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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Tories make fake independant candidate for Corby byelection
So he can bitch on about wind farms being shit and tell people not to vote for labour. Then as planned he pulls out.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:12, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
politicians play politics
shock annd indeed horror
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:14, Reply)
Read the story, it's straight out of the thick of it.
I'm almost impressed by the balls they had. Still fucking bullshit and they should quit.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:18, Reply)
Is the story peppered by over-elaborate and painfully laboured swearing?

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:20, Reply)
the thick of it is well lol!
and people that watch it can smug up at how lolsmartz they are.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:20, Reply)
I killed my first ethereal last night.
WTF they're impossible to fucking hit.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
i'm so pleased for you
what's your address and I'll send you some flowers
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
i think you should concentrate on finding your way out of the airport first.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:26, Reply)
did that ages ago
now I've realised the offices i'm in are "cashless" and you have to pay for everything withab loaded card. I may starve to death.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
Could you film it?

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:32, Reply)
i'll do in time lapse so you get a comedy speeded up version

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:40, Reply)
You killed Elizabeth Fraser?*
*I'm aware that not only is this joke shit, but also no one is likely to get it. LOL!
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
use the force!

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:40, Reply)
No it's not, and you're just not smart enought to enjoy the thick of it.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
I see.
I put it to you that The Thick of It is nowhere near as clever as it, and its legion of fawning smugfans believe it to be.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:26, Reply)
I put it to you,
that if it was an imported DVD that only you and 4 other of your famous London friens had seen it you'd be banging on about how it was the best thing that was ever made, and how it was a crime that it was cancelled.
You contrary cunt.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:33, Reply)
I am a big fan of Armando Iannucci
but that programme is so smart-arsed, smug and self-consciously 'industry award-winning' it almost puts me off it entirely.

PS was it actually cancelled or did they themselves decide to end it?
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:35, Reply)
I think you have him by the short and curlies here.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:35, Reply)
Name one imported DVD* that I have ever banged on about and I shall concede that you are right.
*or indeed a single cancelled television programme
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:37, Reply)
That saxon DVD you bought for a stupid amount of money when you were drunk one night.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:38, Reply)
And where did I import that from?

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:39, Reply)
Now admit you're wrong you destitute cunt.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:41, Reply)

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:42, Reply)

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:42, Reply)
Well played Al.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:42, Reply)
'Well play Al'?

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:44, Reply)
He dropped an apostrophe
He's actually admitting that all his protestations that I'm a "rude cunt" is just a cover for the fact that he felt so rejected by me because all he wants to do is fondle me.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:46, Reply)
This is so true it hurts.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:50, Reply)

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:53, Reply)
Well edited Bat.

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:44, Reply)
That was a really fucking stupid purchase.
It's about three quid now.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:40, Reply)
Is it worth three quid?

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:44, Reply)
It's worth £7.99 I reckon
There are some v funny anecdotes on it.
(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:45, Reply)
It's a fucking omnishambles and no mistake!

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)

(, Wed 14 Nov 2012, 11:35, Reply)

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