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Top o' the morning bumders
I just got back from Ireland. How was your week?

alt q: biggest spoiler you ever received
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:01, 85 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
I just read this...

And now I really really want to create some kind of meat-pocket in my little finger that I can put magnets into and take out.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:18, Reply)
Like a socket set?

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:22, Reply)
Nah', kindda like imagine under my little finger on the left hand, a small cut with a pouch inside it that I could put a magnet into.
I'd have to stretch the width of it to get it in, to make it not just fall out so easy. I donno exactly, I've just looked that you can get bars, that would do, if you could get magnettic ones.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:26, Reply)
My main skill set involves ford feista (MKiii 1989-95) repair
I want to make it my SUPERPOWER
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:30, Reply)
So far it's been shite, and I can't see it improving
Alt Q: Paul Ross ruined Usual Suspects for me, that was a bit of a shit.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:35, Reply)
why so shit?

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:45, Reply)
It's been a bit rubbish being home alone with seemingly everyone else in Newcastle having fucked off home.
But I've just made some fantastic arrangements for when I get home next week, and I'm currently a happy chappy.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:51, Reply)
Good man, good to hear it

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:54, Reply)
Daft how girls make you feel init?

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 18:59, Reply)
Aye, very much so

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:02, Reply)
Any better luck with flowers girl?

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:05, Reply)
She is the one that plans have been made with.
She's booking time off work over the next four weeks as well so there's more time for us to get off our tits and have a smashing time together. Touch wood it all goes well this time.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:09, Reply)
Good luck fella

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:10, Reply)
Cheers buddy.
I'm flabbergasted I got her in the first place to be honest, now like a leech/virus I have no intention of leaving.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:18, Reply)
Sweet, haha

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:18, Reply)

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:06, Reply)
Alright Doze?

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:08, Reply)
Nae bad.
Listening to this:

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:10, Reply)
My listening for the evening so far
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:10, Reply)
Srsly dude, that is terrible.
I much prefer Slayer.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:11, Reply)
To each their own, I say
My playlists are mental, I listen to all sorts. I've now got this on - www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0pM5dm--yQ&ob=av2e
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:12, Reply)
Billy 'wife beater' Joel.
Nice work.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:13, Reply)
He's a wife beater?
Well, you learn something new every day.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:15, Reply)
IBYM dude.
Reign in Blood played in its entirety.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:28, Reply)
I know but I haven't the funds :'(

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:29, Reply)
Tap Battered for it
He's incredibly wealthy, dontchaknow?
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:32, Reply)
He wouldn't confirm if that was true or not.
Such a mysterious and NOT POMPOUS fellow.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:34, Reply)
He's alright
A bit quick to anger, maybe. I suspect he was probably a coke-head before marriage and kids.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:38, Reply)
He was at Coke for three solid years
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:44, Reply)
Was there for five years.
Tangled's assumption is correct. Caught it before it became a problem rather than a small aspect of my lifestyle. Not touched it since April 2007.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:35, Reply)
I can't make that man, GUTTED, or the Shante hip hop thing in Kentish town WOE IS ME !!!!

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:34, Reply)
Oh Rory :'(
All work and no play...
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:40, Reply)
Innit, not in London really at the moment. :(( and they've got Mudhoney there

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:43, Reply)
Week has been a bit shit so far
But is now looking up, weekend will contain copious quantities of mental-ex-wife but there will be witnesses so she should behave her self. If I get to monday wi'out stabbing anyone life will be sweet.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:07, Reply)
Hope all goes well for you

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:15, Reply)
I think I'm alone in here with notorious sex pest Agnostic Antichrist.

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:16, Reply)
Aye, certainly seems that way
And I'm not that bad
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:18, Reply)
Not what I've heard.

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:19, Reply)

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:20, Reply)
I'm expecting Excessive Ephemera on vinyl tomorrow, better be good

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:32, Reply)
Is that the extra disc that came with the reissued Endtroducing?
Not really worth it, the best two tracks are the Organ Donor remix and Cut Chemists's Number Song remix, both of which you should already have.

