep it, but once it had fallen to the ground, amongst the cow pats and the mud, it seemed a shame to waste it, so I have a piece of one of the oldest Dolmen in Europe:
I also have a medieval hinge from the doors of the Tithe barn in Bradford Upon Avon, but to be fair, the doors were being renovated and an uneducated navvy had chucked it into a skip.
Oh, and both my children's Umbilical chords.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:18, Reply)

I had a piece of stone from the very top of the largest of the 3 pyramids in Egypt, my mate paid the guards to let him climb up to watch the sunrise and he bagged a couple of handfuls of rocks. Except I put it on a shelf and someone just assumed it was a meaningless rock and chucked it out.
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:15, Reply)

The limbs of the World Trade Centre's caretaker when they landed on the roof of my car one September...
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:10, Reply)

... I have a rock from off the floor, rescued by a more enthusiastic Star Wars fanatic than I.
Also much band related stuff from my days scraping a living in the moosick world, favourites being Logan from Machine Head's 'Silver Palm Leaf' pipe (we swapped) and a wine bottle Christina Bergmark from the Wannadies (Yooooo, and meeeee alwaaaaays, etc...) and I shared backstage in the midlands many years ago. See why this is a good thing HERE: www.generator.org.uk/News/Img/G_41_wannadies.jpg
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 16:04, Reply)

Went to the recent Goldie Lookin Chain gig at the Astoria in London, and my mate managed to nick one of the guys baseball caps. Not weird I know, but judging by the amount of staining on it it's had quite a history.............
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 15:59, Reply)

I managed to 'acquire' the fuel gauge from John Denver's light aircraft. Apparently it crashed shortly afterwards, so lucky I got it when I did.......
( , Thu 4 Nov 2004, 15:57, Reply)
This question is now closed.