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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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ooh so many. firstly: baseless arrogance
it's fine to be a bit cocky (not too much) if you've achieved a lot in life and can justify it. if you've actually achieved the arse-end of fuck-all, go out and do Something before preaching. otherwise you look like a twat.

secondly: parents who can ONLY talk about their children. a bit of chat is fine. when it consumes your life? get another one.

thirdly: double dipping. as discussed here many times before.

fourthly: farting on the tube. it's NOT cool OR clever OR funny OR socially acceptable, you stinking cock-end.

fifthly: being cheap for no reason, as in refusing to leave a tip, or splitting the bill to the last penny cheap.
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:49, 5 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I don't tip unless the service has been good, that's the way it works
If they are poor or average, fuck'em
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:51, Reply)
"for no reason"

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:52, Reply)
Good service = good tip
Average/shit service = no tip
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:53, Reply)
crap service is different
i mean people who don't understand why they should tip. and argue about it in the restaurant. it makes me cringe. i just can't bear pikeyness.
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:53, Reply)
I have hummous for lunch that will be double dipped like a mother fucker

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:51, Reply)
you disgust me

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:52, Reply)
Sometimes I lick hummus straight from the pot or eat it with my fingers

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:52, Reply)
I'll eat it afterwards

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:53, Reply)
Its my fucking hummous
I'll eat it how I want!
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:53, Reply)
A couple of people I know have had children recently
So Facebook is currently fucking stuffed full of pictures these people have taken and posted, every ten minutes, of their bloody child.

I'd remove them, but Al has taught me that if you remove a Facebook friend, they bleat about it endlessly thus becoming more annoying than the original offence.
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:52, Reply)
^ This
Plus adding captions as if it is the fucking baby posting them.
"I love my new teddy! Thx auntie xxx"
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:56, Reply)
what's double dipping?
you talking about the recession or some sordid sex thing?
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:52, Reply)

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:52, Reply)
at the moment?
automated transaction machine? what?
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:54, Reply)
Arse To Mouth

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:54, Reply)
Sasha's fave
Ass to mouth
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:55, Reply)
i reckon you'd lose it if you put it up her fat arse

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:57, Reply)

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:58, Reply)
say that you and your colleague go out for lunch
and you have chips and a joint pot of mayo, or strips of pitta and a joint stash of houmous.

your colleague dips the end. fine. then they put the carbs in their mouth and bite, thus infesting the bitten end with their teeth and saliva. THEN THEY DIP THE BITTEN END BACK IN THE COMMUNAL DIP. NO NO NO NO NO. fucking rank. see also eating someone else's left-overs and sharing their toothbrush (yak).
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:54, Reply)
It is acceptable to turn the chip round?

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:55, Reply)
it's not a dumpable offence
but the polite thing to do is to take a section of the dip with a knife and put it on your own plate. then you can do what the blue fuck you like with it. you can roll your grandmother's titties around in it and suckle them clean if you really like.
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:56, Reply)

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:56, Reply)
what is neurotic about not wanting someone else's spit and mouth germs in your food?

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:58, Reply)
But sucking their cock is fine?

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:59, Reply)
i dip my cock in her chive dip all the time

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:00, Reply)

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:02, Reply)
that's different!
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:07, Reply)
what if his cock has just been in someone else's mouth?

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:09, Reply)
but if I chomp the end off a crudite, then turn ity around, none of my spit will go into the humms

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:00, Reply)
Grandmother's titties you say?
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:57, Reply)
fucks sake woman, some of us have lung cancer and all you care about is your ranch dressing

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:56, Reply)
it's all about the priorities
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:57, Reply)
i prefer b3th to you

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:58, Reply)
b3th is lovely
a wise choice
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:02, Reply)
What's the matter with salad cream?

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:58, Reply)
99.9% of it is wrong

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:59, Reply)
I prefer Tartare Sauce.

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:01, Reply)
That is more wrong than salad cream

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:02, Reply)
tartare sauce is delicious
i love the one with jalapenos at my favourite local pub
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:06, Reply)

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:00, Reply)
Double dipping?
As in having to do 2 Ecstasies as they're crap nowadays? Or have I missed something?
(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:52, Reply)
The 90's?

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 11:54, Reply)
Quite a bit of the 80's too, I think.

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:00, Reply)
Double strength acid blotters.

(, Wed 16 May 2012, 12:10, Reply)

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