If it had had his remix of Painkiller by Depeche Mode, then yeah, but I wouldn't pay for it.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:36, Reply)
Dunno, it's this lot
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:38, Reply)
That's exactly the one.

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:39, Reply)
I like the shiny packaging

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:46, Reply)
Been busy, larp event tomorrow
I'm sneaking out of work the very second I finish teaching...not even going to check my email (it'll only contain some PANIC email or something).

Got mah pole arm, got my skittle brau, time to party like it's 1112!
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:34, Reply)
I hope you're working on a really cool
put down, rory. This post is BEGGING for one
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:36, Reply)
larp lol

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:37, Reply)
just wait...rory's gonna do a good one
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:38, Reply)
Fingers crossed x x x x

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:38, Reply)
It's a free country, and at least it don't involve being sat in front of a computer screen for a sixteen hour straight run shouting at imaginary orcs or summit
Well done Cavey
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:41, Reply)

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:43, Reply)
Do people get to fuck on these places? I reckon, after watching Game Of Throwns, medievil sex would be hot.
Proper sweaty.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:29, Reply)
They can do what they like in their tents
I always just hope no one does it in character. Seems wrong, somehow, a little too close to furries. especially people playing werewolves and things
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:31, Reply)
of course
I will be trying to get some this weekend. Unlikely, but always worth a shot
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:32, Reply)
Sex is hot if you're doing it right regardless of the era...

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:31, Reply)
Folk back then only fucked if they wanted kids.
Partly due to the total lack of contraceptives, but also because the church had dinned it into them that taking any pleasure from it was a mortal sin.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:35, Reply)
I think I'd be more sold on firefly LARP if'n I could have a pole arm.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:42, Reply)
oh tits! still not booked for that
it's going to sell out pretty soon, too. I'll do it when I get back. Not sure if you couldn't have a pole arm, not sure how it would work with the character and setting
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:44, Reply)
S'OK, I has a gun, assuming we're allowed to bring our own.
I should really, really book, do you think monday willl be OK?
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:46, Reply)
Not sure of the specs for weapons safety at this one
I've only done sword-y ones before. Check the rules before hand.

I'm hoping monday will be OK, because that's when I'm booking. I think you need to work out character stats to book, too
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:48, Reply)
This is why I need to leave it til then, so I can have time, until then I'm too busy.
It's an air pistol with a shoulder stock that I can add a scope and silencer to to make it look the part, so not dangerous, but will check rules.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:52, Reply)
Yeah, I gotta pack and stuff
for tomorrow, and I have a notoriously short attention span for reading rules
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:53, Reply)
is there actually going to be a crew?
or just you me and that other girl?
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:54, Reply)
in theory other people are signing up
but noone's really posted on the board, going to talk some into it this weekend. If nothing else small groups are OK, plus there's another group probably going we know well, so we could attach ourselves to them, perhaps
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:57, Reply)
Ok, let me know how it goes.
might need to change character a tad if the setup's different/
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:02, Reply)
if you're a heavy, we'd need one anyway. Work out the stats and a name, and we'll finesse actual characters nearer the time
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:03, Reply)
Ahh, y'see I was going for mechanic.
But I can do heavy, usually do (well did).
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:04, Reply)
mechanic would be something we'd need anyway, too
apparently they are very useful in the system, they've got some cool stuff in place for them and there's been a few puzzles and plots that specifically use mechanic skills
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:07, Reply)
OK, I'll do one or t'other.
Let me know after the weekend if there's anyone wanting to do one of those and I'll go the other way. you got my email, right?
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:10, Reply)
no probs

(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:12, Reply)
Disco time, get involved.
If that don't get you tapping your feet, nothing will.
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 19:48, Reply)
I still have no idea where I heard this track first, but I am fond of it
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:06, Reply)
Oh, allright then, just for Dozer:
(, Thu 22 Mar 2012, 20:14, Reply)

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